How to hotwire a Fuel pump?
SBlake I have no "skills" ROFLROFL Thanks for the credit though. Hopefully one day I will! I want to learn and I just had my first Lesson.:cheeky: Once again thanks guys:beard:
How to hotwire a Fuel pump?
The Napa filter was a keeper I managed to fix the issue it was my impeller. i took apart my Fuel pump and put it back together and whoopee it was fixed! Thanks for your help 280z-master:-)
just when I think I can fix something!
Fuel pump issue has been fixed! Thanks for all the help everyone:classic:
How to hotwire a Fuel pump?
280 master I think that you hit my nail on the head. At least I hope so. I have read the chapter in the FSM on the Fuel system and double checked everything I have come to the same conclusion. I am going to work on it this week end and that is the first thing I am going to do. I have the FSM for a 76 & the Fuel Inj. Bible down loaded off of the blue site. I know everything is hooked up correctly. The one thing that haunts me is that I put in a after the Fuel tank filter on the advice of some on here. They recommended the Fram G3. The nipple or outlet on my fuel tank is almost .5" how can you fit a Fram G3 and hose on to that? Is there some adapter? or do you just pull super stretch? I would rather have a see thru filter but can not find one that fits the tank. I have a G3 and the hose to install it. I am going to be under there this weekend and I can change it out if someone can tell me how to make it fit? Any takers?
just when I think I can fix something!
I have the FSM for a 76 & the Fuel Inj. Bible down loaded off of the blue site. I know everything is hooked up correctly. The one thing that haunts me is that I put in a after the Fuel tank filter on the advice of some on here. They recommended the Fram G3. The nipple or outlet on my fuel tank is almost .5" how can you fit a Fram G3 and hose on to that? Is there some adapter? or do you just pull super stretch? I would rather have a see thru filter but can not find one that fits the tank. I have a G3 and the hose to install it. I am going to be under there this weekend and I can change it out if someone can tell me how to make it fit?:nervous: Any takers?
just when I think I can fix something!
Here are some pics <a href="http://s593.photobucket.com/albums/tt17/vag8r/?action=view¤t=FliterZ.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i593.photobucket.com/albums/tt17/vag8r/FliterZ.jpg" border="0" alt="Fuel pump and filter add on"></a> <a href="http://s593.photobucket.com/albums/tt17/vag8r/?action=view¤t=Tankpump.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i593.photobucket.com/albums/tt17/vag8r/Tankpump.jpg" border="0" alt="Z pump"></a>
How to hotwire a Fuel pump?
Here are some pics <a href="http://s593.photobucket.com/albums/tt17/vag8r/?action=view¤t=Tankpump.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i593.photobucket.com/albums/tt17/vag8r/Tankpump.jpg" border="0" alt="Z pump"></a> <a href="http://s593.photobucket.com/albums/tt17/vag8r/?action=view¤t=fuelpump.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i593.photobucket.com/albums/tt17/vag8r/fuelpump.jpg" border="0" alt="Z FP/FF"></a>
How to hotwire a Fuel pump?
Update: I can hear the clicking of the relay I checked with a multi meter and I have power to the pump. I heard the pump whine. No start. next I am going to hotwire the pump and disconnect the fuel line under the hood after the Fuel filter at the rail. Put the hose in an old gallon anti freeze bottle and try to get he gas moving in to the container by running the pump. Hopefully I will get the system primed then re-hook up the hose and donezo:) Does this sound like a wise plan? I am going to take a picture of my tank,filter Fuel pump set up and post it tonight so everyone can see it. Maybe I did something wrong like hose to long or not low enough or something a novice like me would not catch. I appreciate everyone's help and drinks on me when I work thru it.
How to hotwire a Fuel pump?
How can I provide power and how much (12V?) to the fuel pump some might call it a "Hotwire"? I need to run the pump to get it primed but I do not want to kill the battery using the starter.
just when I think I can fix something!
Yes I have the bible, I could never have gotten this far with out it. Thanks for the link anyhow. I did not get a chance to work on the car last night nothing to update. I am going to put the multi-meter on the FP tonight. I am not sure if I want to find power back there or not? New FP or new FP relay what a choice :-)
just when I think I can fix something!
ok I will try that HLS30. I also have a multi meter now and am going to check for power at the FP tonight. I am going to have to look in the FSM to find where the FPR is. You said verify the fuse? What fuse and where? I looked under the passenger dash at the fuse box and did not see any blown but I also did not see any marked for the Fuel system either. Thanks for the direction I will update tonight.
just when I think I can fix something!
OK here is what I am thinking. I know that I could get it to idle all day if I wanted before I touched anything. So I know I had power to the pump. I know the pumped worked. now comes the lesson for me. since the last time I have: 1. Added more gas (about 5 gallons in the tank now). 2. Taken the outlet house from the FF (under the hood) at the rail and hung the end it into an empty anti-freeze container and turned the key nothing just a drip (probably left over). 3. I unhooked the inlet house to the FP removed the pump took the head off (my pump looks like the one in this link (http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fuelpump/index.html) its the one with impellers at the bottom. everything looks good seals and such. get the head on nice and tight. 4. Slowly fill the pump with gas by pouring it in the intake opening until she is full. 5. Get gas moving thru the added filter in the rear and flowing out the house. 6. Re hook up the fuel pump. 7. Nothing, still will not start. 8. Getting no sound from the FP when the key is turned to start. (:bulb:realized I was killing my battery so I disconnected my starter to lessen the energy draw due to all the cranking over). 9. I do not have a meter to check for power at the fuel pump terminals at this time but I will when I buy one later. I took a picture of the wire and how they hooked up to the FP before i touched anything and I have put them back exactly as they were. So.... IF I find I have power(which I anticipate I will) Did I somehow break the FP? 1.If I did is it spent? 2.What could I have done to it? I thought my FP had a screen inside the cap Like the first one in that previous link but it did not. Had I known it did not I would of never got into it in the first place :stupid: Any thoughts my fellow Zed's?
just when I think I can fix something!
That is music to my ears! I am going to try now.
just when I think I can fix something!
1. I drained my fuel tank 2. Added a (FI) filter after the tank and before the FP used new F.I. rated fuel line 3.Took the cap off (BA fuel pump)and looked for any yuck (none found) put back the seals and spinner put the cap back on tighten the bolts. 4.Changed the fuel filter 5. changed the pressure regulator. made sure everything was tight and sealed. Now I can not get the car to start it turns over but nothing tried to cough (almost start) a couple times at first but not since and yes I put gas in the tank about 2 gallons. The only thing I can think of is that I did not put the fuel pump back together correctly but it looked like it only went together one way. Do I have to prime the pump? Do fuel systems get air lock? I read someone say that you have to fill the tank all the way to get it to prime. Don't want to do that and have to drain the gas to get back at the FP. Need some help:sick:
Fuel line (searched)
1. I drained my fuel tank 2. Added a (FI) filter after the tank and before the FP used new F.I. rated fuel line 3.Took the cap off (BA fuel pump)and looked for any yuck (none found) put back the seals and spinner put the cap back on tighten the bolts. 4.Changed the fuel filter 5. changed the pressure regulator. made sure everything was tight and sealed. Now I can not get the car to start it turns over but nothing tried to cough (almost start) a couple times at first but not since and yes I put gas in the tank about 2 gallons. Need some help. The only thing I can think of is that I did not put the fuel pump back together correctly but it looked like it only went together one way.