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  1. Yeah, it's a tough call on the pricing but over the past few years we've learned a lot about putting on a show and how to keep it inclusive. We like to have everything from in-progress to completely restored or modified in all types of Datsuns. $40 to register is only for those who do not pre-register. We need as many as possible to register in time for us to set the proper trophy classes and purchase the proper trophies based on who is actually going to show up. If you join DatsunsNW and register before about the middle of May, it's only $25...or $30 if you are not a member. Overall, we're pretty happy with the turnout for the pre-registered, day-of registration, and the corral parking. Hope to see everyone again next year.
  2. Not sure when you were there Arne but our counts indicate that this was the best-attended Canby show so far. It may be that you just weren't there at the peak attendance time. June is very busy for most people and it is impossible to avoid all events any weekend in June. There are Rose Cup races...Father's Day...various graduations...probably weddings, and Rose Festival events in general. We just picked the weekend and like to stick with it. Even with the Rose Cup races at the same time...Z's were well represented. Thanks to all who came and made the show such a success!
  3. So...IMHO...BEST YEAR EVER! There were beautiful cars, in-progress cars, daily drivers, and some very interesting ones that defy description. The food vendor was great this year. They set up early so we could get coffee and breakfast while we were setting up early each morning. One of the best parts was how so many people really stepped up and volunteered to help with T-shirt sales, registration, and gate. There were many people from way out of the area including Arizona and Colorado. British Columbia was well represented by people from New Westminster, Vancouver, Victoria, and White Rock. We had Californians from Chico, Huntington Beach, Oroville, and Penn Valley. We had someone from Nampa, Idaho and lots of people from all over Oregon and Washington. I have video of the autocross on Friday and some of the show in addition to the stills. I'll post stuff on DatsunsnNW.org later this week and let you know ...right now...I'm too tired to do much. Thanks again all of you who made the trip. What an AWESOME time! Julie
  4. until

    The Canby 2010 Autocross is on !!! ALL VEHICLES WELCOME Not limited to Datsuns/Nissans Register at: http://www.datsunsnw.org/autocross/index.htm Pre-registration is not required but is handy. Datsuns NW In conjunction with Northwest Autosports Association are proud to present Datsun Driving Canby Fun Autocross 2010. Where: Salem Oregon Fairgrounds When: Friday, June 11th Gates open at 8am. — Tech inspections 8-10am * Late arrival tech inspections available but are discouraged (May require bribes of runs to tech inspectors) * All vehicles participating must pass tech inspection and drivers will be required to wear helmets Snell 95 or newer. Loaner helmets will be available day of event. * This event will be timed — Fun Runs no classes will be assigned. * Cost is $25.00 for entry and three runs. — Additional runs may be purchased day of event for $5.00 each Datsuns NW would like to thank NW Autosports Association for running this event for us.
  5. until

    Datsuns Northwest Waterfall Cruise & Picnic All Datsuns and Nissans are Welcome! Meet up between 9:30 and 10AM on Sunday April 11th at Lewis & Clark State Park, just east of Troutdale, Oregon off Hwy 84 at Exit 18. We will leave Lewis & Clark State Park at 10AM, cruise the waterfall areas, stop at some, and end up at Guy Talbot State Park for a picnic lunch. We have reserved the covered picnic area which has running water and electrical outlets. Bring your own picnic lunch etc. You may also want to bring sturdy walking shoes or boots and perhaps rain gear depending on the weather. See you there! Questions? Email webmanager@datsunsnw.org Info also available at www.datsunsnw.org
  6. Uh...oops ;-) I didn't do lots and lots of error handling when I created the form. It's likely that you entered a special character in the comments or some other text field. Feel free to email me at julie@510coop.com and I'll get this straightened out for you. Thanks!
  7. Registration for Datsun Driving Canby Fun 2010 is now open. See the website for more info: http://www.datsunsnw.org/
  8. until

    Datsun Driving Canby Fun 2010 Clackamas County Fairgrounds Canby, Oregon Registration for is now open through May 10, 2010. See the website for more info: http://www.datsunsnw.org/
  9. until

    Datsuns NW Autocross June 12, 2009 Fairgrounds, Salem Oregon All Vehicles Welcome Not Limited to Datsuns/Nissans Gate opens at 8 am — Tech 8-10 am Timed Fun Runs (no classes) Pre-registration required at datsunsnw.org
  10. All Datsun/Nissan Event Announced! Datsun Driving Canby Fun 2009 June 13 & 14 Clackamas County Fairgrounds Canby, Oregon Car Show — Two-Day Swap Meet — Banquet — Camping On-site www.datsunsnw.org There are a few changes to the event this year that are really cool! We now have online registration and you can pay via paypal! See www.datsunsnw.org for the link to online registration. Register today! (There also may be an autocross held on Friday...we're working on it. (Keep checking datsunsnw.org to find out when/if it is finalized. I'll email again when we have more info.) Email Canby09@Datsunsnw.org with any registration questions. Note: Limited day of event registration will be available but you should register as soon as possible. Participants who wait until after May 10 to register will pay an extra fee and may find that there were not enough of their model of vehicle registered in time to warrant creation of their specific trophy class. Because parking is designed according to paid registrations, late registrants may not be able to park with their trophy class. Late registrants may also find that no more dash plaques are available.
  11. until

    All Datsun/Nissan Event Datsun Driving Canby Fun 2009 www.datsunsnw.org June 13 & 14 Clackamas County Fairgrounds Canby, Oregon Car Show — Two-Day Swap Meet — Banquet — Camping On-site There are a few changes to the event this year that are really cool! We now have online registration and you can pay via paypal! See www.datsunsnw.org for the link to online registration. We are also allowing day of event registration but it will cost you more, there may not be a trophy class for your specific car, and there may not be room left for you to park with the other show cars. So, register as soon as you can! If you have any questions, email us at Canby09@datsunsnw.org

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