Clutch issue
Haha, oh snap! I didn't even see that post. Yeah, this is my learner car, and I figure I have extra incentive to make sure what I'm doing since it's my daily driver too. I am actually fairly mechanically inclined, I just don't have much experience. :\ Every time I figure out something by myself though, I become a better mechanic! Weeee!
Clutch issue
Yay! That was actually really simple once I put my mechanic cap on and used a little common sense. Followed the slave cylinder line up to find out which one was the master, which was empty! Which was probably my problem to begin with. In any case though, I bled the $^!# out of the lines, since I'm sure I actually sucked in air by operating the clutch with the drainy nipple open. So at least I can add that to my book o' skills now. Thank you both very much for your help.
Clutch issue
Oh, just any brake fluid? I will go and buy some, then. Thanks.
Clutch issue
Oh...Oops. Well, good news is, air bubbles were coming out as I drained the slave. Bad news; I didn't realize that you filled the master cylinder, which drained to the slave. I was filling the tranny, haha! Ok so what kind of fluid do I put in the master? It's not the same gear oil I'm using for the transmission I'd assume. I think the line is empty now. Which is...A bad thing, isn't it?
Clutch issue
Hmmm...It apparently looks a lot different when inside of the car...I have to track it down still.
Clutch issue
Nice. that sounds a lot easier...
Clutch issue
Oh, you mean a hose that I could loop straight back into the reservoir? So when it bleeds out it just replenishes itself? So that way, I loosen the nut, pump the clutch, the air goes into the reservoir, bubbles up and escapes through the place where you actually fill your transmission fluid? That way there wouldn't be any air in the line between the reservoir, and where ever it all ends up? Sorry if that reads poorly, trying to work this out in my head. Well that makes sense, I just gotta get some clear hose now.
Clutch issue
Ok cool. So I can open the bleeder valve, and hit the clutch to expel fluid/air right? Do I have to have someone filling the reservoir while I do this, or is there another way? I don't have access to a lot of help right now.
Clutch issue
This seems fairly common on the forums, my clutch doesn't have pressure in it anymore. The general consensus is to bleed the slave cylinder to get any air out, but I don't know where it is! How do I locate my master/slave cylinder to find the bleeder valve?
Attempting to clean carbs...
Guess I'll try again. A Z tune up video would be invaluable. Edit: Cool, he called and I got the dvd on the way. The area code came up 503, which is Oregon, where I'm from. He said once I get transferred back to Oregon guard base in July that I should contact them because they have a lot of events up there.
Attempting to clean carbs...
I sent in my order via email, with all the required information, but never got a response. Outstanding.
Attempting to clean carbs...
A ha! When you say adjustment you're referring to the little brass looking piece with the plunger that presses down on the metal hinge attached to the float? If so, I put new ones in that came with my carb kit, didn't know there was an adjustment to make. I guess I'll learn how to adjust them. Thanks. Awesome. I put the old piece back on (it looked newer anyways, I just replaced it because I had a new one on hand), and it works fine again. No leaks. The two pieces did look a little different, the older one had a fatter plunger on it, and was slightly shorter, so I guess there's the answer. Next step, get a new air filter.
Attempting to clean carbs...
Let me throw out a hypothetical for you all...Say...Hypothetically your whole air filter assembly fills up with fuel. How might that happen?
Attempting to clean carbs...
Ok... I put the carb back together, and put it back on my car. I did not put any fuel in the little bowl on the right (Seen here - http://www.box.net/shared/static/jmiv8mta6x.jpg). Is this something I need to do, or will it fill back up by itself as the engine runs? I went start the car, it would start up for a second, go up to about 500rpm, then die again. I also messed with the idle screws, I know you are are not supposed to do that. Now it will not start at all. Any ideas?
Attempting to clean carbs...
As expected, I ****ed up somewhere along the way. I put it all back together right, put a little oil in that top thing with the dipsticky looking contraption that unscrews. I didn't put any fuel in that side bowl yet, with the float. Might have something to do with it? I know you're not supposed to mess with them if you don't know what you're doing, but I semi-accidentally moved the adjusting screws. Uh-oh...