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  1. Probably an obvious question, but is there any chance you got the wrong ones? The eagle caps I received are a nice snung fit, but I wouldn't say they need to be coaxed. The diameter for the Appliance wire Mag Wheels and Eagle caps is 3.126" or just one thousandths more than 3 - 1/8"...so you could measure the center bore of your wheels and diameter of the caps and see if either is off, and by how much. The eagle should have backwards bending tabs that you can bend outward to make them fit snugger...my concern at first was that they fit snug enough. They're not a loose fit but by no means would I call them super tight. I know there's a variety of Appliance wheels and caps that were available as well a decent variety of Eagle caps out there...maybe you've got a mismatch.
  2. Thanks Arne, I really appreciate your help and advice. I'm sure I just need to invest more time and elbow grease in the hand polishing before I get too concerned about the final product. Glad you were able to finally track down a set of stems (even though it meant dealing some rims to get them). Definitely worth it in my opinion. I was extremely pleased the tire shop guys rehabed mine successfully.
  3. Congrats Arne on finding some of those stems:beer: So where did you end up locating them? Are they new? More available? Sorry this is a little long...Just as you suggested the tire shop was able to rehab my originals without too much difficulty. They replaced the grommets using some scavenged from a newer style bolt in stem and replacing the schraeder valve core was even easier. I used a local NTB shop for the tire purchase and stem rehab, and chose a particular one that was a good bit further from me than any other NTB for one main reason, when I described what I wanted done it was the first shop that seemed to listen and understand. Revisiting the polishing subject from post #28...I didn't get a chance to polish them as much as I would have liked prior to installation, as I was a bit impulsive on purchasing tires...got too tired of moving around the multiple sets of factory steelies and assorted worn out rubber...needed to clear some space. So I'm back to polishing, and have mainly been using Mother's Mag & Aluminum by hand and am happy how they clean up initially. However it seems I might be noticing a bit of oxidation or spotting return not long after polishing. I'm pretty sure that the MSDS or whatever specs I could find on Mother's Mag & Aluminum did not mention anything about 'acid'. Would you happen to know if this particular flavor of Mother's is acid based? I don't really think I'm seeing any pitting as you described in post #28...maybe just seems like the lustre does not hold as long as it should, or the oxidation sets back in too quickly (almost better described like water spots on drip dry dishes...does not seem to go beyond surface). I'm using the last of an OLD can of polish, so wonder if the formulation has changed, but Mother's Mag & Aluminum is supposed to leave a residue behinde that preserves some of the lustre....I assumed this would be a wax type substance. I picked up a new can of the Mother's Mag & Alum, and will give it a try, but thought I'd solicit some input first. Again, great find on the stems! Cheers, Robert
  4. Arne, should they also be able to replace the schrader valve if need be? Massey is on ebay so the 3.126 front snap eagle caps can be found there as well as the mag shank lug nuts in both .55" and .75" length Summit also sells these same center caps (Eagle Alloys ACC310706) even cheaper: http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=AEW%2DACC310706&N=700+115&autoview=sku Also, can you recommend a best method for deep cleaning these rims, or any particular method I should avoid? (ie Do these have any type of coating or finish that I could potentially harm) I was hoping to apply some mechanical advantage with a buffing wheel/ball and some metal polish. Thanks again for all your help, Robert
  5. Thanks Arne! I don't have any of the angled valve stems, but I found these on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260361777469&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&viewitem= EDIT: says Mr Gasket but does not give a part no. Would those work? (I have no idea what the valve stem diameter is) Also, given that large lip on the egde of the rim should I not trust mounting and such to any old tire shop? I'm a little concerned about the condition of my valve stems, cause I aired up one of the tires and it did not seem to hold air more than 48 hours, but tires came used with the rims. While they have good tread I may need to have them checked and possibly have stem(s) replaced. Thanks again for the info. on the lug nuts.
  6. Hello, I'm brand new here and realize this is fairly old thread. I'm wondering if the set of wheels I found for my car are made by Appliance? I have attached a picture. I'm confused because I thought all Appliance wheels used the two piece 'roto' lug nuts, but the ones I have look like the ones pictured in this thread and they seem to take a straight shank lug nut with flat washer instead of the stepped washer roto types. Can anyone confirm the type of lug nuts these wheels used, and were there other manufacturers who made wheels that look just like these? Thanks, Robert

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