Hello, how are you? I'M Cesar and I'm loving Z cars, I have a datsun 280zx and knowing that here are the experts would like to request your help. I am from El Salvador so I apologize my English haha, the problem is that I broke the windshield and can not find it here in the country, a friend told me that the year 1984 300zx windshield you may install. Know if you can do that? In advance thank you very much for your help Lovers z cars
thanks zbane this car was my brother and was abandoned by my brother for 4 years... but right now the Dat is in my hands and my brother is so happy because I am working hard on the dat When I can write English a little better I promise to tell the story about my dat Thanks
Hi Z lovers i have a Datsun 280ZX '81 under construction , i'm from San Salvador...i love my car I am working hard on my datsun because it needs much work
Some pics
Video of my Dat
Actually...the next month is going to paint job because unfortunately the painter did not finish their work well :sick:
I hope your coments
PD: Sorry my english isn't good