Starting Issues: Car acts like battery is dead.
Swapped starter. All is good.
Starting Issues: Car acts like battery is dead.
Tried 3 different batteries all from strong running cars. Connections are fine. I am going to pull the starter and get it load tested. My son had posted earlier. It is his car. The starter is a rusty mess. A new one if nothing more would improve the looks while it is sitting still. May also try jump start. Just don't want to push it back up the hill if it fails.
Starting Issues: Car acts like battery is dead.
So the last few days my 77 has been starting up, but taking a long time to crank each time and sounding as if the battery is almost dead, but the battery is fine. Today it simply won't start at all, and it's giving me the dead battery treatment, but the battery is fine. Alternator also works. And im getting sparks from the plugs. Could it be the ignition or starter? If so, any tips on how to fix that?
Issues with keeping the Alternator In?
The alternator fits nicely into the bracket as did the original. It seems to be a tight fit. The arm which allows for tightening of the fan belt does not line up perfectly with the alternator and has about a 1/2 to 1/4 inch gap which closes when bolt is tightened. In addition it has now developed a whine after replacing bolts. Have not driven but just run engine in driveway. Not a belt screech but may replace anyway
Issues with keeping the Alternator In?
thanks to all. it is actually the 2 bolts which attach the alternator to the bracket that mounts to the block. 4 bolts have snapped and 2 have backed out.Just redid today. Locktite and lock washers. The fan belt comes to the alternator at a a very slight angle. Could that cause vibration that later results in shearing of bolts? I am sure the bolts are the right length. (I am responding for my son who originally posted)
Issues with keeping the Alternator In?
Have a 77z and about every two weeks (I believe) a bolt starts to vibrate out then snap off underneath the alternator in one of the two arms. Its happened four times now. The third time i decided to use a stronger bolt grade. It stayed in a little longer but still ended up breaking. So whenever it breaks it causes the belt to come lose. Car still works fine but it creates a loud squeaking noise kinda (Its a mix between stepping a small dog and nails on chalkboard) I have used lock tight. Its a pain in the arse to replace beacause i have to remove the alternator and then the blue holder underneath it. I then have to drill the bolt out.
Another Wa St Z owner
Thanks Gary. I would love to see some other z cars up close. Right now trying to solve leaking hatchback. By the way Gig Harbor is near Tacoma.
Another Wa St Z owner
Thanks Carl. I am only at 160,000 so guess I should be looking forward to the next 160K. Sounds like I have some catching up to do.
Another Wa St Z owner
That's funny. Nice catch. I hope I haven't unconsiously set my hopes too high. But then again speed was not my goal. A unique daily driver was. The speed is in the garage behind one of the pics. That's not a daily driver.
Another Wa St Z owner
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Another Wa St Z owner
Hello, I am 19 and just bought my 77 280z on Mach 22, 09. Lots of miles but strong clean engine with newer injectors, brakes, brake lines, clutch, and interior. Taking care of some minor rust issues. Will need some body work and new paint but a great driver. Am learning to drive stick. Dad is patient. Taylor