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  1. My 78 280Z went into cruise control mode on the interstate this morning, throttle stayed open with foot off the gas. When I got home I found a spring that had rusted and broken in half. I am going to call this the throttle return spring. It is about three inches long and is a coil spring with a short loop on the bottom and a longer one on the top. Does anyone know where I can find a replacement spring? Is the design of this spring important, or will anything that returns the throttle back to idle be adequate? Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the info. I ordered an Audiovox unit and it's on the way. I'll look into an install like you described. Something to keep me busy this weekend.
  3. Thanks for the quick responses. I've found several to check out. Now I only have to pick one.
  4. Hi - I'm a new owner of a 78 280Z. I had to drive it 6 hours to bring it home and decided I would like to add cruise control for my longer trips. Has anyone installed an aftermarket cruise control kit to a 280Z that they would recommend? Thanks

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