Is this car worth it?
:stupid:no pix are posted compadre:cool:
Datsuns 240 zx 1971
good luck with that in .............Latvia? i have a freind his name a Borat,..... I like you,i like sex!
Should I buy 1988 300zxa n/a auto tranny
offer him 600 and then go from there try to meet him@ 800 and drive her home;) but if you really really really want her and then go 900-100 but try to get to get her for 6-800 Good Luck
A/C completely rebuilt...R12 or 134????
LOOKS LIKE GREAT SUCCESS:cool: went by the mechanic shop today Mechanic Mike's automotive ASE cert. 825 Andreason dr. Escondido 760 739-8147 Give him a call, good guy! checked out my system, and got rid of the R12 and did the suck down on her every thing looked good for a 35 year old system. i got her home i hooked it to the ester oil and added 1 can of freeze 12 (12 oz.) ( i have 2) popped the meat thermometer in the vent and ive 40deg. consistant @ the vent. Now i have NOT p/u the gauge set at harbor freight yet. and i dont want to OVER charge the system and blow a hose. should I add the other can or just hold off and let it ride??
A/C completely rebuilt...R12 or 134????
i put that 1 in by accident;) she sure has BIG titties huh? i may be able to fanagle a evac from 1 of the local .....repair shops;) i could go to harbour freight and p/u a gauge set but i dont know what to look for in regareds to pressures but i may be able to run up your way next weekend Sat. i have a family party in SD and sunday i want to head up to OC for the car show sponsored by motorsport.com
A/C completely rebuilt...R12 or 134????
Thanks Sblake, i knew you wouldnt steer me wrong, so i had some time today to jump on the net a googleded freeeeeze12..................... and BAM!! Johnsons freeze came up, it gave me a list of LOCAL peeps that are or were distributers, guy #1 stopped selling it cuz everyone that wanted it was in el cajon and he was in vista(40 mi away) not cost effective guy #2 is a mobile tool salesman guy and guess what???? he had some, a bunch of it !! so we met up in rancho bernardo shook hands and it was a done deal:cool: so long story short, 2 cans= 24 Oz plus a can of the oil 4oz.= 28 oz total 21 bucks no tax, the sticker under the hood says i need 30 oz. of r12 sooooo i should be golden;) Guide me along here sblake, should i evac the system and then add the oil then a can of the freeze12 or should i just "drop" it in as they say if i were to guess it would be far better to evac out the old oil add the new oil and then the freeze12. and dont change out that dryer? or leave it lie
A/C completely rebuilt...R12 or 134????
thanks for the quik response sblake I'm going to take it over to the shop today after work.I would preffer to use the freeze12 but I can't find it down here in San diego but I will search a bit more.fromwhat I've read this far it's better to change out your dryer if you have switch over to 134a and then change the oil in the compressor. Then recharge the system. I will see what shop has to say today
A/C completely rebuilt...R12 or 134????
sorry to have to dig up this thread, and im it will get not sure if it will here and get shuffled back to front of the line. Ok i did a search and this thread popped up, my 260Z has a/c but its not pumping ANY cold air. The compressor is in fact turning and the clutch is engaged. I can see in the sight glass there is "something" going thru the sys but im not sure how much. should i change out the dryer and put 134A? should i try to find Freeze12 and add that?? ( i dont think i need a 30 lb bottle tho) and then after doing all that how do i know that the compressor isnt shot? please help give some me a direction to go in with my 260 Thanks Kevin
Vacuum or bad Sensor
yep i have the same shi#@ going on with my 260
What do you guys think about these pics??
thats a BIG project right there, but ive seen worse cars brought back to life too. i would take a pass on that 1 and keep looking
Removing Fuel Tank
Dibs on your 280Z in 2011;) sblake01
my 1974 260Z No gauges working!? why??
god i hope so......... vista is a good o.s. but waaaaaaaaay to much on security it makes me mental sometimes when i want to download stuff
Removing Fuel Tank
i have a 1974 260Z and i just did the same thing and it was really easy make sure you run as much fuel as you can jack up the back end and set jack stands up underneath drain the remaining fuel out of the tank disconnect the fuel feed the fuel return the fuel pump fuel gauge wires then behind the passenger side wheel well, remove the 4 screws (phillips head) that hold the splash plate in place and then you will be able to see the filler neck of the gas tank there will be 1 screw ....loosen that screw then put a bottle jack under the fuel tank. pump it up til it touches the fuel tank. Now loosen the saddle straps to let tank down from its craddle in car body now there should be 3 vent hoses on the tank 2 on the top and 1 at the very driver side end( it'll be a t 90 degree angle) you will have reach up in there and loosen those screws and diconnect those hose lines............ now in my case they were super brittle and brokewhen i dropped the tank right down. now cleaning can be as easy as taking to your local self serve car wash and blasting out the pick up tube or,...... take it in and get it boiled I hope this helps
my 1974 260Z No gauges working!? why??
yes, as a matter of fact i have a new laptop and i tryed to open the link again and this time it worked! i downloaded it, but i have windows vista so its kinda pain in keester to save
my 1974 260Z No gauges working!? why??
Yes you did SBlake01, but when i tryed to open it it was only a blank page:stupid: i will try it again. I fiddled with it again today, ended up finding a loose fuse and 2 burned out at the very end inside the glass. cleaned em up and changed out the burnt ones and just like magic, all the gauges came back and are working fine. but on a side note it looks like my alt. isnt putting out any power. so a new is on the short list. I went down to Dmv yesterday and took care of all the paperwork. (not such a nitemare after all) when the last owner registered the car the last listed the milage at 60xxx the car has now got 80962 according to the DMV as far as thier records show that is the original miles on that car and i am now the 3rd owner of that car. thats good right?