hey folks i need a little help, and I have done research here and have only found some partial remidies,.......I replaced the fuel pump on my 260Z (Its new to me) and itsmechanical) and have purchased the electrical fuel pump to r/r the oem as well, now, i have 2 things going on, 1.i have NO power to the electric is there a fuel pump relay and if so where the heck is it??? ......... any way the fuel pump mounted on the fuel cell and i do not have the book to find if i have a relay or not. 2. when i pulled the fuel line to the mechanical from the gas tank i cant get ANY FUEL COME out of the fuel tank. its like its COMPLETELY CLOGGED and its got a bout 6-7 gals in it. is this a common problem with older Z'S? thank you for any light you guys can shed on this problem