Everything posted by VITAMIN Z
Hello every one
Hi Rich: the info is posted on the Dime Quarterly, the swapmeet will be held on July 25th starts at 8:00am, the address is 1100 Eagle Vista Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90041. hope this helps. the last too times was great, big turn out and many vendors with great deals.ROFLROFL
Hello every one
Hi Mark: my name is George, my plans are still going strong, I am almost finished with the brakes and should be ready to be on the road soon, July 18 is my b-day, and that is the day that my car must hit the road for the first time since I got it 3 years ago, I can not wait till i can get to meets behind the wheel, and not just an spectator, did you hear about the Datsun swapmeet at the end of July? how are your projects coming along?
Hello every one
Welcome Mark; I can relate to what you are saying, for me, I would love to buy a wrecking yard for myself, just so I can do some wild things with cars! I live in Pomona, so we must defenetily meet up some time, my 260 should be ready for the road by mid July, and I can use the motivation of other local enthusiasts to achieve the goals I have for my Z! BTW feel free to ramble on, you did not sound lame at all.
oooold datsun
Cool car, you should get it, I just drove by one yesterday in far worse condition and will consider finding the owner to make an offer.
37 Years of Patina
My car is in a similar state, all the original patina still on it, glad to report that there is hardly any surface rust, great pictures, but no gardend hose for me.
Hi all...After a year of searching.
Congrats, Great Find! keep us posted on your progress!
new Fairlady Z in Ca.
what a lucky guy! I have always wondered as to what is lurking in many of these backyards, specially here in California, please keep us posted and by the way this is a great place to network and find good advice and maybe a hars to find part, good luck!
Hey! I have a Z!
Very nice, I hope my suspensions looks like that soon, BTW I am in Pomona, in sunny So. Cal!
Don't laugh at my Flat Tops...Yet
Hi Rich: good for you, I have a 260 and although I have not even attempted to clean my carbs or make any adjustments on them, I am as determined as you to keep them, my thought, if these carbs were not good enough, why mass produced them, right? keep us posted I can use any other tips you may have. George
Nissan Sentra S ER spec V
cool video, reminds me of the one for the Z of the early '90s
71 Z summer resurrection
My 2 cents, just pace yourself, you already have a nice budget and it should get you well on your way to get the car going. Just to give you some perspective, I've had my car for a couple of years now, and I have spent a little over $600.00 on brakes, vacum hoses, misc. gaskets, wheel bearings, and I am about to start on the carbs, which I hope I can tackle myself. As far as the engine is concern, I would check compresion, hoses, oil leaks etc. just get it running and start checking, although I have taken a long time to get my car going, I do not want to be stranded due to rushing through and overlooking things.
New Guy! RHD 79 Fairlady Z!
Great Car Brian! personally I would not bother rhe car much other than mechanical aspects, I own a '74 260 with the original paint, and although I have far more dings than your car, I still would not consider painting it! congrats sounds like your step dad had good intentions all along.
- I Just got ANOTHER 240Z, she's gonna kill me!!
I wish I could buy it
If anyone is interested there is a 260Z for sale in Pomona, not my car, but was looking at it for parts. The car is a bit dirty and has a left fender preplaced. I went to look at it on Saturday, it is rough but from what I can tell not much rust, if anyone is interested I can get the address and phone number, the manufactured date shows at 9/73. I can not afford what he is asking but someone here may be able to strike a deal.
Hello everyone!
I agree with AntonyG if you ask, you may receive! even though there are not too many Z's at the pick a part, you never know, one may get lucky! good luck
Replacing front wheel bearings
I am in the process of doing the same thing on my 260 and my only difficulty was getting the races out, simply because beating the heck out of the hub, did not make sense, but it was the only way. I would highly recomend an arbor press to get the races back in nice and even, I also found it very helpful to put the races in my freezer for about 30 minutes before installing.
New Here, Just got a Series 1 w/No Mods
welcome and congrats on your find! I have not started looking for a 240 yet, but I was lucky to have been given an unmolested 260, which I'm working on, I can relate to your great story.
Hello From Brazil!
Hi Fabio: welcome, and although I have to agree with these guys, I have always wondered as to what may be lurking in other countries, you may want to start looking in your own back yard:beer:
370z or Not
at least for me, it will be the 370Z 40th aniversary edition, hopefully early next year! yeah I know, wishfull thinking.
260z brake rebuilding parts ?
I am going through the same thing, and opted to replace the front hob bearings, seals and a healthy coat of synthethic grease, I did not want to do an additional teardown later.
roadside smog test?
This is the reason why I will drive my Z on Sunday afternons only!!! you can always count on government agencies not to get in our way on the weekends, as long as the are not sobriety check points. I work near Pasadena and Sierra Madre, and this type of check points are up on a regular basis, luckily I get the green light because I drive the company car that happens to be a Prius!
'72 Datsun 240z 'shell' to purchase or not...HELP!?
I would buy it for not for an immidiate car to be used, I have seen on this site all the hard work and money it takes to get the car to where you want it, I would only buy it for any spare parts that I may need, and then evaluate the rust sittuation, and if is not too bad, primer and cover as soon as possible. My 2 cents
Another 280z owner in the group...
I have been using Fram filters for about 25 years now, and never had and issue, should I stop now?:paranoid:
Another 280z owner in the group...
congrats on the project, it is always a great feeling of accomplishement to be able to work on these cars, so ramble on, we do not mind.
Need Advice
thank you guys, Arne my car has a 9/74 manufacturing date? does this make it a late production 260? and I will definetely check for the emblem and keep you posted Andrew.