- VIN question
VIN question
Hi gang, I took the vin off my Z and I am trying to determine what it is telling me. Can anyone help? Vin = HLS30-16295 Thanks!
Suspension advice
Suspension advice
was this group order ever done? I would be interested. I just had the struts replaced on my 71, they didn't do the springs (as I wanted).....because they of course couldn't find stock springs. the ride is improved but still not what I want. question - is there any difference between a 1978 280 supension and a 71 240? I recall having my first 280 in 82 and the ride was much better than my (new to me) 71 240 with new struts.
did lots of reading but still.....
great advice - thanks again gang - Ansa no longer available, will look for something else. May have a new MSA header for sale - shop told me the car already has a header on it! One of the problems of not having it close to home. When I drove it - it felt fresh but I didn't see it past the carb/air filter. Im so used to looking at an FI motor. Still waiting on details but I may not need the new header, if not I'll sell for a discount. This would the coated 6 into 1 from MSA.
new member,new 280zx owner
Welcome, I remember my 83, I bought in 88, knocked me out when the female voice told me I was "low on fuel".
New Z owner in WA
welcome, looks great!
did lots of reading but still.....
Mines a 2.8L, not sure that makes a BIG difference. I like the over under ansa tips a lot - not sure if there are any left though. Is your sound from the muffler or a comboe from the muffler and tips? Good sound btw!
did lots of reading but still.....
well, made my choice today, at least part of it, I ordered the coated "6 into 1" header from MSA, I'm going to let the shop do the piping and still thinking on the muffler. If I go 2.25 I'll probably go with your suggestion Arne. Can someone fill me in a little on a resonator vs a muffler and why one is chosen over the other or should both be used and why? PS - I asked MSA about a discount for being a member here and was told they only give discounts to "like real clubs". Just an FYI.
did lots of reading but still.....
Thanks for all the input everyone, I think I'm going to have the system installed at Hesco, down in Alabama before I bring her home, the leather seating is done and the bodywork almost complete and then Hesco gets it for new struts and springs as well as a few other minor items. I want to talk to them about the exhaust install. I would prefer lower end power so perhaps Arne is right. I did listen to a similar set up to mine with headers and glass packs - too much for me. And I definetley don't want raspy You guys seem to indicate Dynomax has the size and sound to avoid that. I'll post results once she's back. Thanks again!
To Stripe or Not To Stripe?
On the dark color and with the headlight covers trimed I too think it's a bit busy looking with the stripes. But on Bob Cs green one without the headlight covers I think they look great. I was never a fan of the headlight covers myself but especially in looking at yours the words Jaguar XKE coming screaming through - and that's cool.
did lots of reading but still.....
gang I have read and read and still have not been able to come to a clear outcome so any advice/opinions would be welcomed. I have a 71 240 (no smog controls required) with a 280 motor from a 78Z. I was looking into a header/exhaust set up. I don't want to sound like (as you say) "the ricers" and I don't want to sound obnoxious but I certainly do want to sound better, deeper/throatier than stock. I am not installing them myself - having a shop do it. First I was thinking 3 into 2 with twice pipes but many seem to have had a headache with them. Then I was thinking 6 into 1 but am reading the dynomax muffler isn't a good fit under the car. I also like the look of the Ansa (over/under) tips but that wont work with a 2.5 exhaust. Mine is a weekend good weather toy, not a daily driver. so.... any thoughts on header, exhaust size, resonator, muffer and tips for my situation - please share. thanks!
new commercial, classic Z
very cool
Stock interior leather seats?
oh well.....decided to have the seats redone in leather by a custom auto upholstery shop down in Alabama while she's still having other work done. Should be a much more comfortable ride back to Pittsburgh!
new commercial, classic Z
thanks Montezuma, I didn't realize. Makes you wonder what kind of thinking goes into the making of such a commercial - in this case, I liked the thinking.