New to this forum! Does anybody have any Bilstein inserts for 240z?
The poly bushings on my 71 240Z caused the car to bottom out over speed bumps and pot holes. The rubber bushings solved this problem. The Koni shocks I am recommending are adjustable and, if one has the patience to keep adjusting them, you can arrive at the ride that feels the best for you.
New to this forum! Does anybody have any Bilstein inserts for 240z?
If you put poly bushings on the rear control arms they may be contributing to your rubbing. Swap them out for the original rubber bushings and your ride quality will vastly improve. You won't hear any squeeking noise either. As far as gas vs. hydraulic I believe you've already answered your question. Hydraulic is the way to go. There was a reason why Koni's were the "go to" shocks for Zcars in the early 70's. They are more expensive than any of the others but well worth it.
New to this forum! Does anybody have any Bilstein inserts for 240z?
Have you considered going to Koni shocks on the fronts and rears? They will give you the stiffness you want and you may not have to change your springs. I've used them on my 1971 240Z for over 42 years and only changed all four once.
Sagged-Out Seats
I replaced the straps in my 1971 240Z with the BD replacement kit but I used rivets instead of the clips that come with the BD Set. The clips were unmanageable. It worked out fine and they seats were back to their original suppleness. Chances are your 1972 240Z has straps also. Access is from below so you do not have to remove any vinyl.
1971 Datsun 240Z U-Joints
I just got off the phone with Nissan Customer Service- Parts Division. They confirmed that both the driveshaft and halfshaft u-joints are still for sale for my 1971 240Z despite what my local Nissan dealer said. The part numbers are: Driveshaft: 37125-49W25 Halfshaft: 37126-VB925
Installed RT Mount & U-Joints
Oiluj: Have you taken the car out on the road yet? I just installed all new driveshaft and halfshaft u-joints on my 1971 240Z that I bought from Black Bragon and have to replace all of them because they are no good. Black Dragon won't tell me who the manufacturer is, my mechanic threw out the boxes they came in and I do not remember the name of the manufacturer. I am getting pronounced vibration in 4th gear at 55MPH. I am going with Nissan replacement u-joints. I bought the drive shaft u-joints from Nissan but am still trying to find a source for the Nisan halfshaft u-joints which Nisan no longer sells. See my post on this in the Drivetrain section.
Installed RT Mount & U-Joints
What manufacturer's half shaft u-joints did you use and where did you get them?
1971 Datsun 240Z U-Joints
I just picked up my special order drive shaft u-joints from Nissan this morning for my 1971 240Z. Nissan Part #37125-49W25. Attached are pictures of the part. The manufacturer is KS-VGI and there is an "N" engraved on the spider body. A web search of KS-VGI came up empty. I would like to purchase the half-shaft u-joints (Nissan Part #37126-VB925) that Nissan no longer has from someone. Does anybody know who the manufacturer is, what the "N" stands for and where I might be able to purchase them?
1971 Datsun 240Z U-Joints
My local Nissan dealer told me that Nissan/Datsun half-shaft u-joint model number 37126-VB925 is no longer available. Most of the posts that I have read recommended Nissan/Datsun u-joints over all other brands. Now that thye are unavailable what is the next best brand and model number for the half-shafts that I should purchase for my 1971 Datsun 240Z?
What is youir favorite driving music-if you don't see it, post it!
Anything by Howlin' Wolf
Door Weatherstripping Welt
Could a few more members weigh in on this? I would like to get a concensus. Currently the door weathersripping welt at my interior side rear windows is under the interior plastic panels that surround the windows and they rub together and create a lot of annoying vibration noise when driving. It would appear to me that if the welt overlaps the panel their would be no rubbing noise. Given the number of times I have replaced the door weatherstripping and taken out and reinstalled the interior rear window panels over the last 39 years I no longer know what is right and what is wrong.
Door Weatherstripping Welt
Sorry. A 1971 240Z and I was referring to the side rear window.
Door Weatherstripping Welt
Would someone please tell me if the welt on the perimeter door weatherstripping is supposed to overlap the rear window interior plastic panel or go under it?
Front Kick Speaker Box/Spacer Build
Gary: I could have saved you some money and certainly a lot of time. Three decades ago after I replaced my 2-speaker AM/FM Stereo Cassette with a 4-speaker AM/FM Stereo Cassette in my 1971 240Z, I purchased two 6" diameter recessed magnet type speakers. I removed the two access panels to the rear lamps located on the inside of the rear deck panel just below the hood latch. There is plenty of room in there for the recessed magnets. The bolt pattern on the 6" diameter speakers matched exactly the spacing of the two upper screws for the access panels. Using the same screws I attached the speakers (with two screws each) after running wires below the rear deck carpeting and the center console from the radio. The speaker covers mask the rectangular access panel openings so that there are no visible openings. My other two speakers are mounted on the vertical panel behind each seat. They are surface mounted boxes with built in tweeters and they face up at an angle. With four speakers my Z has plenty of sound for such a small cabin. PS: I recommend any Howlin' Wolf cassette you can find.
Struts and Springs Buying Guide
I find the 6" stock ride height mentioned to be confusing and the picture even more so. My 1971 240Z with Koni 82R-1716/82R-1717 shocks installed last year (I paid less for them in 2009 vs. 1976 when I last replaced them) with 175R14 tires on 4 1/2" J rims (I replaced the original 4" J rims when I crowned out my 185-14 Michelin XAS's: I was young then and did not know better.) measures +/- 26 1/8" from the ground up vertically through the centerline of the rear wheel to the underside of the rear quarter panel fender. The +/- depends on your tire pressure. How close is this to the stock ride height? PS: It's too bad Michelin stopped making the XAS's. They were the best for the Z's.