Everything posted by New_BE
exaust manifold comming off....
thanks alot...5-6hours? wow that sounds really long time to do that, i think it could be done in less time...but i'm not going to rush it, cause that will leave me with problems most likely. One more QUESTION about it. Are there any bolts that i should watch out for that might snap off? I'm assuming that it'd be a better idea for me to but some liquid wrench or some other stuff to loosen the bolts. Well thanks again. Would a nissan place be able to adjust the carbs properly? Or any other type of dealers? I havn't seen too many z's up in these parts.
exaust manifold comming off....
Ok at the end of summer just befroei put my baby aways, there was an exaust leak right at the engine. put your hand there and u can feel the blow comming out. So I called somewhere and they said "there is no gasket" that goes between the head where the exxaust comes out and where the manifold meets the head. Well some one on here told me that there is a gasket. So when i get one, should i be going from underneath the car to take the manifold off? I am pretty clueless on how to adjust the carbs so don't want to mess with those much, maye i'll learn how to do that stuff this summer. Anyways how to i go about gettign at the exaust area? jack it up and go. or do i have to remove the intake manifold? Thanks. everyone
Roof rust, and floor rust.....
Hey 1moeZ, hope ya don't mindi linked this to what you posted, only thing i can see that is near what i got going on here. Anyways this is where i need help, so take a look at this http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=25290 Ok now what i got on my car isn't that bad, it's more BAD surface rust, than a hole through the roof. I just got it this summer went through some REALLY REALLY bad rainstorms, well no leaks. Buti bet if i leave it any longer it will be comming through the roof. So how do i go about fixing this? I got welder access, i can weld alright, but my uncle is a welder. My dad can help with minor body work, and if i have the slightest indication that he can't do it properly, i'm calling a shop. I don't think that it shuld be that difficult. Can anyone point me in the direction? thanks. IS there anything i should know about pulling the window? i know that's gonna have to come on out. About the FLOOR rust As some of you might know i fixed it "temporairly" and i'm going to be putting in new ones this spring along with fixing the roof. and those "rails" that are part of the uni-body i blelive, well those are gonna get fixed up too. So how to i romove those from the rails underneath/around the engine where they are welded to...something, sorry don't really know what it is. And how to i jack this up to hold it up properly, while i do this work on the floor and rail. And someon posted a site where they have the rails that are attached to the floor boards already, these a good choice? Or shoudl i try and find something that has them seperate? So i could throw the rail in, while it's there i could put the floor in on top of the "rail". A site that will help with this or some help from you folks would be appreciated. Anyone know a good place taht will ship to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. ??? thanks alot
Exaust troubles....
Thanks ed....i would like to do more mods to the car eventually so i might be worth it in the end. Just curious your message says "it's cold up here" u live in canada? cause it's getting cold up here in manitoba. thanks alot
Exaust troubles....
Well thanks alot that helped alot...I called a local parts store...but they dont' really deal with datsuns and such type cars...I'm gonnna talk to the guy i bought the car from since he shuld know who serviced the car before i bought it. Any suggestions for a godo free flowing exaust Ed? And about them headers? would i notice an improvement in power? And what is the pupose in a header? I'm new to cars just tryin to learn here. thaknks again the info was very helpful
Exaust troubles....
Hi there..well winter is here so i figure it's the perfect time to save up my money and get everything i need to fix things on th Z. At teh end of summer i noticed that where the exaust manifold connects to the head that it has a leak on the end nearest the windshield. So i called to see about a gasket that goes between there...they said they didnt have one. So does this mean that it's metal to metal? And what do i do to fix this problem? if i put my hand by there u can feel alot of air coming out near the engine. Doesn't sound good either. And exaust gets into the car when windows are down...thanks peoples again...Since i'm gonna assume that i need a new exaust since the old one is quite rusted and such would a turbo give noticable results....or would i have to change the other things such at the cam, have a better system for fuel delivery since i got dual rountop su's on it? Anyother ideas are welcome? thanks
Getting more out of my Z
Well it's been awhile since i was here but it's winter now the car is parked untill spring, and money isn't much of an issue as i'm young and still live with my parents so i usually have more money than i know what to do with. So I'm thinking a new exaust and manifold is deffenitly needed right now, so i'm gonna get that..after the floor boards. then i dunno i just wanted to say thanks for everyone helpin me out. should probrally get some new tires first which is als on the the agenda since i get no pick up.. another question if u were racing ur Z so just playin with it.. at what RPM would u launch it at? thanks alot
difference in rear ends?
As u can see i'm a new bie so i'm askin what is the difference between a the regular (stock) rearend and the R200 i hear talked about.?
Big problem or little problem???
Alright thanks alot..i do have a magazine from way back when the car was new and in sport mags and such..i got them along with the car, and they tell ya the places prone to rust...i was curious...if i did have a rust hole through the grame rail in the engine bay area, what does it take to fix this? I saw another Z and the guy was selin it however the frame rail had a hole about an inch by two in it. Woudl u need to cut this out and weld another piece the same size back in? i didn't really check the engine bay verywell... so if i do have this i hope it's not too much trouble ot fix..i also fixed the holes in the floor however i'm gonnna get new ones this spring... How do i go about fixint the rust on the roof if it is how too many Z's said it might be? thanks alot guys/gals I love this car
Big problem or little problem???
Hello peoples...well i noticed a half inch thick stip of rust along the top of the windshield, where it seals...how's the best way to fix this so it looks good? My dad says to use a black sealent, but my car is red, my dad is a fix-it kineda person...however i want it to look good and am thinkin maybe a paint job depending on how much stuff will need to be fixed with it....like the rust which isn't visible and needs to be fixed befroe hand...anyone help on how to look for these kinda of spots? thanks alot u guys/gals are very helpfull
New Be needs help. on tire size
I'm a relatively newbie to cars and i happend to get a 240Z for my first car....i've had it for one summer well half of it, it's parked now fo the winter...i've got some 195/60R 14 85H Ok now i have NO idea of what these numbers mean...can anyone help me with that? They are the yokohama or something along those lines in the brand name.. They are pretty old, and cracked, and the front i found has a really slow leak. and they suck at getting grip of the line. So can someone tellme what the numbers mean? And what kind of tires i should get for the best performance? Steering, getting grip.... anyways thanks alot.
Help needed as soon as possible....please
Ok so i instralled the K&N filters, and i plugged the holes, all of them, but i am gonna take em off and find a temporary filter for the part with the blow by gasses and try and figure out a way to solve my other problem with the small lines...anyways, i took it out just to see how it would go and it was HORRIBLE started on three..i have a problem with that but usually it kicks in right aways this didn' for quite abit... then it stalled when i stopped so it won't run at an idle, i think the back carb is all fukt but i can't do it i want my dad to help me i got the manual and stuff so it can't be that hard to adjust it and there is tonnes of stuff on here abotu it, i am sure i can do it. it was also runnin really bad with everythign pluged so i will see what is different tomorrow morning. any ideas to help me alng please send them my ways thatnks
Help needed as soon as possible....please
Ok as i was gettin ready to take off my old side draft air filter system i noticed i go these hoses that go to my carb the the filter, i planned on putting on these new K&N filters i got, what do i do about these hoses??? and also i got one pretty decent size of hose goign from the valve cover to the air cleaner, my dad says i can just plug that temporairly till i get the air filter for that? he says i got good compression so i will be fine..i didn't have much clue on what he was sayin so what do i do with the big hose for now???pluggin it alright for temporary?? and the two hoses going to the carbs, i think it's the float bowl..what do i do with them?? thanks i am doing this today kind of well tryin to so can u help as quick as possible thanks again guys and gals
Got a problem with my carbs...
oh-yeah.. My dad took a look at the vacum advance and it isnt' working..how do i go abotu fixin this aswell.
Got a problem with my carbs...
Hello, when i first got my car it was only runnin on the first three cylinders... then i let it run for a bit since it hasnt' ran in like 3 years stuck some rislone in the crank case and soem other stuff to "clean" out the engine-well whatever it does. I noticed this week that it ocasionally want's to run on three when i start it up..so i started wiggling things around the carburetors..Underneath where the adjusting nuts and all that stuff is on the back three cylinder where it isn't running when i start it it's all loose and ****. you can wiggle it easily. IT was also kinda sticky. where the choke and all that stuff was... what do i need to do? I think a rebuild is probrally needed, it's all pretty old and ****. anyways thanks fro your help
Getting more out of my Z
It's a 240Z, there the round tops su's...it needs a new exaust system as i noticed teh other day that when i rev it up abit there is abit of exaust that comes out near the engine well it is somewhere in the engine bay where it shouldn't be thanks guys
Getting more out of my Z
Hello...When i first got my car i thought wow this thing can go when u want it to...but now it's two three weeks after that point and i have only gotten it to top out at 115mph...That is pretty damn quick for a me, and my first car and when i take my friends for a ride cause they love the car, they are like WoW this thing GOES...But i was wondering what can i do to get more power...I don't know anything about different heads and what they do or camshafts and blah blah balh....all the stuff wich seems pretty advanced..so my 240Z is completely stock...dual su's...peopel keep sayin that if i put some tripple carbs on there i will be gettin more but is it worth it if i am gonna have to do all that tuneing, some say it's lots some say it isn't much....i am willing to learn and such... But i should be able to get pretty decent performance out of these dual su's shouldn't I? And i was thinking i need a new air filter the on in there is toast...so i called around and the only place that has one in stock is a k&N filter tis' like 80 bux cnd funds.... is it worth it?? and shoule i keep the side draft going or take that off and have a differnt filtr for each carb?? what is the best way to do it with the dual su's???? Exaust... Ok i have WAY to many damn civics and **** going around on the cruise night here in town with those mufflers that sound likea chainsaw..i got a new muffler that was put on not too long befor ei got the car btu the exaust pipes comin for the engine seems asthough it could be repaced..now that i think of it the pipes probrally doing have much to do with the air flo or do they??? sorry pretty new to this stuff but i am here to learn and hopefully you guys cna help me out.. just curious i accidently filled the oil up a tad too much and i noticed that it wasn't runnign smooth at all.. now the oil has dropped down to the good range and it's running REALLY nice today so i am prayin that it is gonna stay that way still have a minor problem with pre-ingnition or somehting like that but i wil try and fix that..thanks
Will a stock 240 get rubber in second?
I know what your talking about when u say your 18 and it matters...to lay down rubber..i am 16 and bought my first car and it being a 240Z i am not "GOOD" at shifting but pretty decent and i wanted to see what it was like when it came to that and i managed to do it..anyways just my two cents...and i also don't drive my car hard...I was just seeing what it could do...
Hey, my 240Z emblem on the hatch isn't connected on one side, the otehr side is good, but it will kinda rotate to a down position if u bump it or something like that...so i was wonderin how do i get it to stick properly..And does anyone know how much a body kit type thing will cost for a 240Z just curious not really thinking about puttin one on...well kinda anyways...thanks
engine trouble part 2, it isn't the spark..
ok so i have been driving it lately quite abit, however I took it for a good ride, out to the lake about an hour worth of driving there and back at abotu 95mph or so...When i get back shes running pretty smoothly, then I go for a ride and i notice that the power isnt' there, so i check the cylinders to see if they are fireing, nope so i turn the car off check the oil, IKES that is kinda low not damaging low but just a tiny bit below the low mark, i fill er up on oil... voila i got six cylinders again..you guys think that i might have soem worn out rings on this old ride?? thanks
Altenator shot?? Help please as soon as possible
hello, tahnks fro your time...well I am gonna be embarassed about this but the problem was that the fan belt to the altenator was REALLY loose..btu hey i am still learning, i'm only 16 and just got interested in cars, when i got this one..so i guess there is a **** load that i gotta learn but thanks anyways and i am happy it was an easy fix
Altenator shot?? Help please as soon as possible
Hello, well i was drvin down the hwy. and just before i reached my destination i looked at the gauge that mesures the amps. The headlights were on the wipers and the radio, it was raining, so i noticed it was in the negative so i turned th radio off, didn't change anything, turned the lights off then it just went to the middle where it wasn't on the negative or the positive. So i thought damit, I should head back home so i am not stuck 50 miles from home so i did so, i get back and while the car was running i took the negative cable off, and it was still running so that should mean that the laternator is running, No? anyways can someone tell me what's up with this please.
Removing chrome???How???
Hey, i got my Z and i want to change a few things,possibly gonna do this all this winter, along with the floor and stuff....anyways, The chrome that goes around the windows and stuff, i want that to be black....How do i go about doing this....thanks guys...u guys are rrealy helpful to everyone who needs help Good Work guys.
Replacing floor boards and frame rails?
Hello, my 240Z had some rust holes in the floor buti fixed em just by partching them up, for now. This winter or next spring, i want to put new floor boards in, and the rails that go under teh floor boards should in my mind be replaced aswell so i won't have to do it at a later date, i want my car to have many more enjoyable dayZ ahead....ok no more babbaling... Cuttin out the old board i understand, but this rail underneath i have had the car all jacked up and took a look at it i can kinda see where it is connected to the frame? (i'm not to sure if this is what it is) and it appears that it is welded in, so how do i go about romovien this? And do i need to remove anything other than the floor boards? can someone direct me in the proper direction thanks guys and gals I also read in a post after i performed a seach that 2manyZs said u coudl do it without removing the floorboads but in this case the floorboards will be removed... thanks
Are adjusting mixture and such
Hello, ok, my car is running alright, i am pretty sure it could be runnnin a hell of alot better tho, Ok i have looked and read about adjusting the mixture on these carbs, u know where there like turn it in till it seats then turn back out so many turns and so forth, is it really that simple?? It seems asthough some people make it see pretty hard to adjust these, i could however understand the unisyn thingy but is taht all there is to it, nto like completly simple, but somewhat simple.........???I don't know if u can follow that....so it isnt' that hard to adjust these right...