Everything posted by New_BE
hop in car smell gas....clear a few things up
Hi, there again, lately my car has been smellin like gas bad, i did a search, and found out that the gas lines or somethignlike that is in the car at one point or something, anyways, so i figure i will replace teh lines probrally should be done anyways on this old car. Cani just call and auto part store and ask for some fuel lines, or do they have to be certain ones for this car??? Also i am smellin exaust while i drive mainly at higher speeds, but i need to get rid of this, it's not healthy and it's kinda embarassin when u have a nice arse car but it stinks to ride in it.. anyways thanks guys
engine trouble part 2, it isn't the spark..
hey guys, so today i come home, start the car up, it goes, of course, take it for a small ride, as i am just leaving the yard i give it gas, a big cloud of smoke flys out the tail pipe, and i just fly, go for a ride, wow it has ALOT more power than yesterday, park it, check to se if it running on the last three cylinders, yup it is, not GOOD running but myabe after a bit more of running it will run better. anyways thanks for your help guys
engine trouble part 2, it isn't the spark..
Hello, ok i finnally got emough time off work to check and play around, anyays, there is good spark. and it's now running on 4 cylinders, 1-2-3-4 are running now, 4 just started today got it on teh road legally now, but not dribving it till this is working, anyways coudl it be stuck valves i got some rislone in there today and let it run a bit, now i got one more cylinder working, i was told that runing the engine, while only 4 of the cylinders are running the other two, the oil in them will be washed away by the gas that isn't geting burnt up is htis true, thanks
71 240Z engine troubles..help please
could this be thta it starts to run on more than just the three once u get going? and what i forgot was...should i adjust the mixture on the carbs? should i..**** i actualy fogot again anyways thanks
71 240Z engine troubles..help please
hello again...i hope someone is still checkin this thread out..anyways I am not sure if i mentioned that when i drove it down the back lane, it kinda studdered so to say then it was pretty smooth, well for a car that sat for quite awhile. I am getting new points and condenser, gonna do the timming, and probrally get wires this weekend, just gonna clean up the cap and rotor for now. i am pretty sure the coil is still alright for another two weeks, till payday again... i think that due to the fact that the other plugs are still getting spark, anyways once again i am very thankfull for your help
Rislone and other types of oil/oil additives???
Hello, again....Ok i was wondering about rislone and other types of additives... What is the deal on them, and should i add some to the car since it has been sitting for a few years...I have some skynthetic stuff in there that is what was in it when i got it, and it had an oil change. THanks
Emissions control????
Hello, how do i tell if the emision cotrol has been taken off? I hae noticed that there is a braided type hose tht comes off a tube neat the carburetor, sorry i don't know what it comes off of. And teh end of that braided hose has been clamped and closed off. Thanks and hopefully u can kinda understand
71 240Z engine troubles..help please
I am in winnipeg, MB, canada. I am gonna get me some wires, cap&rotor, points, adjust the timming. My uncle is gonna help me with it.. He loves the car as much as ido i just need the xash to get the parts, he says 150$ cnd funds and i should be good to go, also is there anything else i should do/adjust to a car that has been sitting fro a few years...It was taken in just befroe i bought it to see if it would start, the guy who owned it obviously knew nothing about cars, it had an oil change and that was pretty much it and it started, so the guy was happy...anyways thnks
71 240Z engine troubles..help please
Hello yet again...anyways i was thinking maybe it's the carb. cause one is obviously working, and the other one controls the back three wich aren't running, i just hought maybe it coudl b esomething to do with the carbs any ideas?? I belive i need one of the unisyns or something liek that to adjust them?? any helf woudl be appreciated. Timming light and timming...exactly what are they....i am really new to this car stuff but gotta learn so should jsut ask and learn. thanks alot
71 240Z engine troubles..help please
Hey guys so i spent about 6 or so hours playing with the car after work today, anyways,.... I did a compresion test Cylinder 1-120 2-115 3-125 4-90 5-105 6-90 cylinders 4,5,6 are the ones not running, but while i was palying around i pushed a bunch of connections so they'd be tighter and ****, then i started it up after the compresion test hooked a timming light to it again and i got spark that was goign through all the wires( i temporairly fixed one of them that was broken), it also seemed asthough one or so of the 3 that aren't firering were trying to start up... I also firxed a bunch of wholes in the floor..it took most of that time, since i had to figure out what i was doing and ****....well jsut an update if anyone can help with this it would be greatly appreciated....thanks guys and gals....
71 240Z engine troubles..help please
Hello, thanks for your responses...i have just notice iw as out there lookin at the engine adn playin around, and the spark plugs are new, however they aren't the ag22 (i think) that are supposed to be in the car, i also had it running for a minute or so, then removed a spark plug, form the fourth cylinder and noticed a small amount of smoke coming out, since i have pretty much no knowledge of cars.
71 240Z engine troubles..help please
Hello,I am 16 and have just purchased my first car ever...a '71 240Z, very good condition, 1450$ for it cnd funds so i thought it was a good deal, turned it over adn voila it started after siting for 2-3 years... when it's running teh last three cylinders aren't getting a good spark...i say good cause when i use a timming light it shows no spark... When i romove the wire from the spark plug, and place a spark plug in the wire, and touch the plug wich is now connected with the wire to the valve cover, there is spark... not a strong spark, from what i have been told a blue spark is strong and a orange-ish colour is weaker. When i go to connect the wire back the the spark plug it starts to fire liek once or twice, if u hold it int eh right spot. I was wondering what is causing this, does anyone havce any idea? Also when u are driving it( just drove it downt the back lane to my place) it doesn't go very well when u start off but then it goes just fine when the rpm's get up there.. Also does anyone knwo the vavle adjustments for this car, it's completely stock teh engine... I was thinking that it could be the coil, the distributor cap, or wires? i am buying new wires on payday cause one is broken, and am thinking about a cap and rotor kit since it's only like 15 bucks, and a new coil is 35 bucks and wires 35 or sumthing liek that..anyways i'm really thankfull for your help on this, since i dot'n know too much about cars, thanks alot guys and gals.