Unfortunately, I think this is the state of affairs in the Z world. I was at the 2010 JCCS last weekend and of the approximately 40-50 Z'z, I am guessing maybe 5 would qualify as 'stock' . 'Stock' is used very loosely at the show. For some people, it means they haven't added a turbo or V-8 to the car yet. Otherwise people with custom colors, custom interiors, excessive chrome and numerous motor alterations were calling there 240's stock. (Funny, I entered my yellow one in the 'modified' category and it was probably closer to stock than most of those in that category. The yellow color disqualifies me immediately). I personally prefer the the stocks and usually end up talking with most of those owners. As always, the social part of the show is the best part. I am guessing a lot of the 'stockers' leave their cars at home, maybe feeling they can't compete with the mods. Fortunately, at the JCCS, the judges are pretty good at spotting the nice stock cars, and typically they get the top awards. This is typically not the case in a peoples choice award shows. I have a lot more to say on this subject but will save it for another thread