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Everything posted by motorman7

  1. motorman7


    Great looking car! That looks to be quite original. Is that yours?
  2. The color looks pretty close to me. Mine is just not as glossy even with 4 coats of Zaino show wax. I also wonder if the color has shifted a bit due to 40 years of aging. And then again, the lighting is a factor. So many variables with color.
  3. I love fins! They make the car go faster....almost like a turbo.
  4. Color sand and buffed the 73 today. Still got more to go. Got most of the sanding done. got about 3/4 of the car buffed with Maguiars 105 cutter. Will do the 205 poish once that is complete. It's starting to look nice.
  5. Yep, that sounds like a short then if battery is low. Those are easy to find with a cheap meter. The fuse box is in the forward part of the center console, just below the radio-on 240s. I am guessing 260's are in the same place
  6. Now that sounds like an open or loose connections. Much more difficult to find than a short. My guess is the ignition switch area or fuse box area. Funny, I had something similar happen to me about a month ago in my yellow Z. I turned the key and absolutely nothing. I banged my palm on the side of the fuse box-still nothing. banged my palm on the underside of the ignition housing and the car started right up. No problems since. Kind of made me feel like 'The Fonz'. Not really saying that is the best way to fix an intermittent circuit though.
  7. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-240-1972-Datsun-Orange-240Z-Immaculate-Mint-Condition-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem4152df2d8aQQitemZ280563232138QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucksQQautorefreshZtrue $18.1 final bid
  8. 10 mins to go on auction---still at $17.4K
  9. I am not sure if a list for this exists. You are correct on the clamps, they should be silver zinc. Other silver zinc items are the door catches and door bolts that hold the window frame (10mm with Phillips center). The coil bracket on my '70 was silver zinc-though I believe some models are yellow. The two hatch door 'bumps' (sorry I don't know correct term) are also silver zinc. There may be more, but this is what I can remember off the top of my head. Rich
  10. He is referring to this one http://www.datsunclassifieds.com/showproduct.php?product=5399
  11. This one intrigues me, early '70Z...S/N is just 2 less (2162) that my 920 gold one and only 30 miles away. I would do an inspection if someone was interested. Original motor and long time owner on this car. http://www.datsunclassifieds.com/showproduct.php/product/5390/title/1970-datsun-240z/cat/1
  12. Got car back from paint- Cleaning up the engine bay before assembly. Got the rack and pinion items cleaned and painted. Will clean and re-tape wiring harness today.
  13. Yes, that is correct. Bolts holding on fender are painted same color as fender. hood rods are pretty glossy even on a 40 year old. My bay just wasn't as clean. Over $15K with 4 days left, not bad
  14. That's a great looking car. From the pics it all looks pretty legit. The hoses are very telling. When I picked up my '70 with 95K on it last year, it had all the original hoses. These definitely look all original-even the plug wires. The only things that seem odd to me are the blue coil (mine is black) and the gloss black bumper support and hood rods. Would like to look at my '70 to compare but it's not available. (you can tell that I am really stretching here to find something not original). That is a pretty sweet looking vehicle from the pics.
  15. Would love to go, but have so too much going on. Gotta take care of the rental. Thanks for posting the invite. :classic: Rich
  16. That is good to know. Thanks for the info. Not too many factory originals around I am sure.
  17. It would be nice to hear from some of those who have judged at the show comment on this subject. I would consider any item that was available from the dealer at the time acceptable as stock. Such items as the 5 slot 14" mags and side stripes, I would consider stock (I think those were dealer options). Even dealer installed AC would fall into the stock category. Things I consider not stock ( that are often found on the 'stock vehicles'): -non-stock paint color -rims larger than 14" -chroming of non-chromed parts -missing smog -headers (debatable if they have smog ports that are used) -lowered springs -racing seats Just my thoughts, Rich
  18. Double the speed limit . I have one of those. That's the yellow one. I'm betting in another year or two the yellow one has an RB25DET in it. And I have one of those kind too. Most appropriate place for it to be besides my garage is in the DHM where people can see it. It is one of a kind. Nice to have one (or more) of each
  19. Unfortunately, I think this is the state of affairs in the Z world. I was at the 2010 JCCS last weekend and of the approximately 40-50 Z'z, I am guessing maybe 5 would qualify as 'stock' . 'Stock' is used very loosely at the show. For some people, it means they haven't added a turbo or V-8 to the car yet. Otherwise people with custom colors, custom interiors, excessive chrome and numerous motor alterations were calling there 240's stock. (Funny, I entered my yellow one in the 'modified' category and it was probably closer to stock than most of those in that category. The yellow color disqualifies me immediately). I personally prefer the the stocks and usually end up talking with most of those owners. As always, the social part of the show is the best part. I am guessing a lot of the 'stockers' leave their cars at home, maybe feeling they can't compete with the mods. Fortunately, at the JCCS, the judges are pretty good at spotting the nice stock cars, and typically they get the top awards. This is typically not the case in a peoples choice award shows. I have a lot more to say on this subject but will save it for another thread
  20. Yes, it's right up there with gear oil and fried electrical wiring on the smell-o-meter.
  21. I know what you mean. I want this one below real bad right now but got the evil eye when I mentioned it to my wife' date=' so need to lay low here. I'm out of space. 6 cars in the family and only a 3 car garage [url']http://sandiego.craigslist.org/csd/cto/1928533428.html
  22. I would remove the bar that is attached to the two front shock towers, just 3 nuts per side. Clean up the nuts that hold it down. Re-install after your done painting.
  23. Contact Les at Classic Datsun Motorsports. He has some nice ones already made. Not sure if he has the complete car, though. Rich
  24. The trick is to get the lighting right
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