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  1. beezee, HELP!!!!!!!! I've left you a couple of PM's (private messages) to contact me about trying out the modules and how you want to handle it. I don't know how often you visit the site but hope it's soon as I'm at a standstill.
  2. Thanks, I hope this is it. We both must be attached to our Z's like people are to pets.
  3. Thanks for the clarification and input.
  4. I'd like to try them mainly to see if that is indeed the problem, as well as remaining as original as possible. I'm probably 95% sure after eliminating everything else I could think of and before I upgrade to another set up. How do we do the logistics of trying them out?
  5. Thanks for the input. Beezee's modules are the same if we can rely on the markings and would prefer to plug one in and see if it cures the problem. But if they don't work, are you suggesting that I upgrade by replacing both my distributor as well as the module from a 79 ZX? Or would the E12-80 work with my existing disty?
  6. I would prefer to stick with the original since the car is pretty much stock except for the older carbs which is a major improvement over the flat tops. Do you know if your modules were working when the cars were parted out? Thanks for the info on the upgrade.
  7. I've had my Z since new, it's a 74 260 with manual trans. I drove it for 15 years, then parked it in the garage for the next 15 yrs.( Big mistake) I've spent the past 4yrs getting it running again (lots of work) but a labor of love). Had the head rebuilt, replaced the flat top carbs with older SU's as well as several other parts way too numerous to list. Had it running good but now am experiencing intermittent electrical problem (no spark) which I believe and finally my mechanic agrees is a problem with the Transistor ignition unit. (We've already eliminated a fuel delivery problem as well as the obvious problems, ie. coil, distributer, plug wires, dist cap, wire corrosion, etc.) It's a 5 wire unit marked as E12-05. Could really use some help locating one or another way around it. I've seen on some other sites as well as my mechanic that I could replace it with a Chrysler 5 wire ECM but can't find any information on wiring it. Any help or advice would really be appreciated.

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