77 280z parting out
i have a 280z that i'm parting out. Great interior and much much more email me with your needs at psychorhythm10@stny.rr.com mike
swapping 280 to a 240 body and steering
thanks kmack
swapping 280 to a 240 body and steering
my 73 240z needs a right fender and control arm maybe some other miscellaneous steering compontants. there is a 280z in the junkyard and the fender looks good and i was wondering if the fender and steering stuff would fit? it all looks like it would so does any one know for sure? thanks mike
Driver side view
try taking off the carbs and cleaning them thats all my 240 needed. unless this is fuel injected them i recommend fuel injector cleaner.
fender,light set up, and steering stuff for 73 240Z
hey i need a passanger side fender,and head light set up. and also the steering stuff for the passanger side. this is all for a 73 240Z thanks, mike
'81 280zx for sale n. cal- cherry!
hi i'm looking for a right side fender and the light set up and also the steering stuff for that side cuz my z was in an accedent before i got it. please email me at psychorhythm10@stny.rr.com thanks, mike
firing order
thanks for your help
71 Z Headlight Problem (left Light dim)
HI, It sounds too me like someone before you had a problem with a bad connection in the fuse box and decided to move the wire from the bad fuse to the other head light fuse. Because now you are running 2 lights you had to use a bigger fuse. The problem with this is the wire is no longer protected for the right current. So when you next headlight blows and the filaments touch together your wire can smoke instead of blowing a fuse. I sugest putting it back the way it was designed then locating the problem. The light is dim because it does not have enough voltage to it. So find the missing voltage and you will find the bad connection. Best way is to use a voltmeter ... Ground the black lead good... Now touch the battery positive.... 12.6 or so... this tell you what 'full' voltage is ... Now check each side of the fuse holder... try to get down to the metal under the fuse .... if yo get 12.3 or 11.8 you have lost some juice.... mostly likey corrorded contacts.... clean them and continue keep working all the way to the light bulb..... If there is a firewall connector check both sides of it.... If you get all the way the the bulb and still have 12.6 volts then move the probe to the ground side ... this should be 0 volts.... if it is more then clean the ground connection bright and shinny... If you don't have a meter you can use a test light and look for it to go dim... when it goes dim it means it has less volts just like your headlight..... 240zforfirstcar's DAD
firing order
I have an 73 240Z ... I need to know the firing order... I took all the plug wires off before I knew I should do them one at a time... Which one is first on the distributor cap, which way is that numbered?