Two very important things need to be mentioned here: 1. There is no specific compression ratio-to octane conversion, since knock-resistance is dependent upon much more than just static compression. Some key factors are combustion chamber design (including spark plug location), RPM, AFR, and valve timing profile. 2. Max timing DOES NOT equal max power. The optimal timing map for an engine is found during controlled dyno testing. There are a many reasons that can cause engine knock, as well as different types of knock. Fundamentally, knock is when a part of the mixture ignites before the flame front from the spark plug gets there. In your case, I'd be thinking about things getting too hot in the combustion chamber. This usually comes from three things: spark plug, exhaust valve, glowing deposits. Going to a cooler plug and/or dropping coolant temperatures could help, but not guaranteed. Spark plugs are easy enough to try out. However, if I were you, I'd pour in some 100 octane fuel and go to the dyno to see what YOUR engine really needs as far as timing goes. Come up with a "good" dyno testing strategy, i.e. minimize variables. Just keep in mind, knock happens for many reasons and is also dependent on ambient conditions. This is why there's a safety net built in on factory spark maps.