BTW, I played with the Z a bit last weekend. Switched the hypojets from H223 to H221, meaning the smallest air bleed hole. H22 denotes a .022" orifice, the third number is air bleed size with 1 being smallest and 4 largest. A smaller air bleed enriches idle while leaning transition. You can look at the hypojet as a "teeter-totter", which balances out idle and transition mixtures. It's an awesome tuning feature of the hypojet, essentially making 1 idle jet into 4 (e.g. 50F8, 50F9, etc). Therefore, moving to the smallest air bleed enriched my idle while simultaneously leaning out transition/cruise. The Z ran even better! Idle was rock solid at ~14.5:1 at about 1 1/4 turns of the mixture screw and cruise mixtures were leaner, in the 13:1 range. Testing was done on a relatively cool day so I'd like to lean out cruise mixtures further. Keith recommended blocking off a hole in the e-tube to see if cruise mixtures get leaner (part-throttle AFR is controlled by a combination of the idle jet and e-tube), although it may have an adverse effect on transition. If this experiment doesn't give good results, going to a smaller hypojet should do the trick. The only real issues I still have are my carbs not always going back to idle (mechanical issue), hesitation when suddenly jumping on the pedal at low rpm, and going too rich at WOT. New internal throttle return springs and 110 mains are on order from Pierce Manifolds which should help the throttle return and going rich issues. I'm working with Keith to solve the sudden WOT hesitation and will be putting in stiffer accel pump springs as soon as he gets them in. That should strengthen the pump shot. I checked and have size 40 pump jets, but did not check bleed back. Keith believes that the springs will have a bigger effect than changing either the pump jet or bleed back jet. One other benefit I noticed last weekend, the car starts much easier when it's warm. I no longer have to crack the pedal to start it. Cold starts require pumping since I don't have my cold-start units connected, which I never needed before since I was running so rich.