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Everything posted by LeonV

  1. I'd never met anyone named Fergus before, figured the name was one-of-a-kind!
  2. I need something lower than a stock seat! The stock seat plus me with a helmet on barely works, most of the aftermarket stuff makes it pretty much impossible for me to fit. Post up your seat when you're done, I'd be very interested in seeing what you come up with.
  3. I agree on this, I'm still on the lookout for a seat that sits low to fit me with a helmet on yet is supportive. Out of the Z's I sat in with different seats, I think the stock ones sit me the lowest.
  4. You can always browse various classifieds and/or make a WTB post, I bet people have them laying around.
  5. Agreed, on all counts. Not the most pleasant or ethical person, but he sure made a name for himself.
  6. No. Look at your brake lines. It's not physical distance from the master to the slave that matters, but the length of the lines between the two. Edit: Refer to figure BR-7 on page BR-5 of the '72 FSM.
  7. FWIW, do the left-rear first. It is furthest from the master.
  8. Wow, actual good advice in a brake upgrade thread? Astounding!
  9. I don't negotiate a purchase, site unseen. I'd go and look at the car first and then talk price, but of course it's too late for that. Second of all, new paint always throws a red flag for me. This means that any rust or damage that could have been present is now carefully hidden from view. Thus, a car with fresh paint warrants an even closer inspection. This involves checking the body over with weak magnets, poking and prodding underneath the car, etc. It can be hard for some, but you must emotionally detach yourself until you've secured a purchase. Physically go and take a look at many different cars before making a purchase, don't fixate on the first one. Good luck.
  10. Yes, all you need are the transverse link supports with the ears for the bar mounts and a rear-mount ARB, such as the ST one.
  11. Those Germans perplex me with their lug bolts.
  12. Sounds like every modern German car, or actually just about every modern car if you're comparing it to a classic. Try working on a contemporary Audi or VW...
  13. Damn, those are some serious spindle pin pullers! Definitely sturdier than the one I have.
  14. I've got a Momo Race, and like tlorber says, it's more precise and more comfortable. Definitely makes it easier to get in and out of the car, especially with seats that have larger bolsters. The only demerit on this wheel is that low speed effort is considerably increased, everything else is great. My wheel is also 350mm (13.78"), what size is your Prototipo? New carpet and weatherstripping are on the to-do list...
  15. There is no MAF on these cars, it's an AFM. Blue posted a great diagram on this site relating to how much enrichment each device provides and where it comes on and off. Found it in his tech tips site: http://atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/efisystem/overview.html BTW, that post was 2 years old...
  16. That's easy. ZX 5-speed and 3.9 or numerically higher diff. That's it. I think a date would be more impressed by a clean interior, having all body panels the same color and keeping the exhaust fumes out...
  17. I removed the blower fan when I did mine, made them much more accessible. Still had to lay on my back and twist around a bit. Helps to put a towel down on the rocker...
  18. It's a common problem, I'm with Pete on this one. I bet there is voltage going to your solenoid (you may even hear the solenoid click in the engine bay) but there is not enough voltage available. As Pete alludes to, there are many terminals in which voltage drops will occur. I had the same problem in my 260 when I first got it. The PO wired in a starter switch to bypass the wiring, but had created a dead short of the dash instruments and turn signals in the process. Stupid move. I bought a $2 30A relay from ebay, wired it in, and no problems since. Starts on the first turn, every time. Here's where I got my relays: http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-PACK-12V-DC-30A-40A-Relay-Socket-SPDT-Bosch-Style-/221021666426?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3375eafc7a&vxp=mtr
  19. Are you the same Fergus that helped Mike from Livermore pick up my old blue 240Z? I was curious about what ended up happening, if so! Sorry for the off topic reply.
  20. Yup, great site. Been using it for years.
  21. Took me a bit to get used to my Momo, but it feels fantastic now. Hopping back into a Z with a stock wheel now feels strange and somewhat ungainly.
  22. Loose driveshaft bolts... just discovered that on my Z. Good thing I caught it in time, but it did cure my high speed vibration issues.
  23. Well it is an addiction isn't it? In that case I'm already a drug dealer, albeit not a very profitable one!
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