The colortune and unisyn are obsolete tools left over as vestigial artifacts from a bygone era. You can use them all you want, and I'm sure your Z will run just fine. I can make a stock Z run great using just my ears as well, getting SUs into a working range is relatively simple. You said it yourself, "a Colortune is ineffective and crude when compared to other methods." You can then clearly see that it is completely obsolete and unnecessary today. Even if it is of any help, it can only be used in idle and no-load conditions. It doesn't give you any clue as to what's going on when you're actually driving the car. In the present day, a serious carb (or EFI) tuner should have a Wideband O2. It's like the internet, once you have it, you can't imagine going without. A casual Z owner that needs to set the mixture on their SUs can get by without any mixture measuring tools and go by ear and driveability. SUs only have one circuit, so it is a really simple tuning process. A unisyn costs as much as the STE-SK flowmeter. It is far from being the "best bang for the buck" as its construction and usability is inferior to the Weber flowmeter. Ask anyone that's used both, I have. The OP originally asked about getting a unisyn or STE, and made a point to consider that he plans to go to Webers. The STE is by far the best tool for the job, whether you're dealing with SU, Weber, Mikuni, SK, Dell'orto, etc. A wideband is also critical in getting optimal performance out of these carbs (SUs less so). A colortune will do nothing for him, but waste time.