Find the car with as little rust as possible! This may require you to travel far, possibly out of state. California is full of essentially "rust-free" Zs, so is AZ, plus they are cheaper than on the East Coast. Everything else is easy: engine, drivetrain, suspension, interior, when compared to doing tons of rust repair. If you're very patient, 2-5 years is okay. I got impatient of my '71 being on jackstands for 2 years, so I bought an early '74 260Z. I needed to drive a Z already and it allowed me to take my time with the 240Z. Lastly, do your research. There is tons of Z-related info that you can find by searching here,,, through which you will likely find links to other interesting Z sites, like'>DatsunZGarage,'>Blue's Tech Tips, Zhome and Xenon's site. Welcome to the addiction!