Guess we'll have to go bit-by-bit here... "Pinging" (engine knock) happens for a variety of reasons. It has nothing to do with what carbs you're running, as long as they are tuned properly for the engine. Right, that's what I meant in the pumping losses bit of my previous post. You said nothing about air in the post I quoted... This is backwards. Triple carbs with individual runners should be able to run leaner than their multi-runner-per-carb counterparts, simply because of better mixture distribution (also part of my previous post). The 40s on my L24 idle at 14.5:1 and I'm shooting for a cruise mixture of at least 15:1. That alone debunks the "triples tend to run some what (sic) rich" propaganda. An engine needs spark, fuel, and air to run. Spark is easily provided and controlled, as is fuel. The tricky part is getting as much air into the cylinder as possible. In other words, the maximum power you can achieve depends not on how much fuel you can dump into the cylinder, but how much air you can get in there so that the fuel you dump in can actually burn. You can't burn the gas if you don't have the air to do so! When replacing SUs with triples, the engine is able to ingest more AIR due to decreased pumping losses, better manifold design, and stronger resonance effect. THIS is why triples can increase power. It's definitely not because they like to run richer. As for modern high-powered cars not getting good gas mileage, I call baloney. Is 505hp and 30+ mpg not good enough for you?