I don't remember if I've actually started a thread on here before but I need some help in identifying a couple of transmissions.
First up, is a type-B 5-speed. I was told by the PO, who was told by someone else that it has Porsche-type (servo) syncros (maybe they meant just 5th gear?). Any way to find out what kind of trans this is short of opening it up? I thought it was a plain-jane 280Z 5-speed since it has the two ears under the shifter and the speed gear bolt is at 12 o'clock, but it "looks" to have the later shifter ears and is missing the top access cover that Marc describes at the bottom of his page: gearing2
Notice the number underneath the shifter ears.
Next up, is a type-A 5-speed. I don't know whether it's a Roadster trans converted to work on a Z, a euro trans, or something else. It seems as though the Roadster 5-speeds (FS5C71-A/FS5W71-A) had that driveshaft flange but I'm unsure whether that was shared by other type-B trannies. Any identifying features on this guy? I did read that Roadster trannies are "weaker" but I don't know how much merit that has.
I've searched quite a bit and did find some great info posted by guys like Carl B., Alan T., and Marc Sayer.
Thanks all.