Damper fluid does not affect the steady state mixture whatsoever, what it affects is transients (acceleration). If you read the link I posted, you would see that the lower the piston is, the smaller the cross sectional area, therefore the higher the velocity is at the venturi. Higher velocity equals higher pressure drop, so more fuel is draw out and your mixture is richer. A lightweight oil will let the piston move quicker, thus it will tend to lean out transients. Thus, a more viscous (thicker) oil will richen transient mixtures. If your oil is too light it may cause piston flutter which leads to an unsteady mixture. RacerZ says a lighter oil will make for "crisper response." I don't buy that generalization because the only way response will improve by going to a lighter oil is if your transient mixtures are too rich. That's like saying that decreasing the size of the pump jet on a typical carb will improve response.