I was searching the web to find someone with the same "below 1/2 tank" problem and I found this thread. But, mine's fuel-injected with an electric fuel pump at the tank, and I replaced most of the high pressure side hoses (e.g., tank to pump, pump to regulator, regulator to metal line, little ones under the hood). I replaced the fuel filter, too. I've had the tank sending unit out, but did not think to try to look inside at the condition of the tank for sludge/crud. Maybe next time. But, most of the time, especially in the summer, when I get below 1/2 tank it stalls/cuts out. It recovers while rolling, but cuts out again. Sometimes it does not recover until I add 5 gallons of gas. Once I do, it runs great. I recently filled it with premium because I was auto-crossing and I ran that tank to E with no problems. So, maybe it's more like occasional crud blockage and the premium has nothing to do with it? The only hoses I have not replaced are the low pressure side, vapor returns, etc. Bill D.