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Everything posted by ZcarsRock

  1. will this work? i can get a new 260 chrome front bumper for $50 us and its still in the wrapper!!!! good deal? will it fit my 72 240z? thanks please respond, cause i have 6 hours to decide.. zcarsrock Tony
  2. ZcarsRock replied to dickh's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    i'm going to Bosnia for 6 months and will be saving my money to buy either a new 350z or a restored 240z. Please send a picture of you car to me at hwk60@yahoo.com Thanks Tony Zcarsrock!!!!
  3. ZcarsRock replied to guy_geo's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My Z is my daily driver and i live in north central Kansas. I will store if for some of this winter, but only because i have to go to Bosnia for 6 months. But when i get back, and its winter, me and my Z will be out there dealing with the issues of weather and salt. I like the tips on storage though, and i'll use them:) Zcarsrock!
  4. does anyone know what the procedure is to use that big spring? i imagine its to keep the window rolled up? but how to install properly? Thanks Tony
  5. and probably 100 dollars. I've decided all I really need is some bondo and paint, and a dent hammer. Also i'll just try to find the manual windo regulator mechanism at the junkyard. Or i wonder if MotorSports catalog sells this item? My wife thru away my MSA mag.... Hey do you think the manual windows on the 280z will work in my 240? Tony
  6. I can get a great driver door at the junk yard for $80.00. The thing is i dont know if it will bolt into my 72 240z. Please, does anyone know? My driver door is all dented and rusty and the window wont roll up or down anymore. The junkyard door looks and works great. Thanks
  7. ZcarsRock commented on Si|v3r72's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  8. ZcarsRock posted a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  9. ZcarsRock replied to SeattleM's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Hi, wondering if you sold your 72 z yet. If not i am definately interested!. Please reply to my email or post here. I have a Sister in Oregon and she would pick it up for me. I currently have a 72 240z with a perfect frame but bent body. hwk60@yahoo.com Thanks Tony
  10. Here is what happend to me. My friend and i are driving home from drill along an open stretch of Old 40. He has a 2002 Mustang and i'm in my Z of course. We are just kind of cruising, and i'm behind him. He opens up his car, so i attempt to keep up. I notice as i accelerate the car is smooth till about 4800 to 5000 rpms. Then it happens!!!! Same accelarator position and the tach goes back down to about 4600rpms. I floor it and the rpm slowly climbs to about 5300rpms and wont go beyond this. What is my likely problem? Vacuum leak? bad Gasket? improperly set carbs? I have to large round SU's. Thanks for your help in advance. Tony ZCarsRock!!!
  11. ITs toast!!! I looked underneath and the cable is broke at the right rear axle. Also noticed thereis nothing attached to the left rear wheel in the way of a cable/pin etc. Kinda feels like i only have front brakes as well. Wonder what kind of money i'm looking at to get rear/emer brakes back on my ride. Tony ZcarsRock!!!
  12. yes i have had several problems before i tried to bleed the system. Mostly my clutch felt as though it was slipping. I purchased a new clutch kit but felt i did not have the time to do the job myself. My reason for bleeding the system was to get at least another week out of my ride(gotta get to work ya know) But now i'm just gonna thumb it or have a buddy take me to work and hope the guys at the Car Quest will hurry up and install my new clutch. A positive note, while in first the clutch is permanently engaged and it pulls the car way better than when the clutch was slipping....i could break the car loos on hard black asphault when i stomped on it doing like 5 mph...don't know why i did this, just curious i guess. Anyway hope a proffessionally installed clutch will do the trick. Tony ZcarsRock!!!
  13. All i wanted to do was bleed the Clutch, and this is what happend. I noticed on my way home that the clutch was not engagine easily, hard shifting etc. Also while the clutch was depressed and the car in put in reverse, i can feel grinding as the trans engages. After my unsatisfactory effort to bleed the system( I had my daughter depress the clutch slowly as i opend and closed the bleeder nut) I attempted to start the car while in reverse and the clutch depressed, and WHAM!!! I'm going backward!!!! The same thing happens when i put it in first gear and try to start. My salution.....The car is so light i get it started even though i am in 1st gear the whole time!!! so i drive it to The Car Quest 200meters from my home...whew, now just wonder if i damaged the car at all...i can hear a slight grinding sound when i start the car in neutral and rev the engine...dang! Any input would be appreciated Tony
  14. hey guys i have some new pics of my Z i'll post soon. As for those of you that are not familiar with what 2 77's is referring to, yall should check out the movie Black Hawk Down, it kind of shows what i'm all about. I do have a more serious question...how to get at those darn rear driveshaft bolts!!! cant seem to get my wrench on em!!! Thinking of paying my pals at the Car Quest shop to do my clutch work for me......I was at the auto skills shop and since they decided to close up early today, i decided not to go after the clutch job myself. HOOAH!!!!!!! ZcarsRock!!!
  15. Ok ya caught me!!! here is the skinny on me. I am an 22 year Army Aviator(Instructor pilot/safety officer) I am fully aware of what some people(crew chiefs) are doing here to keep their cars going. I do actually have a 1972 240z. However what i indicated i have done are actual things some of the younger guys in my unit have done that landed them on the police blotter report or in the hospital. I have a wife of 20 years and 3 wonderful children. I am actually a very conservative guy(probably why i am still alive after 2 combat tours and 6200 flight hours in the UH-60 Black Hawk!) Anyway i love you guys and i use some of your postings to make safety points to my unit. Thanks all CW4 Tony Shultz ZcarsRock, and so do Black Hawks!!!!
  16. great comments guys!!! I will be picking up my clutch kit from Auto Zone this afternoon. Tomorrow ant 1pm the Auto Skills shop opens at Ft Riley( for 2 dollars you can be a member) They charge me 3 bucks an hour but this includes the use of a fully stocked Snap on tool set, special tools, use of one of 20 Car lifts and the advice/assistance of the 4 ASE certified mechanics that work there for the purpose of helping lugs like me. Oh yeah, the Auto Zone kit includes the Alignment tool, prerssure plate, throw out bearing, and clutch disk....all for $94.99. If you live near a military post, check out the auto skills shop on post, most will allow anyone to be a member. Tony ZcarsRock!!!
  17. hope someone is still up to read this. I am risking something, as i have to drive 80 miles to Topeka tomorrow morning for a business meeting. I'm taking my car. Problem is i've changed the battery and alternater, but not the voltage regulator. So far the car is doing ok. My regulator comes in Monday. I want some reassurance that i wont hurt my battery/alternater if i drive this weekend with the old one still in the car. I plan on puting about 250 miles on the car, most in the day time. Tony ZcarsRock!!!
  18. but if the tester says the battery is bad, whats the point of trying to charge a "bad battery" I mean once the tester says the battery is shot, wouldn't it be smart to just get a new battery? and the Voltage regulator is only 16 bucks.....guess i'll just do all three. Hey do the voltage regulators come already gapped? or do i need to put the feeler guage to it? Thanks, Zcarsrock!
  19. Here is what happend to me today. I drove up to the auto zone and the guy hooks up his tester to my battery first.....results: Battery is bad!!!. Next i start the car and idle it at approx 1400 rpms for the alternater test.....Results: BAD!!! only putting out 12.5 volts. Next the Voltage regulator test: BAD!!! only putting out 5.5 to 6 amps.!!! Is it possible my Alternater is still ok, and that with a new battery and voltage regulator the alternater will check out ok? The store has an alternator in stock for $39.99 Thanks Tony Zcarsrock!!!
  20. Alignment tool? where do i get one and how much do it cost? I'm resigned to spending at least 6 hours at the auto skills shop on post, jeez thats about 20 bucks right there!!! Tony
  21. here is my latest issue, I ask the wife to go for a ride to Abeline KS in my 1972 240z. She was nice enough to cough up 20 bucks for my latest junk yard forray. ( I got a drivers seat back from a 280z and a console compartment cover and some vent ducts) Anyways we are having a nice drive but as i slow down, the radio dies out, then the headlights dim.....i pull in to the kwikmart and then the car dies....and wont re-start!!! I turn the ignition and i hear a click only. i pound on the starter and it only clicks...finally i get a jump from a nice fellow and the car starts right up the first try...so i drive straight home. Once at home i shut off the car and attempt a restart immediately, but only get a click, and the starter only turns for about a half second, then only clicks...Please help me!!! zcarsrock! Tony
  22. kool idea Owen! If i did not have access to the auto skills shop on post, i'd use your idea:) Hope you filled the hole back in when finished. Tony
  23. ZcarsRock posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Here is my issue, My driver car seat is in terrible shape, the left side is lower that the right and it is cambered to the left. I am afraid my spine will become mis-aligned! and i hate the feel of my left arse-cheek being lower than my right while driving:). I have a chance to get a used car seat from a 76 z car at the junk yard. the passanger seat in this car looks almost new!!! will it fit into the drivers position? or must i use a driver seat? the one in the junked car is in fair condition. Thankyou zcarsrock!

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