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  1. The sounds seems to be coming from around or very close to the fuel filter.
  2. that's what I was thinking, but didn't really smell anything, although from sniffing around it I do feel kind of light headed.
  3. Nooooo!!!! :'(
  4. Yeah the engine is NOT running, when the hissing is heard.
  5. Well I was saying that it hisses when only the power is supplied to the engine and simply noting that it idles rough WHEN i start it. Yeah i was trying to find where it was coming from and I couldn't really pin point it other than it was near the middle of the engine, I'm going to ****ing look again and see what I can tell but it probably doesn't help that I've never worked on a car in my life other than the simple stuff like oil changes and brake pad replacements. If it is a vacuum line, is that expensive to replace? Is it a pain in the arse or easy?
  6. Oh by the way it's a 1978 280z.
  7. OK I'm about to go take a closer look and find out where the noise is coming from but what I know so far is it only comes on after I put the key in the ignition and power is sent to the car. The hissing sounds like air or gas or something is being leaked out or pushed out as it is fairly audible. It's coming from somewhere close tot the center of the engine. Anyway I'm going to go have a look at it with a flash light so I can actually see where it's coming from. The car is idling hard and almost always dies after being left to it's self for more than 20 seconds if that. It gets down to about a .5 rpm and just struggles and then shuts down. But does anyone know what this might be just off hand? Thank you in advance for your replies, everyone here is so helpful. :classic: -Eli
  8. Whoa yeah that's a big compliment indeed, god to know I have a fellow industrial fan on here.
  9. Thanks a lot for your response. I do know how to do things like changing oil filters, change spark plugs, etc etc But I already had it there and he made me think I was paying for the plugs and NOT the labor as much. Turns out the plugs are easy to find and cheap. Long story short I got suckered and now Just want to know what i should do from here on out. I'm taking the car back, having my friend who works on cars give me a hand and do this with his help. What would you suggest I do other than regret my purchase?
  10. OK after speaking to the mechanic again and a little calmer I'm trying to decide what to do. Heres the whole story: I bought my 1978 280z cheap like 600.00 cheap so I figured that it would surely need some work (although it did drive to my sisters about 45 minutes away without any real problems other than some shaking at higher speeds which I figure was due to alignment or the fact that only one of the tires has tread). Well upon starting it back up after replacing the battery it started to stall at most of the red lights I hit on the way to the mechanics. He then informed me after I paid him 90.00 for a thorough inspection that not all of the cylinders were firing. He then said I would need to replace the spark plug and after charging me another 110.00 he informed me that some or one of the spark plugs were wet and now wants another 150.00 to fo further testing to find out what the real problem is. Should I just pay the guy to identify the problems and then try and fix them myself?
  11. Har, har. Should have pictures up of my z as soon as I get it back from that bandit!
  12. How hard would you guys say it is to replace your radiator? And thank you so much everyone for the advice and references, you guys kick arse and I look forward to learning a lot form you all and showing you my progress. -Eli
  13. Oh my God I'd have gone postal!!! I really want to learn to work on my own Z and I just need to get the tools to do so but I figured let a professional get her up to par and then do the maintenance and other repairs myself. *#@*$$**&^@^!!!!!!
  14. Ok so basically I just bought a 1978 280z and I took it to a shop where they charged me 110.00 just to put new spark plugs in!!! I need my car fixed up decent to get to and from work now and then and I have money to fix it but I can't afford to get ripped off by some jerk who thinks I wouldn't realize it. So if any of you guys live in the LA/Hollywood area please let me know if I could pay you for your assistance. So you can help a young guy who just want to get by do just that. Thanks in advance. -Eli
  15. I'm about to kick my own arse for being such a idiot!

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