Just thought I'd join and see if I could make a few friends with words of wisdom. Alright I guess I'm supposed to talk about my self now so here goes. I am simply a man striving to become the actualization of his full human potential. Attempting to live each day to it's fullest and use each moment to become a more genuine and conscious human being. Another political refuge of the mindless consumer pop culture that has infected this world. Someone seeking depth and meaning in this life, without the comforting delusions of religion or the superficial distractions of mass society. Idealistic and young but far from foolish. A modern human being not concerned with outdated and illogical gender roles, moral dogma, and racially fueled hate. I love my country and yet hate my government. I am a complex collection of contradiction. A drunken bad arse that would just as gladly have a philosophical conversation on the nature of love as kick someones face in for being an asshole. A good bad boy and a bad good boy. A vulnerable man with a blood soaked heart and bullet proof skin. A stone faced joker, a spiritual atheist, subtle hints in bold lettering. I just don't make sense in any conventional way. I am not a consumer, or a fade follower or a scene, I am a individual, a paradox, a human being. I guess really I'm just another arrangement of bone and muscle destined to be forgotten and walked upon, just like you...