Everything posted by yetterben
POR 15 application in framerails
I disagree here john. I have had a rusty 72 gmc truck frame outside of my poll shed for 8 years. I sprayed it with por15 back then. It still solid and has not shown any signs of further rust damage. Now there was no holes just surface rust mind you.
240z Temperature Always Over Half
. These gauges are the suck 30+ years old. If you where that hot you would here it boiling after you shut the car off.
Car will not rev past 4000 rpm
Fuel Filter.
Calling all triple carb experts
per phone conversation 135-140 mains 200 air's f-11 tubes. Throttle blades dead center of last progression hole. Idle mixture screws 1/2-1 turn out. If more than that start to look at bigger idle jet. Get those chokes out verify size 30's are small not much top end. 33 good top end low end suffers below 3 grand at more than 1.4 throttle. Get stacks gotta gotta have them. I have a set of 200 correctors i will trade for those 170's I actually have a set of 140's i see. 15 bucks for those. Call me if yah wanna send them out.
Calling all triple carb experts
Timing should be around 34-36 all in run 91+ octane. No vacuum advance. If connected to a log vacuum source its not a strong enough signal. It will scatter timing all over at cruise. Here is my setup if i can tune this in for 400+ hp you can do a N/A l24 Here is the complete list of idle jet air bleed holes in order from rich to lean F6 (richest), F12, F9, F8, F11, F13, F2, F4, F5, F7, F1, F3 (leanest)
Calling all triple carb experts
per phone conversation 135-140 mains 200 air's f-11 tubes. Throttle blades dead center of last progression hole. Idle mixture screws 1/2-1 turn out. If more than that start to look at bigger idle jet. Get those chokes out verify size 30's are small not much top end. 33 good top end low end suffers below 3 grand at more than 1.4 throttle. Get stacks gotta gotta have them. I have a set of 200 correctors i will trade for those 170's
GM hei Tach issues
I am not gonna say anything i all ready have not told you
Triples and Mechanical VS Vaccum Advance (question)
there is nothing wrong with not using vacuum advance. I have mine set to 32 all in buy 3,000 no loss of power at all.
" Blue Oval Z" Needs your help!!
power train on something like that takes a sidestep to the man hours involved in its creation. Sure ls1 would be nice but whatevs.
Garage floor decal
Any shop worth there salt can correct any image size you give them. With that just find what ever you can, have it corrected to your liking.
Who the heck owns these hot ass twins!!!!!
BUSTED in contact now
" Blue Oval Z" Needs your help!!
I cast my vote. Its one of the nicest z's on the planet.
running lean?
I am rethinking this a little i think i might be to rich on the top end as after the last pull i can removed said deposits down to factory color/material. They look kinda wet when i remove them as well. The car runs like a farking top. Prior to this i was running Su's with sm needles so those might have been what was running rich. Plugs looks okay nice and tan.
running lean?
Pistons tops seem to be covered in a white ash....taking a q tip to them cleans them down to the factory color. I am running way to lean on the top end? triple webers just installed today. Fully rebuilt. Car pulls and runs like no tomorrow it may be if i burn a piston . 200 air 140 main 33 choke 4.5 venturi.
The Value of your Car
Same here mine is currently insured for 12 grand. Not bad seeing as how i paid under 3 for it painted it and a few other things.
The Value of your Car
nada for baseline
spindle pin lock bolt
i will call it good to go then. Thanks guys> Its been a major headache and this forum is a major life saver. Next up is the triple Weber and blow through turbo install hehehe what a nightmare.
spindle pin lock bolt
so youre telling me its fine to roll down the road with two or threads on the pin
spindle pin lock bolt
what about when the car is rolling
I am thinking of bidding on this car
completely original not un molested cracks me up. so does the picture with the 666 inverted cross
I am thinking of bidding on this car
" not unmolested"
spindle pin lock bolt
with two or three threads shown on the bottom there is still like 4-5mm of bolt sticking out up top.
spindle pin lock bolt
i will try the removal of the pin and see how far the lock bolt goes then but i can see in the hole the new lock bolt made a gouge in there.
spindle pin lock bolt
hm.... shinning a light down there reveals a perfect slot. tap the pin one way and its not anymore if you get what i am saying. it will go down about half way just enough for the threads to come out the bottom. I cant for the life me get it in any further with bfh or without.
spindle pin lock bolt
One of the lock bolts wont go back into place. Yes the pin is in the right way. Seems to be carving a new hole when i pound it in. Like it has a bur on it but it does not. So should i ream the hole or sand the bolt and try again.