Everything posted by yetterben
Trip to Japan
you know my wants. HKs surge tanks hks itb for weber/mikuni mani. I would like a fet tripple manifold. Set of sanyo kiki carbs. Feel free to call again
intake manf
That thing is gonna fall on its face over 2 grand.
Part Number for 280ZX Turbo Head Gasket?
i happen to have a turbo nissan gasket here oem from nissan and a ishino. will take a pic for yah and mic the thickness. The oem from courtesy says ishino on package. This topic is discussed in great length on hybrid. Ishino looks the same as msa gasket too for what its worth. Up to you though. I did lots of research before i chose mine.
Part Number for 280ZX Turbo Head Gasket?
Only difference was the head bolts. Gasket was always the same.
Part Number for 280ZX Turbo Head Gasket?
there is no difference from turbo to regular gasket. Look at part number there the same. Trust me when you order one from nissan its gonna say ishino on it. have run 20 psi threw these via to4e there fine. Still blow out the side under detonation and cost half the price.
Part Number for 280ZX Turbo Head Gasket?
Order this one its the same and they supply the gaskets to nissan anyway. Loads cheaper. Correct fire ring thickness and passage placement. Dont waste the money going to nissan to buy this gasket. http://www.thepartsbin.com/catalog/?N=9285&uts=true&Ntt=W0133-1632596&x=14&y=13
My dual exhaust build
I need one of the euro ones that can retard timing. pm sent.
Are more 280 owners noticing difficult restart when engine is hot?
Open your hood right after you shut it off. Try to start in 15 Put you hand on the fuel rail after the car is off....hot as sin.....btu rating goes way down on hot fuel.....This happens every time i shut my MS powered efi off. Its hot under there. It is indeed a Heat Soak like issue. Nissan took notice put a fan in there. Took notice again on the z31 and put in a fuel temp sensor and fuel temp map.
Z shops
you need help you know where i am
Webers leaking
indeed. Pull all the jets and throttle shaft and boil them for a hour or so.
Webers leaking
you dont want any bleed back. Something is a amiss in those carbs. a good boiling would be nice.
Backfire from intake on startup
yeah it would wizz and moan 180 off
Webers leaking
dave are you sure you took the bleedback out and not something else? look at a parts explosion. its id# 43. Pull your accel jet out and make sure its clean. its assessable outside the carb behind the progression port screws.
Backfire from intake on startup
Echo timing events and check plug wires for proper firing order. Timing light is your friend. 15-36-24
Webers leaking
The weber books are all wrong on jetting for the L-gata. 50 or 55's should be in order for a L
Webers leaking
So many people have so many problems with triples if they would just buy a wideband for 200 bucks there would be no guessing. You would be like oh i am lean at 2 grand better up the idles or oh i am lean at the top but the mid is good,better drop corrector down etc etc.
Webers leaking
Thats about it. Reason being it should never be on the feed line is you cant guarantee everything in the row is seeing that fuel because you are reg it before it gets there. On the back end you know fuel had to flow to everything to get to the reg right........Food for thought. Dialregs are bad cause they open a small orifice to reg pressure but cripple flow vs a diaphragm and spring regulator.
Webers leaking
They went out yesterday Dave. I found the 5th you need 1. Webers are the hardest to tune out of any triple setup. Why? becasue no other carb besides Dell's have as many variables. Mikunis where oem carbs solex the same. Sk was a rip off of mikuni. Most of the time you can remove the sk jet cover sticker and see Mikuni stamped on it. Dont rule out small cracks in the soder joins on brass floats for front leakage. they can sink just enough to cause the carbs to drip at idle. Plastic floats can only handle 18psi of boost before they crack. Ask me how i know. I ran 18psi via a t3/t4oe via my webers tuned them in perfect. Laid down 368hp with them at 15psi. Going efi now cause the webers cant offer anymore what i need.
Webers leaking
Oh yeah regulators always belong on the return line never the feed line. Dont wanna listen or believe not my pistons that will melt when a carb runs dry.
Webers leaking
I will also add that dial restrictors are trash and belong in the trash. never ever ever ever ever trust your car to a dial regulator EVER!!!!!!!!!! People if you want informed help you need to come prepared. All jet sizes posted float setting posting bleed back posted needles posted. E-tubes all of it right it down. For god sakes open your carbs and make sure they all match. 30 years of dumb american back woods mechanics ****ing with $^!# thinking its a Holley. Make sure your fuel system is on order no cheap junk you want cheap junk run the stock crap. You put webers or mikunis or sk's or whatever on your car for performance. Dont talk about gas mileage who cares is that why you got triples? For MPG or for wot balls to the wall make your neighbors crap sound. Nissan Race sector used mikunis for a reason....??? Wonder why they didnt use hogged out su's? So many people screw up or have no clue blame the carbs or over carb there setup. Its not the carbs fault its dumb previous owners or dumb people passing bad info around. I will take a set of triples over Su's anyday and can out perform SU's in every way, even mpg. Its all about what yah know what your willing to learn and having some sense and R&d like dyno time, Wideband etc. If yah cant afford it run SU'S Now that the rant is over my disclaimer. This was not directed at anybody. Its a general notion that needs to be followed for informed answers. If you dont know the answer dont post why waste peoples time. People want informed help. Not i think or maybe or try this.
Webers leaking
I got lots of thoughts dave most to racey for this site i am sure. Give me a call.
Webers leaking
The carbs will never see any higher than the reg pressure. Needles only see that high pressure for 1/10th of a second wile the system is primed. For a fact the stock 2.0 needles can take 9 psi before they blow buy. I am not trying to be rude but i have never seen such misinformation about webers until i started reading this site again. I guess if people like playing guessing games and shotgunning parts buy all means. For a informative thread about webers with informed decisions and engineering like precision look in the l6 section sticky's at Hyrbirdz. I just cant stress enough wideband dyno time etc etc thought process informative decisions etc.....
Webers leaking
ugh...Full of fail. The pics are jet well gasket idle return spring banjo fitting crush washer and gasket. O rings are for the progression port screws.
JDM L28 motor convert to turbo
I am running 18psi on a f54/p79 via carbs. If you tackle it right it can be done.
POR 15 application in framerails
Spraying por15 should not be taken lightly on the safety/hazard side. You will die fast if proper measures are not taken. This is of course is threw a spray/gun setup.