Everything posted by yetterben
Who the heck owns these hot ass twins!!!!!
vintage datsun 1600 number 33. I think it was a open track day. Those are way to serious of rides to auto x i would think.
Who the heck owns these hot ass twins!!!!!
judging buy there huge trailer i say often.
Who the heck owns these hot ass twins!!!!!
A buddy of mine who races vintage class here in wisconsin was pitted with these guys last year. I am trying to find out who they are. They where older gentlemen and i guess they traveled alot on the circuit. One of these guys wives had the camaro in the background. These are two of the most bad arse z's i think i will ever see. Gotta love old school!!!!!
hm....battery tray rust gone threw....thoughts wanted
its actually about 8 inches below the battery. its kinda strange. everything directly under the batt is fine. I am sure there is more rust hidden on the car somewhere. Floors are solid rockers are solid. I just wanted to drive the car for the summer and over the winter i will pull the motor and flip the car over and have a look-se. Here are some pics. It has a f54/p79 combo in it and runs really nice. I threw a set of paltech carbs itb air cleaners and air horns on it. SEt timing to 12 btdc and it runs fantastic. Pulls so damn hard to 5 grand i have never seen the need to go over 5. Its got alot left at 5 though....at least it feels like it anyway. Not to bad for 2,600 bucks. In Wisconsin its hard to find a z in good shape. Sucks i have no garage and all i have is a water proof car cover. Thats why i am trying to fix what i can so it does no go any further. I never drive it in the rain though.
ARGHHHHH.........Thermo stat housing.
its a p-79 head
ARGHHHHH.........Thermo stat housing.
I know this is not the place but i just snapped the two bolts holding the neck onto the housing for the t-stat. If anyone has the whole unit please email me directly or pm i nee done asap. Damn track day this weekend.
My 71' 240z project ... =)
just read the whole thing and watched all movies. Fantastic!!!!!!
hm....battery tray rust gone threw....thoughts wanted
Well here is the only rust on my car i knew it was there when i bought it. I dont think this is a major issue as it has not gotten to to the frame yet. I know there could be more lurking but from what i see its not to bad. i cleaned some undercoating off and slopped some por15 on it for now to attempt to slow it down till i get to it in a few weeks. Someone put a patch on the inside already just riveted crappy work. But i am hoping it not the death of the car. I am good at welding not so good at fabbing. My thought where to template the area and have it made.
Grinding from rear
yeah tonight it started doing it in 1-3rd goign straight as well. Its now kinda a loud hum/grind. When i changed my diff fluid i took a peak inside threw the plug and did not see any major wear but cant see much threw that. I did have some fuzzies on my drain plug though. it also stops as soon as i press clutch in. Guess i might have to find a new dif. where is a good place to score a 180?
Grinding from rear
anyone sell loaded hubs? i also gave the right rear tire a tug at the top it has some slop in it. Could this be u joint slack or for sure a wheel bearing. I am just dreading the wb on these cars argh.......
another linkage issue.
has nothing to do with the functionality of the carbs thats whats weird. Its linear when off. I can make it do what i want when it's off all the time. Its only when running. its getting better as they break in. I have read all the old threads tried all the tricks. But it is really like the vacuum is causing a issue sucking the blades tight. Like i said when its off i can barely touch it and get it to act normal. all linkage is new from pedal to carb all greased the right way all adjusted the right way it really strange. my motor does pull 20hg at idle. 185 across the board for compression pulls like a mutha all the way till 6. Sometimes i wonder if the tach is right it pulls so hard but it is i compared it with a high end tach meter from snap-on. I cant say enough good things about jeff. He offers a great service just like zthearpy. Competition is good for everyone as well.
another linkage issue.
Got a set of rebuilt carbs from paltech. Linkage is fine when car is off very linear. With car on it has the common stick right away making it impossible to just take off easy. Almost like vacuum is holding them shut while on.
Grinding from rear
Only happens when turning??? wheel bearing or u-joint. Leaning towards bearing. What are your thoughts. 73 240z
Failing fuel pump?
Nope no pump back there only two lines coming from tank and they both head straight over the diff up to the front. I will run the car from a gas can to eliminate tank theory but i am thinking pump. I am 99.95 percent sure there is no screen on any 240. I looked whre you told me and there is no pump just the lines going over the diff. Unless its up there in the trans tunnel.
Failing fuel pump?
My car is running lean mid-upper range. I picked up a clear fuel filter to see if there was good flow. Well if i crack the throttle the filter runs dry and it leans out. Assuming pump is failing it is a mechanical and it is old how old who knows. If i pinch the feed line from tank for a few seconds the pump builds pressure and when i release the filter fills half way. Sound like a bad pump or maybe clogged pickup? doubt pickup as the gas is clean as can be and this just happened in the last few days.
new 240z owner not so new to cars or forums :)
they are the 3 screw variety. I ordered some new ones. Zx dizzy zx motor. 98 on the clock would be hard pressed to believe 198 in wi as good as it still is.
Where to get vintage racing number decals
Looking for the old school white circles with number in the middle that go on door. Where do you guys get yours.
new 240z owner not so new to cars or forums :)
cool. what size color tune do we need.
new 240z owner not so new to cars or forums :)
While not new to cars buy any means i am new to the 240z. Picked up a fine example. Runs a little rough but still drives pretty good. My carbs are out of sync i can tell. REal rich smell and fumes coming from pipe. Sometimes even black. I am coming from the rx world and a rotary guru and am excellent with other makes and models. I worked at ford for 12 years as a mechanic. Its just been so long since i have monkeyed with side draft etc etc. I got them going pretty good lock nuts underneith 3 turns out idle set via two screws at 850. runs pretty good. Backfires threw carb if i stab it over 1/2 or 3/4 Guesiing timing is off or i am running lean up top. any help would be great.