260z packages
So I was wondering if anyone could tell me or point me in the direction of a website that lists all the interior options or packages that the early1974 260z came with. I was comparing my car to an early 280z in the local junk yard and it had some cool features like a fuel light where the 260's "fasten seat belt" light was and other things. There are two things im particularly interested in, there is a cap across from my fasten seat belt light above the vent controls. It looks like it would be another light for something. Also the back part of the center console, it pops out so would it have been an extra tray of some sort in a higher packaged car? Oh one more thing, my center console goes rear defogger switch, hazard light switch and a cap? Was there a third switch? ps all caps were from factory not put in by someone else. i will post pics after work if my descriptions don't make sense.
Leaking 1974 gas tank
Hey everyone I have a 260z and the gas tank leaks if I fill it up past half tank. I changed the sending unit and I changed the oring and lock twice but it still leaks! I watched it leak from the unit so I know for a fact It comes from there. Also I capped off all the unnecessary vents. So my question is WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH MY TANK?? And if i do infact need a new tank where might I find one for cheap preferably used as I dont have much cash like the typical college student. anyways HELP PLEASE!
manual & auto starters
Well that's a relief! I thought I would have to postpone this and spend even more money, Thanks everybody
manual & auto starters
Ok so i have already searched this question on the website and got some mixed answers.:stupid: I want to know if the automatic starter i have in my 74 260z will work with the new 5 speed im swapping in. I've read a couple threads where people put in new starters in their swap but i have also read that some people don't change it and their car runs fine. (both on this web site) Please help, this is the last peice I need before i can start the swap and im trying to get this done before my next semester of school starts
rebuilt e33 head
I recently bought a rebuilt e88 head with a 280z cam which has the letter A and E30 stamped on the cam. Could anyone verify that this is infact a 280z cam? Also i was looking at my old stock cam (on my stock e88 head) which has L E30 stamped on it. Could anyone point me in the direction of where i could find specs on these two heads and cams? Thanks.
- Fuse Box
Fuse Box
i seem to have lost my fuse box cover to my 74 260z and was wondering if anyone could post a clear pic. of theirs (so i could read it) or direct me to a site where i could buy a new one. thanks...
i know my other posts in the beginning were awful. i didnt believe i did that when i looked at them again but that was when i first logged on and was really immature and i apologize for that. and i dont know why i keep replying when i already know what you guys are gonna say, but i know now, someone had suggested hybridz and to be honest i like it way more over there. Hybrid was the site i was really looking for.
ok so first of all im not going to be racing with my car cause one time i loose controll thats it, the car is dead and second of all where i live i would not be able to get out of my drive way with my car being that low. SO to fix that problem i would install air bags. with that said the comments of it being ugly and not functional, hey thats why you dont own my car because you would do something different and i do like the cars on this site but there are many things i would do different to them, to each his own:bunny:
Well I feel like an idiot
ok so my bad for the rude comments before... thats when i first got on this website and was immature. now i have found out that the people on this site have lots of usefull info and is no place for kids bull**** so i apologize
yea to each his own, but for dumped cars thats what they invented air bags so you wouldnt mess anything up. but yea most people i tell about hellaflush cars dont like them, never seen them or dont want the hassle of a car that low, but thats also part of the reason i want to do it...it's different:bunny:
i was thinking of making my 74' 260 HELLAFLUSH...but i have only seen one z that has done it http://speedhunters.com/archive/2009/12/30/speedhunter-awards-2009-gt-gt-the-winners.aspx plus i dont know what wheels i want to use. some one out there has to have done this already so how about some inspiration...
- my z at night
- my z at night
fo sho thanks alot you would'nt happen to know of any good z sites for buying stuff would you... other than motorsport or blackdragon