Everything posted by aceofspades
First 3 things I I need to repair!
SO i went and checked the mount Its good but some one put shims in! between the lower member and the mount it self! So I guess that mean the band is worn out? is there a good replacement? also do you have to wrench the bolts that mount the mount to the diff or is there a trick? i could not get an impact socket on it!
no cluster lights or side makers and back lights!
Well I don;t have a glove box lamp and some some plugged the connector together and hide in under the harness!
no power to turn signal switch early 260z
I have the 3 wire signals switch It worked before i took the dash out and fixxed a short. Now they don't work at all and I have no power to the switch at all any help on this one?
no cluster lights or side makers and back lights!
all fixed!
Some else's left over tach problems
Well ill hook it up and see what happens Maybe I'll get lucky or burn some thing up
Some else's left over tach problems
So since i'm tracking down a short in the dash! I wanted to know why my tach didn't work and had a mini tach wired up!.. early 260z with a mallory Dizzy and mallory coil So i rewired the tach and pegs at max RPM does it need some kinda adapter or jsut a bad tach? also by the coil I have 3 wire and have no idea where they go any help! 2 are female barrel plugs ones black with white other is blue then by the resistor there is a terminal just floating solid blue any help would be great thanks! not even a week into owning this car yet!
no cluster lights or side makers and back lights!
ok i'm back and will So I did alot of work tonight ! and I got alot to ask you dave! ok SO I was not getting power past connector C-2 fixed that problem! then check the switch that worked wee! flipped it on , pop went the fuse! so I looked at the wire chart and saw after the switch the power splits off to C1- and C-5 both green connectors ! So i unpluged them and it still popped the fuse! So the Green white wire most be shorted some where? So time to take off the dash and up open the harness? or any where else I should look before i got crazy here? Man I have not had this car a week and already its all taken apart =)
First 3 things I I need to repair!
Funny I still don't know what MSA is ! also the ron tyler mount I may look more into it ,but from pics i seen it uses a poly mount! as for carbs is it easy to find SU 3 screw carbs in good shape or just better off buying from ztherapy.com for a full kit it will cost me pretty much grand!
First 3 things I I need to repair!
Well then! hello all! First of front Diff mount! solid or rubber ! What Do I gain to lose by swapping in a solid? more vibs and drive train noise? Which rubber or solid is best to buy and where? 2nd! Carbs! I got some dirty old weber DGV's rebuild them and learn them or buy some nice SU's? what the best cheap carb set up out there! Also ditching the air pump is it just as easy as talking the pump out and block off the lines? 3rd Tune up parts! I have a 260Z L26 Weeee! with a Mallory Dizzy and coil! what kinda plugs (NGK# ???) cap/ rotor and wires should I run ? Also Plan To install some new ground that run right back to the battery! any tips and help would be great ! I would run a search but find it easy just to ask and get right to the points i'm asking!
So....looking for further basic mods for L26
I should keep an eye on this one!
no cluster lights or side makers and back lights!
do you think if I ran power from the bat + to the green/ blue and flipped the switch it would power up the lights?
no cluster lights or side makers and back lights!
soo does one of those green wires get power or is a ground?
no cluster lights or side makers and back lights!
ok I Used my test light to check all the fuse only 2 are not getting any power at all! I have the clean cover for the fuse box and I hope its the right one I hear its kinda rare! but its the flasher fuse and IGN interlock fuse! all the right are good! and have power across! as for the switch! both the green wires have no power to them at all with my test light and i tried to jump them and nothing!
no cluster lights or side makers and back lights!
bulbs all seem great!
no cluster lights or side makers and back lights!
tried it still nothing but the did look at the connector for the switch it was a small amount melted but a very small amount not much at all =( now whats next to check
where can I get info on webber down dafts
I got a set on a car just picked but know nothing about them and i'm sure they need a rebuild!
no cluster lights or side makers and back lights!
So where do I start! picked a really clean 260z well the factory tach does not work but there is a pocket size sun pro wired in! The Dizzy is a full Mallory unit! so I guess I got that going for me or maybe not! ok so I can only drive it during the day ! =) all the cluster light don;t work from dash to any thing! fuses are all good! and have not tested the switch but not sure how to! 2nd light problem! I have no side makes or back lights or plate lights! But head lamps, turn signals , brake and back up lights all work! I checked fuse its getting power across! and i check the connector be hide glove box and next to the seat by the rocker panels. I would try to get to the ground but its on the frame rail and its hidden by the gas tank! SO is my harness bad some where from next to the seat to the back? also front side makers are a no go as well! any help?
I caved in and got a 260Z
ahh i found its problems i'll start a new post if have time please come help me online =) webbers need rebuild it seem and a setting! also night light are not working but have head lamps! keep an eye out for my post!
I caved in and got a 260Z
i'll get more photos and what not on the when i get it off the trailer!
I caved in and got a 260Z
Yea both seats were redone at some point not sure when!
I caved in and got a 260Z
for less then 3 g's can;t beat the deal
I caved in and got a 260Z
I picked up this super clean Datsun 260Z in great shape! just needs little things ! like carpet and some cleaning up!
Are 73 auto 240z worth it?
the car still looks to have stock body meaning factory paint and metal no fixes yet its in the for sale section I have posted about it before but it seems an ok deal! 5 grand some with spare parts but has the start of rust in dog legs and right above the tail lights
Are 73 auto 240z worth it?
well thanks all I'm still looking at a member's car on here for sale claims its till an factory body!
Are 73 auto 240z worth it?
its ok car its 73 repainted in white so it hides the body work bit but i can still see it! I drove it around needs trans fluid which worries what shape the trans is in! but I dunno about the car needs more work then the 6 grand the owner wants for it I have 2 photos of me dirving it and one side profile i took with my phone! Also there is mice poop all over the car and smells pretty strong ! The owner already had the wiring fixed due to mice eating some of the starter lines he wants 6 grand for it no less! Also has some after market carbs that starts with an C