Everything posted by 71Nissan240Z
Fuel Pump Wiring Harness ?s
I didn't find that in line fuse. But I do know that there is no power at that plug by the radio. I know I could probably tear into the dash and find the issue but I think I'd rather make my own harness. After going through the trouble with using the oem fog light harness and finding out there's almost a 2v drop from the switch to the plug, I'd hate to waste time again.
MSD ignition - easy?
I've got a blaster coil pertronix ignition and msd 6al. I had to use a tach adapter for my 1971 240z. My tach is out of a 280z
That annoying alarm buzzer
Is it possible to install the 80s 90s nissan singer instead? It's a little more sensible.
JDM/Euro Tail lamp assembly for $299! Made in Japan!
Hi. I received the blemish unit and cannot tell where the blemish is. The look tons better than my old lights and all I have to do now is wire it up for the jdm turn signal. Thanks guys.
Fuel Pump Wiring Harness ?s
Fuel Pump Wiring Harness ?s
Ok I'll post a pic
Fuel Pump Wiring Harness ?s
The T shaped plug has a green wire going to it and a black and white wire.
Rocker Geometry Woes
Ya I would polish those rockers or get new used ones like rossiz said
Rocker Geometry Woes
If you need rockers I have a decent matching set of them I pulled off an mn47. Won't use them since the head on the car I have right now is mated with a performance cam and the mn47 is not. Lash pads are standard thickness at .160 if u need those too.
Fuel Pump Wiring Harness ?s
I'm pulling an inertia switch off a Ford tempo in the junkyard. It's about 1 dollar. Inside the trunk. I saw the wire diagram. But I'm still curious why nissan made the fuel pump circuit incomplete. I'm not sure what to do yet with that T shaped plug by the radio.
Fuel Pump Wiring Harness ?s
Thanks for the help.
Fuel Pump Wiring Harness ?s
So my mechanical fuel pump was pouring fuel into my oil. So out with that. Been wanting to upgrade to electrical for a while. Now to the nitty gritty. I know there is a T shaped female plug by the radio that you must short together to get power at the plugs by the gas tank. The problem is I'm not getting any voltage at that T shaped plug. So I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or there is a fuse somewhere I need to check. I wish I had a service manual for the wiring diagram. I spent a few hrs going around pretty much with no success. My car is a 71. So the 73 service manuals are the only ones I have access to.
Re-drilling 5 stud wheels
It's really not worth the Hassle with regular basket weaves. If they were alpina wheels or something maybe. By the time you convert or buy spacers you will be more into the wheels than just a nice set of rota panasport replicas.
New SU Carbs on Ebay
A lot of non nissan datsun guys know the value of these parts. Unlike the Chevy and fords which u can still catalog parts. They know and try to sell datsun parts for a small fortune because most stuff is hard to find. I bet these are restored carbs in a nissan box. Makes the box worth a lot of money.
MY first paint job
Did u bondo over some rust? Don't be afraid to say yes because I have some pin holes on my door that bubbled through. Was wondering if I could por from the back and front then paint over it. The rust is in a spot on the doors and fenders that would make it hard for me to repair with metal
1969 HLS30-00182 on Ebay
Just because it sold for that much doesn't mean the buyer will reject the sale once the vehicle arrives
Portland CL "Ferrari" style modified 280Z
It's nice but needs 10s of thousands to make it right.
These are more affordable for those who love JDM/Euro type tail lamps for $449!
When will mine ship out? My ebay name is pharaohdeez. Sorry I'm anxious!
These are more affordable for those who love JDM/Euro type tail lamps for $449!
In for a pair. What a bargain considering what they sell on the z store. Thanks guys!!
overheating race car - stumped!
Diesel water pump. Is it better than the normal petrol pump.
Can't sell it, IT WON"T START!!!
Put a meter on the battery and try to start. I bet she drops below 10v. Get a new battery
U get what u pay for usually.
Can't sell it, IT WON"T START!!!
Sorry I. Keep posting. But there is also a fuseable think close to the fuse panel. In that area.
Can't sell it, IT WON"T START!!!
Also there is a plug at the firewalls make sure the pins are in good shape.
Can't sell it, IT WON"T START!!!
Key must be in the on position.