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Everything posted by esmit208

  1. esmit208 posted a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  2. esmit208 posted a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  3. esmit208 posted a gallery image in Interior
  4. esmit208 posted a gallery image in Interior
  5. esmit208 posted a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  6. esmit208 posted a gallery image in Body Work and Paint
  7. esmit208 replied to Milenko2121's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I lived in Ventura for a while on Seaward Avenue. C-Street was my fav place to surf as well as points north. Carpenteria was for those special days in the middle of the week. When I get Project 3/72 finished I plan to take a long road trip with one of my sons to let them see what SoCal looks like.
  8. esmit208 replied to p_trice's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I don't think you will be happy with the metal under the rubber cover. I have a bumper in my garage from a 1981 and I will take a pic and post it to this thread. The metal is not the same shape as the outer cover. A company called SEMCO makes a bumper spray that a few people have used to put a finishing coat on restored dashboards from early 240Z's. That is what I would suggest after a thourough cleaning. Seeing your car brings back memories. I had the same car color and everything back in 1984. It was my very first Z. I was in way over my head in monthly payments and the car was reposessed in the fall of 1986. The T-Tops the opening quarter windows and the nice interior. Man those were the days.
  9. esmit208 replied to p_trice's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    TABCO has panels for early Z cars and they also might stock them for the 280ZX. Good Luck
  10. If your friends want to drive MAKE THEM GET THEIR OWN CAR DAMMIT! Then the burnouts will cost them and not you. These cars don't have to cost a lot of money but they will IF YOU LET YOUR FRIENDS BEAT ON THEM!
  11. esmit208 replied to Migu3l's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    It sounds like you are a rather young person but that doesn't mean you are not cagey. Something about this rig makes you uncomfortable let alone the person getting ready to sell it. If you really want a project I'm sure there are plenty around the Dallas area. LOOK AROUND! You should probably walk away from this deal. If you find a car that is an everyday driver expect to pay more for it. $600 is not a bad ask for this one based on asthetics but expect to put at least 4 to 5 times that much into it to make it an everyday driver. If you feel uncomfortable walk away and keep looking.
  12. would like to chime in here because I too am an avid road cyclist. I see it this way, if the person were walking through the parking lot and all of a sudden needed to stop to rest for a moment, would I lean on someones car or would I find a bench or someting else to sit on? I think the latter. No..........It wasn't right to lean on someones car even though he told you of a safety issue. If you decided to turn right on red and he goes down it's his fault. Just because you are clipped in is no reason to lean on someones car. If you can't unclip in an instant then wear shoes that don't require clipping in. Here in Florida cyclists tend to be even more aware mostly due to the age of the population as well as people moving here from many different places where the laws concerning sharing the road are different. Here where I live there are very few designated cycling lanes so it is even more imperative to be on the watch for motorists. As far as the gun thing goes, guns solve nothing they just seem to add to over crowded cemetaries.
  13. esmit208 replied to 72 OJ's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    DATSUN PICKUP WINDOW SQUEEGEES FITS ON THE UPPER DOOR AND KEEPS THE WATER OUT OF THE DOORS. YOU NEED 4 TO DO BOTH DOORS (2 INNER & 2 OUTER).YOU'LL NEED TO CUT THE LENGTH TO FIT. THEY MEASURE 30.5 INCH LONG THE PHOTO IS JUST OF THE ENDS SO YOU CAN SEE THE PROFILE. PART: 52120 $53.00 EACH * http://www.new-datsun-parts.com/datsun-pickup-parts.html These might work even though they advertise for a pickup. Call to find out if they fit Z cars
  14. I have an original heat shield that fits perfectly. If you would like it e-mail me at edtwomuchz@gmail.com. It needs a little cleaning and buffing but your return springs will connect properly.
  15. AUSTIN I have never seen a dual WEBER setup in a Z car before so what you are giving is somewhat vague. No it shouldn't use that much fuel and chances are if it was sitting that long the carburettors probably need to be rebuilt with all new internals. Easily done though and not all that expensive. Or maybe consider investing in a set of Skinner Union's. Without actually being there to see and perhaps smell it is not easy to diagnose. Continue troubleshooting and keep us posted on the progress
  16. esmit208 replied to pjoe's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Keep up the good work.
  17. The plug is the best option though. It feels like a polyurethane bushing somewhat. It gets brittle over time and crumbles like a cookie left on the kitchen counter too long. But since the switch makes contact with it, it needs to be soft so it won't wear the switch prematurely. Plug is much cheaper than the switch.
  18. RCB I don't know if that particular model has a COLD START VALVE or not. My 82ZX did have one. I lived there in Ventura for a couple years and know the area well. Sun West Motor Sports (805) 644-9644 2113 Palma Dr, #B, Ventura, CA 93003 ...................TRY THIS GUY. He replaced the harmonic balancer on my 82ZX back in 1994 and did a good job. Good Luck
  19. Don't stop at the valve cover. Give that engine bay a good detailing. $1K huh.........I would say that is a pretty good deal!
  20. esmit208 replied to Jeep's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    JEEP I have a couple extra hood cables. They attach a bit differently. I can send you one. I will take a pic to show you the different attaching points. Let me know.
  21. esmit208 replied to 5thhorsemann's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I'm not much for fiberglass against metal. As the glass and resin age the combination begins to shrink and make a natural pocket for condensation to hide. Unfortunately it hides between the metal and the fiberglass, obviously not the best place when considering how quickly metal can corrode. Good for a stop gap but you should consider replacing the floors. If you are not that good with a welder the material and labor should be less than a cool $1000. Or maybe barter some work in return.
  22. esmit208 replied to Canuck73's post in a topic in Exhaust
    I would be interested in seeing it 5TH. Always looking for performance.
  23. esmit208 replied to coop's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I think BLACK DRAGON out of Lenexa Kansas sells them as well. OK we won't ask how or what caused an engine bay fire.
  24. esmit208 replied to datsun mom's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome Laurie I am not a WIFE or a MOTHER but I do love DATSUNS. I think a picture of the Datsun moat is in order.
  25. For a conversion like this you will need all the turbo harnesses and relays that come out of your donor car. It is important to get a complete car that has not had any of the inportant electrical devices removed. It would be incredibly difficult to replace a part that you had no idea you needed. The ignition switch has to be changed because it has the circuit to kick on the fuel injection. Maybe the switch that cmoes out of the donor car will work. Projects like these have been successfully done but with lots of reading and patience. Good Luck

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