Everything posted by esmit208
New Find.70 240Z
I always liked the SWASTIKA wheels. I have a set myself just wish they were made in a 16" diameter. Ok it is time to get to work on making this car look really good. A 2 or 2 1/2 year tear down and reassemble. That seems like a long time but trust me its not. You have a seemingly good platform but if you take it apart you will find the common imperfections most assurdly. If you don't take it apart and it turns into an everyday driver you won't have much car in a few years. Take care of the rust , all new weather seals and a decent paint job and it will be transformed. Something to think about.
Home Built Z 'Full video build'
Don't worry about doing it several times. Sometimes, more often than not, it takes more than once to get it right, espceially when dealing with a fifty year old car. Anyone who is watching has done the same or will in the future. I personally have learned quite a bit from your build. Our cars are at about the same point BTW. Keep up the nice work and we will all stay tuned.
1975 280z getting crushed for scrap metal
The white one actually looks saveable!
- Fuel Rail Insulation Instructions
Home Built Z 'Full video build'
SEE THIS PROVES IT!............Our cars are GORGEOUS from any angle!?
1975 280z getting crushed for scrap metal
The trim goes in the channel before the glass is installed. I had to learn that one the hard way!
Home Built Z 'Full video build'
Sorry for your loss. I find it theraputic putting mine back together, besides it takes my mind off what the future may hold for my 2. Hold them close!
( This is someoneelses ad I've listed and am considering buying) What are peoples thoughts on the worth of this? How 5k sound?
SLANE We were all once where you are now. AN ENTHUSIAST.....with limited knowledge, not super rich, and have lives. My 2 cents. I would not buy someone else's modifications even if I were an ace mechanic. 5K is not a bad price considering what you are getting, spare parts included. If you really want an S30 find one that is as close to unmodified as possible. It is important to know how these cars came so you know what you need if indeed something is needed. A heavily modified powerplant can be quite troublesome even with good mechanical skills. Look long and hard before purchase. No one wants you to end up with a PINK ELEPHANT that you can't stand. A much less modified car will provide many hours of driving and tinkering pleasure. This may seem like a deal too good to pass up but do us all a favor and shop wisely. With limit knowledge of clutch and fuel pedal interaction and an engine that might not be the easiest to manage in traffic this could turn out to be a decision you could very well rue. BY ALL MEANS........DO NOT BUY A CAR SIGHT UNSEEN. Give it the most thorough inspection you can and if possible take someone with intricate knowledge of S30's with you. My suggestion...........KEEP LOOKING!
To buy or not to buy...that is the question
Good thing is the car (MISTRESS) doesn't talk back or give you the Ice Queen treatment. Good luck on the resto!
Fuel tank sending unit
If you are still having this problem these are for sale on EBAY $73.00. RHD Japan stocks them also. Also search from any JDM site. They are out there.
To buy or not to buy...that is the question
Something I don't understand. If we were out boozing and chasing women they would be unhappy. BUT..........we are home in the garage steps away and they are unhappy! Maybe it's me. Sometimes it seems as if wives and girlfriends do everything they can to suck the fun out of everything if they are not the center of the fun, or if you are not in the center of their fun. WHAT GIVES? If all the bills are paid what is the problem? MOTORMAN.......the bills are paid......AREN'T THEY?
To buy or not to buy...that is the question
Mine doesn't drink and only prefers European chocolate!
1975 280z getting crushed for scrap metal
Be slow and patient on the removal. I would probably pull the entire hatch. Take it home and put it as flat as you can get it and take a utility knife to slice through the rubber molding and it will come right out. Take your time so as not to flex it.
1975 280z getting crushed for scrap metal
The glass comes out relatively simple. I would most definitely take all the glass as well as the doors and hatch. The hood if it isn't in bad shape. Good Luck.! Man I wish I was there.
- Looking for a 240z mechanic in KS area
Meet Looey - 73 Fairlady Z
RHD........Pretty slick. Will watch with great interest. Good Luck!
headed into paint. sugar scoops on or off?
I have set of the fiberglass headlamp buckets
Fuel pump not working only 3 months old
Now would be a good time to check the tank for solids. These pumps were not meant for anything remotely solid. After a sabotage incident mine died a week later. Also install a filter before the pump just for added piece of mind. A glass one preferably. Good luck.
headed into paint. sugar scoops on or off?
Right here. You can see the texture difference where the "A" pillar meets the base of the windshield.
Meet Looey - 73 Fairlady Z
Nice find. If worse comes to worse you can always get 2 fenders from somewhere or someome. Strange though it is not a RHD from Japan! WAIT A MINUTE,......I STAND CORRECTED. I see the way the guages are pointing
Build Thread - New Turbo-Swapped 280z from WA
If they stick out you can count on them touching, normally at speed over an abrupt depression. Could be enough to take the paint off to the metal or cut through the sidewall. Trust me I've been there.
Build Thread - New Turbo-Swapped 280z from WA
Nice and will look real agressive. 16's work but you have to stay under the car with the width. 7.5 in width works well P215/40x16 accomplishes clearance and keeps everything tucked in nicely. No need for questionable tools or possibly ruining one of the nicest lines on the car. The main reason I would never add fender flares on mine. Good Luck
73 240 aquired!
A topic better left for Maury Povich or Oprah Winfrey. I ask my wife, "What would you rather have me do, chase women and drink it all up in bars, or spend it on the family and a hobby?
Replacing a clutch
THANX SITE I wasn't aware this was a viable conversion. Having replaced these bushings several times I always wondered if there could have been a better solution initially.
Home Built Z 'Full video build'
Jeff I repaired, (or at least attempted to) the drivers side dogleg. After I got the part welded in I sprayed it with a coat of rust coverter to avoid surface rust. A few days later I went over it with filler but it wasn't skin coat, it was finishing filler. After 3 months or so it began to seperate. I thought about that when you put rust converter on yours. Will seperation not occur if a skin coat is used first? It seems the proper way to apply filler be it skin or finishing is to apply it directly onto bare metal. Please keep us updated on any issues you may have with your finish. It was pretty easy to chip off the filler on my car after seperation began. Maybe it was something to do with my application. My plan is to sandblast it clean and then reapply. Since colder weather is aproaching there will you be able to press on with body work?