Everything posted by esmit208
24 months of intensive restoration, and I'm almost done.
BLAKTOUT Don't let anyone make you second guess your craftsmanship or your imagination. I would be willing to lay odds that anyone who has seen it or will see it will wish it were theirs (without the build expense of course) and the rest of us enthusiasts wish we had the money and time to rebuild ours to a more exotic final state. I applaud your efforts and indeed you are blessed to have something you really want out of life at least once. Keep up the good work.
replacing my frame rails...i have a question
Agreed and in addition only replace one side at a time, that is to say DON'T cut out both floors and then put in the new ones. ONLY do one side at a time that way the risk of tunnel movement is minimized
noobie bought a z !
Hi Matt and Welcome Congratulations on your ZED! Visit often. Oh Yeah PICS!
- DIY: Brighter Gauge Lights
Salt and Sand Spreaders in your area
The only thing that spreads sand here is the wind! I live in Florida!:laugh:
How often do you drive your vintage Z?
Oddly enough STEVE I going through the same thing with my oldest. He got so used to taking his DOOKIE in the bed it seems to be the only comfortable place for him. I will try that with the Malibu though because he does like to ride
Broken bolts on headlight sugar scoops
KJ I have the same issue and KENZ suggestion is the way I plan to go when it's time for reassembly. Grind the stud down flat and then drill it out. Make sure it is anchored securely so as not to run the drill bit through in an unwanted spot. "SUGAR SCOOPS" is OK with me. And you are correct most people and literature as well refer to them as headlight buckets.
Why do these cars sell for so little $ ?
I second that. If ANYONE restoring ANY CAR is doing it to turn some unrealistic profit, THINK AGAIN. This particular vehicle appears to be all factory but consider this, you find a Model T Ford in someones barn in the upper midwest. I have no idea what they sold for originally but let's just say $300. Now if you don't think that the owner is a complete maroone that asks almost %1000 over what the car sold for then maybe you should get taken to the cleaners. ANYTHING THAT LOSES VALUE THE INSTANT YOU TAKE POSSESSION OF IT IS NOT AN INVESTMENT. As this gentleman said "its a fun way to get to work, or the mountains, or the lake or whatever." And it's always nice to see non-Z people DROOL!
Why do these cars sell for so little $ ?
ESScanlonNo sour grapes here. My point is if these cars don't get driven and used and everyone asks unrealistic prices for them then no one will have a need for rare parts because the cars won't exchange hands and they will all sit, thus no parts will demand. Sure I would like both my cars to be valued at that much and they would truly feel like an investment heck we all would. As a perspective buyer I would feel insulted if I approached this owner and he said 38K. My statement may have been a little over the top but above all I am a REALIST. No doubt this is a car worth more than the sticker price but if you have that much to spend would you not spend it on a current day sports machine? I don't care how much of an enthusiast you are ! I challenge anyone to differ!
Why do these cars sell for so little $ ?
Still not worth 38K.....Just Sayin!
Master Brake hose for Series 1 Needed!
I suppose project 3/72 will need a new hose and valve as well so throw my name in the hat. also if anyone can lend some light on master vac upgrades for Series 1 cars? I will check Hybrid Z as well.
Where is best source (12v) for fuel pump?
Project 6/70 had the electric pump circuit but I don't remember seeing it on Project 3/72 when i pulled the harness out a few months ag. I will check it thoroughly during re-installation.
Brake Booster
This is something I am interested in as well or possibly a booster upgrade. I seem to remember a thread that said it is possible to fit a 260Z or a 280Z booster to your 240Z and that it was actually bigger than provided more boost but I can't seem to find the thread.
[2011] What did you do to/with your S30 today?
Cleaned the undercoat from the wheel wells and bottom in preparation for sandblasting.
overheating blows
After 1500 miles I do believe the engine builder would have some obligation to make good on his work.
Fast & Furious Dream Car
Project 3/72 all finished and me with the rest of my life off to go touring.
Why do these cars sell for so little $ ?
North of 38K huh? Someone needs to SLAP him back to reality. If I found someone willing to pay that much for it I WOULD PERSONALLY SLAP THEM!
rear hatch hinge seals
I plan to extract mine out of Project 3/72 and clean them real good and reuse them. This is where water leaks in and causes the corner above the tail light on the corresponding side to rot out as well as anything else that got wet from water intrusion. If you seal them well you should have no problem.
Ignition Question
AMBIGUOUS On models that early I'm not sure if they had a NEUTRAL SAFETY SWITCH or exactly what was used to prevent the car from starting while it is in gear. That is the only direction I could possibly point you in. It is also possible that there is a modified switch behind the brake pedal that needs to be changed. Installing an auto trans normally requires some sort of electronic addition that you normally wouldn't have with the manual gearbox. Just a thought. There is some sort of inteface between the ignition switch and the gearbox to allow safe starting.
Where to get 5 speed fiber ring Syncro?
They are still available although you will probably have to buy a kit that comes with more than judt the part you need. That's good though, it allows you a chance to have everything taken care of while it is on the bench. The same thing happened to me and my mechanic rebuilt it for me. He races 510's on the SCCA circuit so he knew exactly where to go to get what he needed. Try AAMCO. They should have enough parts suppliers to get what you need.
How often do you drive your vintage Z?
Well Project 6/70 hasn't been driven since October 2005, that's when it had a main harness fire. Project 3/72, (see photo album) although it may not be a daily driver it will get plenty of miles. I strongly agree that these cars, or any car for that matter need to be driven. I never beat on any car I've owed so no need to start now. I can't wait for the long SoCal trip. After the expense and time involved I just can't see letting it sit.
Help! Gas overflow, wild idle variance, pressure in gas tank
HERBSTEINER If it is possible try to send a picture of exactly where the fuel is spilling from under the hood. "GAS OVERFLOW HOSES"? Hmmmm. Can't say that I have ever seen those. A pic would help with diagnosis.
Advise on possible wiring issue
HermanM www.ezwiring.com based out of Ormond Beach Florida specializes in this sort of business. I plan to order a harness for my AVATAR to the left. I have personally seen some of their work. The technician I spoke with seemed at least familiar wth the "S30" tag used by some when referring to these cars. I know that others may be skeptical about whether or not an accessory such as this can be duplicated to factory specs but I would trust them as much as I would trust pulling a harness from a parts hog.
my wheels what brand are they?
Do a WEB search for 16x7 wheels. There are more out there than you think.
Frame rot and then some
I agree a parts hog is how it should end its life. The usable body panels are worth that much.