Everything posted by esmit208
Pretty cool early Z
Why can't wives just be cool and be OK with you having an old car? I actually had to give my wife a choice, "WOULD YOU RATHER I SPEND IT ON BOOZE, DRUGS, AND WOMEN, OR AN OLD CAR?" She wasn't really happy with either but al least she knows where I am.
Silvermine Power Steering
Pretty slick. When you get it all sorted how about a report on any heat that may be generated. Also things like feedback through the column or any vagueness. It looks compact enough which is good and I could see how it may take a fews days or so to get it properly sorted. Let the community know if you would
Silvermine Power Steering
Is this system electric or hydraulic!
Triple M´s?
RIV Inspection
I guess the people in Washington D.C. are not the crooks in this hemisphere. The working guy always gets screwed! DAMN THEM!
- Purchased my First S30 Today!
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Good Man SITE!
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS/555/W89409/10002/-1?CAWELAID=1710873987&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=39714413703&CATCI=pla-484224304472&CATARGETID=230006180039220951&cadevice=t&gclid=Cj0KCQjwv73VBRCdARIsAOnG8u2Ia3UhW590G5Tkzknjz6kIhBSMVSboJ-OyiCwq5JJxinPsZYX1ChUaAk_-EALw_wcB. Well the link is rather long but this is what the professionals use. Well worth the expense to get it right.
Triple M´s?
Well I guess it high time you found a 1974 or earlier! Too bad about the emission laws there. But you would be able to chew the air if they didn't keep a close watch on it
Well NISSAN anyway. For all that didn't watch or didn't care it was truly a good event. Mazda ran strong for several hours remaining in the top 3 for several hours. CADDY looked good also. Its a shame that all of the prototypes that race under IMSA sanctioning are not competitive under WEC sanctioning. I would really enjoy seeing them ccompete at Le Sarthe. My little one watched the entire race practically. He even drew a pretty good rendition of the track with chalk on our driveway purely from memory. That is a TRUE racer! Turn 17 (the final turn) proved to be very challenging the entire race long. Two cars were out in the first 45 minutes one,being a Ferrari, ended up on it's roof! Good stuff. Now the boys and myself await the mid-June classic from France. THANK GOODNESS FOR BIG SCREEN TV'S
New Member
It seems there should be some sort of grace period to get the car legal even in Canada! Very nice rig BTW I just hope if they still salt the roads you have a secondary car for the winter time! Enjoy the miles
New Member
Whats wrong with driving it or is that some sort of customs no no?
Rebuilt 3 screws su carbs issues
Try switching the needles to see if your irregularity moves. Thats what I would try.
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
I for ONE am glad you took the time and did the work. Above all it sharpens your trouble shooting skills and ability to tackle a somewhat complicated procedure. Next..... building the TC24B-1Z! Nice work!
Value question on a 100k all original 78 280z
Actually there were many areas that the only way the factory could get it right was to use a liberal amount of body fillers, especially around the wheel wells and lower rocker panels. I would agree you have no real worries. This would be a good time to look inside around al the seams and fill any dry and crumbled spots or any voids left by the factory. Replacing the grommets for the fuel vent lines would be a good idea. These areas allow fumes to enter the cabin.
Triple M´s?
WOLFCREEK RACING proclaims to be the Mikuni shop. They advertise new and refurbished parts. Might be worth a call. Many have been using SK OER, which is a JDM styled WEBER. JENVEY is another brand out there just to highlight a few options. Good Luck!
RedBird's in trouble
Have a close inspection done of the wires that go to the alternator as well. If you saw smoke chances are something there may have gotten a bit warm.
Home Built Z 'Full video build'
As usual nice work. I gave up on my metal bonnet also. So no great defeat there just common sense. Going with carbon fiber. Has a more natural shape and will never rust. I probably would have butt welded the bumper. Sandwich areas are always the first to rust. A bit time consuming but no beating. Just cut out the recess and trim to fit.
Value question on a 100k all original 78 280z
RIV Ride height more than anything wil determine wheel and tire combinations. I installed 16X7 MOMO 5 stars initially with a 50 series tire. Had some clearance issues at first because the tire was actually underneath the lip of the fender arc. If you get the tires completely under the car a 17 should be good with a really high performance low life tire. To me personally the tires under the car makes it look cleaner. I had to use a spacer behind the wheel that still could be milled down more for an even better fit. Do lots of research maybe even get an installer to mount a set or two for trial fitment. If you are out underneath the fender arc you are limited in lowering the ride height. You can find many combinations that allow more options if the wheel and tires are under the car.. GOOD LUCK!
Rotisserie Mounting Points
Custom Twin Cam build!
IN OTHER WORDS...If you have to ask then.....
Tackling 2 leaks, rad and front main
The Woodruf key, I if Iam not mistaken has a bit of a "BOAT SHAPE" to it. It appears at the angle you have it at there is a possibility it will not hold the balancer in place. I would give it another try. The ease of removal was because of the presence of oil. That key should have the flat side outwards but the flat surface should be as parallel as possible to the shaft or at least that is what I would aim for to ensure it doesn't undo itself. Give it another try for everyone's sake! If it comes off your radiator repair would be pointless!
Is it just me or does this look familiar?
NOT 3 to 4 MILLION worth of LOOKS GOOD! I find the 250 SWB much more desireable!
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
I will certainly STAY TUNED!
Weber selection and initial jet tuning
Quite worrysome. I would consult a DATSUN/NISSAN professional on this one. Let us know what solution you come up with. Much luck!