Everything posted by esmit208
Brand new owner - need help w/ Christmas gift ideas for my kid
TC-24-B1Z. He might like this as a nice upgrade BTW
Brand new owner - need help w/ Christmas gift ideas for my kid
Can I be your Son? I don't eat much, I have a job, I'm clean, I can buy my own beer! Please let me be your Son
Z mechanic Kansas City area
Sorry to be about 7 days late but there is a ZCAR club in KC. Maybe shoot someone there a quick message somehow. They may even be able to give you some inside info on the car. Good luck.
Do you have it separeted from the dashboard? If so there should be 2 small screws that hold the metal section to the plastic section. After they are removed it will probably take a bit of a twist back and forth to get it to separate. Good luck.
- OER Carburetor linkage
- OER Carburetor linkage
I am planning a major guage upgrade on #6333. Does anyone have experience installing and the results of DEFI guages? The oriental companies either don't understand my message or they are trying to protect their trade secrets. In my opinion this is porobably the single best upgrade to the interior appearance. Responses welcome. Thanx.
- Series 1 Update
- OER Carburetor linkage
71 240z strange overheating/cooling system problem.
And also I almost forgot a new exhaust header w/ emission plug bunge. I case you forgot. Have fun!
71 240z strange overheating/cooling system problem.
Since you have everything apart maybe it would be a good time to install that Stage 2 camshaft!
OER Carburetor linkage
The triple install will be soon. I haven't decided whether to use a cable or the linkage components.I am a bit hesitant to use the cable due to stretch over time but I am not positive on what length of linkage I need and are any modifications needed to the factory swivel point? Any suggestions would be appreciated along with HD pictures if you would. These are 47mm OER's and I plan to install them next summer after the plumbing and hardware are secured. Thanx for any asistance.
- Series 1 Update
Is it possible?
Factory A/C was not an option either. They were all installed by the dealer or professionals that were contracted by the dealer. Not sure I would want this one because of this modification. If it does leak is it possible to fix? Are replacement seals available? To many questions for me on this one. Wouldn't go near it unless I knew someone good with an English Wheel to make and install a new panel. Could be a perfect kind of a sunny day car. But..........you probably wouldn't want that.
Take a look,at this vendor , expensive but a nice modern upgrade http://www.defi-shop.com/mobile/
New Road and Track article on 240Zs
Nostalgic and thought provoking. I remember how I felt as a 7th grader in 1970 the first time I saw one up close. I thought to myself, "I WANT ONE".
Is this normal on the rear quarter?
Sure, anytime. I'm actually looking at replacing as many of mine as possible. The look is cool but the technology will just get more and more dated and unuseable.
Looking for a 240Z
This is a RARE ACCOUNT of a very non-typical find. This owner scored big time, by finding what sounds like a well taken care of car and a more than helpful seller. A RARE occurence when buying any kind of car. You can find a car in any type of condition imaginable to answer you question bluntly. MY ADVICE, 1st SET A PRICE CEILING and remember the ceiling is the buyers, not the sellers. 2nd BY ALL MEANS DO NOT BUY A CAR SIGHT UNSEEN, you will rue that decision. 3rd call around the country to some Z specialist that actually do modifications and repair. They normally have a car or two around that is complete and they would be wiling to part with. I found #6333 in Redondo Beach Ca in a Z mechanics lot on a mechanics lien. So don't rule out any avenues. I wouldn't plan on a short, easy search though. Perservere and good luck in your search.
http://www.hampspeedometer.com/. Don't know how far away you are from Atlanta but several told they have used his services with satifactory results.
Is this normal on the rear quarter?
WELL 067 You do have a monumental task, but we all have seen these cars resurrected from much dire straits. I am not quite sure what you want to do though. A better job than was done before, or just try to get the surface smoother? You do have an entire car so now it's more a matter of how much you want to do and can do. Skills can be developed over time but how much time and $$$$$ do you want to spend? I would probably just try to smooth the surface in some of the rough spots, even doing that you are looking at close to or more than 100 hours of work. Solder or something pliable like lead would be good but still another skill to be developed. Maybe get some advice from a restoration shop in your area and see what they wiuld suggest. You are at a crossroads now considering how much more you may uncover. Good luck, keep us posted.
- How much would you pay for this?
- How much would you pay for this?
Thinking about tackling body and paint, advice?
Multiply your time line by a factor of 5 also, ASK ME HOW I KNOW! The car below had a main harness fire in 2005 and I am still working on it. It might take six months just to find everything that needs attention. You could spend 2K on supplies alone. If you use it everyday multiply your fix time even longer. I too have a small garage but I make the most out of my space. Fortunately I learned to weld when I was 16 now 59 so I am comfortable. For 1K I bought a Lincoln 190C. Works great and doesn't take much space. The best thing it is argon gas mix. No need for flux core. Maybe rethink your plan and figure out how much you can or want to do yourself. I held a job as a welder so I know it could take a year and lots of frustration and wasted material before you got it right. You probably have enough garage space to move the car outside to work on it. These cars can reveal a whole lot if you really look so make sure you are prepared to see. Many have walked away or sold unfinished projects. DON'T BE THAT GUY. Maybe a better plan would be to save up enough cash to have the body done by professionals. You won't be disappointed. A MAACO job is something that will look ok for about 6 months even less if the car is outside all the time. You can learn the basic steps to panel repair and prep on YOUTUBE. There is lots of step by step information out there. I you lived in Florida you could even come over and watch me complete mine just to see how involved something like this can turn out to be. In 2005 I was thinking no more than a year. Well if my math is right..........! Anyway reaccess what you want to end up with. Done right now means never having to do it again.