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Everything posted by esmit208

  1. SDAUGHTRY Not sure what the reason for the relocation of the choke handles was for other than aesthetics. When the choke handles sit in the factory mounted spot the cables wouldn't be twisted. Possibly the mounting on the tranny tunnel could cause some binding issues. Just food for thought. If this is the case a minor adustment could solve the problem. Maybe Bruce Palmer could chime in on this again as far as the mounting of the choke handle assembly in a location other than where the factory intended.
  2. esmit208 replied to KID-K's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Sorry to hear that KID-K. But always keep this thought in mind,"CHEATERS NEVER WIN, EGGHEADS NEVER PROSPER" Whoever took your parts hog will probably crash the car they plan to use the parts on. No worries. KARMA will take care of him.
  3. esmit208 replied to KID-K's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    KID-K To see a project like this really inspires me. I too am working on a restoration but it appears to be moving along much slower than yours. I like others can appreciate the time and effort, not to mention the expense, involved in something like this. Your particular car was not shipped to North America in very many numbers if any at all. When they were brought here the owner had to travel to another country to get them and bring them back. But nevertheless my hat goes off to you and your brother for the awesome job the two of you are doing. Good Luck!
  4. ZEDYONE :beer:to you. I have family there (in Houston) and have visited many times myself. I know the feeling of clicking up some miles on a cold day ESPECIALLY if the heater works well. I drove the Z to the left from Florida to Houston without a heater. It wasn't bad until it got dark then i just put on another later of clothing. I'll bet it's a nice day in Galveston 2Day!
  5. esmit208 replied to Pomorza's post in a topic in Fuel Injection
    To echo D240's comment "mid-70s Zs, had issues with vapor lock" if you are not experiencing any VL symptoms it is just a cosmetic add-on.
  6. esmit208 replied to mikemeade's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    CARBON FIBRE is the way to go in my opinion. Looks much better than fibreglass even if you don't paint it and will never rust. So I would be interested in any CF parts. Those inspection covers would be nice in CF I always thought. Maybe the windshield wiper cover etc. Keep us informed. As for the hood vent I think I will pass, but then again I'm not much for spoilers and such either.
  7. esmit208 replied to greenmachine's post in a topic in Electrical
    Well I learned something. THANX GUYS!
  8. esmit208 replied to SuperDave1965's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    YO MOONHow did you know he was in the bathroom?
  9. esmit208 replied to logan1's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    LOGAN Skinner Union got it right with the side draught....oooopppps side draft carburettors. Easily tunable, reliable and simple. If you are looking to enhance HP a set of good triple side drafts is the way to go. I will not suggest one over the other but I will tell you that Datsuns tend to perform better with 44MM and larger.
  10. esmit208 replied to logan1's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    I agree Mort:beer:
  11. esmit208 replied to Jimmy240Z's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    JIMMY I echo 5 HORSE'S input. I'm currently working on Project 3/72 that has the same issues. I will post some pics of the sections I have cutaway this weekend. The outside surface of the panel beneath the door frame will need to be stripped of all the rust. I am doing my own sandblasting and to be honest there is no other way to remove the rust from this portion of the lower valance thoroughly. It simply has too many curves and contours to get an abrasive wheel on effectively. You might as well plan to cut away the outer section of the valance so you can have the cavity stripped well or you will be doing it again in a year(or less). Several companies stock the replacement valance but try to find one that has the thickest gauge possible. Rust is caused in this area due to poor weather srips probably installed by the factory and never replaced until the owner notices rust. But the good news is IT CAN BE FIXED. If you remove the weather strip around the door frame(which I strongly suggest) you more than likely will uncover more cancer. Don't get discouraged. This is a chance to take care of it forever.
  12. esmit208 replied to dsp's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    DSP I drove(and stil have) a 1981 280ZX for over 300K and never had any difficulty with the fuel injection. The car had over 125K when I bought it. The air flow meter had to be replaced once but that is not an uncommon replacement also it is not a frequent replacement. If you find a ZX I am pretty sure you will not have BUYERS REMORSE but plan to put some money into it to maintain it. These cars are NOT generally LEMONS, even one that has been beat on. Good Luck in your search. I would try to find an Arizona car. They tend to have fewer cancer issues
  13. esmit208 replied to john e new's post in a topic in Introductions
    WELCOME JOHN My friend in Nova Scotia is probably in the same predicament as you are unable to drive his Ferrari but don't fret better days are on the horizon. Oh BTW no snow or crappy weather here in central Florida but Project 3/72 is undergoing a complete restoration so I'm not driving either. Oh well.
  14. esmit208 replied to ZohanIsBack's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    ZOHAN You will have to have this area completely taken apart to know for sure. I have the same problem on both sides of Project 3/72. The tub itself looks ok but I have more disassembly to go. As well I had to remove both valances beneath the doors. The weather strip seam that joins the valance to the car in most cases was not sealed well allowing water to drain back into this area. So be sure to remove the weather strip around the doors. Chances are you will see rust underneath this area as well and maybe even a hole or two. I will post pics of the cutaway valance soon. Good Luck.
  15. H3 Efficient exhaust flow can increase HP but only in incremental amounts. Don't expect a neck snapping performance change though. The one important aspect of exhaust manifolds is that they last and don't rust out or seize up on the mounting studs
  16. esmit208 replied to Robin260z's post in a topic in Electrical
    STEVE & D240 Thanx for the heads up on the electronic flasher. I'm planning on that conversion myself.
  17. esmit208 replied to johntlr1000's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome John And CONGRATULATIONS on pending matrimony. Don't give up the search for something and plan to go slowly on restoring or refurbishing it. 240Z parts are always an anniversay,birthday,Christmas gift, or a gift just because she loves YOU!. Good Luck.
  18. esmit208 replied to hogie's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    HOGIE You mentioned "The only problem I had with the tranny is 5th gear pops out" I had the same issue and after awhile I couldn't even select 5th gear. As a matter of fact I drove from Tucson back to Florida with only 4 forward gears. It turns out the synchronizer needed to be replaced. So since you have it apart still assumably it might not be a bad idea to have those replaced. Just a thought.
  19. esmit208 replied to IdahoKidd's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Powdercoating is generally about the same from shop to shop in your area. The thing that is important is that a thorough job is done for the cost. You probably won't find one shop that will do it for 1/3 or less than another shop in your area. I had my lower control arms powder coated and it was less than $200 which I thought was more than reasonable for a finish that will last virtually forever. But look around.
  20. THIN ICE HuhLOL, everyday is a THIN ICE day at my house. I'm used to it. Just pray the temperature dosen't go above 32 degrees!
  21. esmit208 replied to Oiluj's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Maybe the two of you could do that. But you won't be able to wear a RAINCOAT. Good Luck with the refresh. Post pics soon!
  22. esmit208 replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    MDBRANDY I would be interested in trading for or buying the N42 cylinder head. The plan is for a triple carb 3.2 stroker and that is the cylinder head of choice. That is if you have no other plans for it. I have many parts so if a trade is what you are interested in just let me know what you need. If a sell outright is better let me know what you are asking for it. I can be reached at edtwomuchz@gmail.com. THANK!
  23. DEREK Please post the link to the vendor. I had planned on foregoing speakers at this location but these panels could change my mind. Thanx!
  24. ARGNIEST Don't worry we were all NOOBS at one time or another so stop apologizing and keep returning to this forum. Besides Better a NOOB than a BOOB!:laugh:
  25. esmit208 replied to Perfect240Z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    PERFECT240Z DILILAH??????? Well if it is a 240Z it shouldn't have any sensors. A sending unit for the radiator temp and oil PSI but no other sensors I can think of.

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