Everything posted by Terrapin Z
New booster, now sticky brakes
I agree with Zed Head, Reaction disc. Happens a lot and had to tell if you are not looking out for it. Most gue them back on to the push rod piece. The manual says to use grease, but I didn't think that would hold as well.
Just Another Damned Z Car Project Thread
I'd have sent you one back if I was home, but alas I was out state at the time you mentioned this. Glad you got one to measure.
NOS parts find
Hybridz is down
Hybridz is working fine for me. (Mac / Safari)
Starting Carb Conversion: Flat Tops to Paltechs
Starting Carb Conversion: Flat Tops to Paltechs
Here is a pic of a non emissions set up It looks like that pice is not in the linkage.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Makes a big difference where you put the decimal point. 🤣 Opps!! Looks like it was relisted again a third time.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Correct, Pardon my H.
Where Do I Enter My Car Information
Most put a signature line on the posts. Done through your profile. You can add you car's Vin or pictures of you car or quotes from infamous people what ever you want. (within reason) Look around at others posts in threads you will get the idea.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
There is a 1970 HS30 on CL in SFBay area (Santa Rosa) $55K https://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/cto/d/santa-rosa-extremely-rare-jdm-1970/7248658128.html Comes with extras only $55K (more pics on the ad site)
- No Spark issue. Negative voltage on ignition switch.
- No Spark issue. Negative voltage on ignition switch.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
MSA fuse box doesn’t fit
Those fuses do look odd and tall. Pull a fuse or two out of your daily driver and compare the two. Most newer cars have those types of fuses. Although they have even smaller ones now as well. If all that fails you could bend the upright support on that bracket to get the fuse box to "lay down" a little more. I have some access lids it you haven't found a replacement for the broken one yet.
Found 2 240Z's
Looks like another Z fever issue. 😆 Someone recently posted a full interior in white on FB. Post are really hard to find again if you don't reply / follow. Nice find and purchase!!
broken trim repair
Thanks for the mention @Zed Head I do have a couple of those but I think they have some small cracks, nothing like that though. Being it is a big box, you are shipping it dimensional weight anyhow. Attaching it to a piece of wood does not raise the shipping cost at all. That is the 2020 hind site factor. Anything shipped theses days usually comes with some basic insurance, $50 for USPS, and $100 with UPS etc., so the shipper should be able to start a claim and get some sort of refund for the damage. Also if paid for it with PayPal Goods and Services that has some insurance coverage as well. Most sellers will honor some deal for the damage. If you are just going to repair I think the method above would work, Glass in some thin wood strips on the back side, and the SEM spray and texture would cover up the crack seam. Always a bummer to get something damaged in shipping or worse yet have it lost in the mail. Good luck and happy holidays.
Parts Wanted: 1977 280z Main Thermostat Housing
PM sent
Z's on BAT and other places collection
I have picked up two parts cars that looked better than this, one was free the other was $300.00 If I had known I could sell them for $5K each I would have kept them instead of parting them out as I did.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Beverly Hills Auto is at it again with this beauty. Only $5950.00 https://www.ebay.com/itm/1973-Datsun-240Z/224281422502?hash=item343836eaa6:g:B3EAAOSw-ftf2lr9 That will buff out right?
window tracks
The tracks shown in your picture just get grease.
Just Another Damned Z Car Project Thread
Those turned out great. Even with the extra cost for the powder coat, it looks well worth it. Good luck on the sale of the other two.
Datsun 240Z Registry of America - Phillip A. Ray
I'm not sure what the intent was either, for a copyright. I did not try and look it up. If you do ask please share the reply. Zhome's list is on the internet open to public view, and it has names on there too. Phillip put that text in there for some reason, perhaps just to protect his intellectual property. The way it is put together? The actual copyright text would say, but I don't want to spend the time to find it.
Datsun 240Z Registry of America - Phillip A. Ray
I had first added this PDF to my post ^ but then read through Phillips site and found this, so I edited it out of my posy as I did not ask for permission to use it. Not policing here, you can make whatever post you want. Perhaps you did ask, perhaps he does not mind.
Brakes work but pedal is soft
Thanks @Patcon I forgot about the retaining ring, it is not shown in the diagram. Looks like you were successful in removing the pushrod. I had a hard time getting the disc out of my booster with it off the car. I wish you luck.
New project