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Everything posted by theguppies

  1. That's not how complainer work. I'm sure you've sold a lot fo stuff to know what you're doing. No Tariff tax for my dash. I've shipped in handful of dashes to Canada without extra taxes.
  2. I'm more than happy to refund your money.
  3. There's a reason why we can't have that extra piece of vinyl. It requires the dash frame being here to glue that piece on. We would not allow DIY builder to cut it on their own. If they cut too much of that piece, it would be more trouble that we need.
  4. I'll leave it to the members to speak for that.
  5. Touchdown! Thank you for your patience and support.
  6. I’m waiting for the next batch. The next pallet arrives week of the 18th.
  7. I’m glad you liked the outcome of the dash. Thanks for your patience. It was one long wait.
  8. The dash is best fitted with the top fasten down halfway first. Then work your way down to the bottom. All screws should be left slightly lose for adjustment. Once all screws are in tighten them all down. Starting with the top and work your way down
  9. The first page has a lot of pictures without the blue tape. unfortunately, all my parts are with different partners. It would be difficult to combine them all together.
  10. $750 for the headlight covers includes rivnut / nutsert as hardware.
  11. Online store for 1 item is a little extreme. Contact me me directly at hungdvu@gmail.com
  12. after all the months of waiting. The headlight covers are now available for sale.
  13. Hello @motorman7, Thank you for your honest feedback. We tried to leave an extra vinyl piece for the glove box but with the wide range of skill set from DIY clients to Professional restorers. We were concern about the DIY users not using the sharpest blade to cut the vinyl and could possibly ruin the brand new dash by cutting more than they needed to so we had to come to a conclusion not to leave any vinyl behind.
  14. It will be poly. Do you have any suggestion?
  15. The guy in Europe (Romas) and I worked on this project together so it will not be much cheaper.
  16. Please send me an email to datsundealers@gmail.com if you have not done it. It's easier for me to communicate and keep track. Thanks
  17. They're being made. Send me an email to datsundealers@gmail.com to be on the wait list
  18. Updated with more testing. This pair has seals and screwed onto the headlight bucket.
  19. I’m working on the foam It will come with hardware.
  20. I'm working on it. will have an email set up for this item.
  21. It's metal. Not steel so it won't rust.
  22. As of right now, I’m not offering tint lens. That can be done with film by the owner.
  23. Reproduction headlight covers are being made. I’m hoping to have them for sale in 2 months, depending on how much adjustments will need to be made. It will be $750 in the USA.
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