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Everything posted by afildes

  1. Thanks Alan That's the stuff I need, i have just sourced the english version over here in Oz as well. Thanks for your help.
  2. Hey Guys Can anyone help me with a 240Z competition parts catalogue (hard or soft copy) dated prior to 1974. I am desparately trying to get Triple Mikuni/Solex carbs homologated into Group Sc historic racing here in Australia and need evidence that they were in fact avaliable at that time. I'm also working on electronic ignition and oil coolers. The parts caterlogue I have is titled Datsun 240Z.260Z.280Z Sports Option Parts and dated Jan 1978 I need a copy of the earlier issue prior to 1974 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me directly afildes@klmgroup.com.au or at this site. cheers Alan Fildes Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club Melbourne Australia
  3. Hey Guys Can anyone help me with a 240Z competition parts catalogue (hard or soft copy) dated prior to 1974. I am desparately trying to get Triple Mikuki/Solex carbs homologated into Group Sc historic racing here in Australia and need evidence that they were in fact avaliable at that time. I'm also working on electronic ignition and oil coolers. The parts caterlogue I have is titled Datsun 240Z.260Z.280Z Sports Option Parts and dated Jan 1978 I need a copy of the earlier issue prior to 1974 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me directly afildes@klmgroup.com.au or at this site. cheers Alan Fildes Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club Melbourne Australia
  4. The Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club (melbourne Australia) will be holding their annual Show and Shine at Southbank Promonade on Sunday December 1 from 8.30 am. Cars on display will include all Z models including the new 350Z! For further info contact Alan Fildes 0414 326 448 or alan.fildes@pracom.com.au
  5. afildes replied to ranz's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Hi Guy's I have entry forms for the QLD Nationals which I will post on the site ASAP. The event is programmed for April 18-21 2003 (Easter weekend) and as far as I'm aware the event will consist of a meet and greet BBQ on Friday, Multi car sprint and regularity trial at QLD raceway on the Saturday and a Concours' on the Sunday. The Nationals used to be a Zed only event however all Marques of Nissan/Datsuns sports cars are invited including 510s, Roadsters GTRs etc. cheers Alan Fildes Vice President Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club Melbourne
  6. afildes replied to eob's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    I understand the difficulties of converting a Porsche 911 to RHD however the 240Z his an infinantly simpler construction and more importantantly has a simetrical floor pan. (which german cars lack) Compared to a 911 the conversion would be reletively simple and all parts are interchangable apart from the steering rack and firewall plate If you compare the price of a reasonable RHD rust free 240 from say Australia, Japan or South Africa and work out the cost of shipping back to Ireland , you would be looking conservatively at say $6000AUD for a car plus say $1000 for shipping ......... compare that to a $1000 USD for a clean 240 from the States (there are a number of companies in UK locating and importing these cars) and add the conversion cost I still think you would be far better off getting a US car as A) They are far cheaper (a bargain compared to here in Aust.) US West coast cars are almost rust free (if you find the right car) compared to cars from Aust. C)RHD replacement parts such as the dash, steering rack, etc are all available and easily sourced and relatively cheap here in Aust.
  7. afildes replied to eob's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Hi guys Zeds in Oz will bring anything from $2K (AUD) for rusty dog to $15K for something pretty good As editor of the NDSOC monthly mag I usually advertise a couple of Zeds a month. 240s will always fetch a high price than a 260 (280Zs were not released over here) 2+2 260s are usually very cheap and one in mint condition can be found for anr $5K I recently advertice a 76 260Z coupe for $12500 and it sold within a few weeks Is far as shipping one to Ireland I would suggest you find a rust free US car and convert it as it would be far cheaper. cheers all Alan Fildes NDSOC
  8. afildes replied to Mike's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Gav Send me your e-mail address and I'll mail back a membership application form and info sheet etc. Or Come along to the next meeting Wed. Sept 4. 7.30pm Whitehorse Hotel burwood Rd Hawthorn cheers ALan Fildes VP NDSOC
  9. The Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club based in Melbourne Australia is the oldest Datsun Sports Car club continually operating in the world. First established in Feb 1968 with a Roadster based membership, we currently attract around 250 members encompassing various marques of Nissan Datsun Sports cars including Roadsters 1500, 1600 and Sports 2000, Zeds of all models, Prince Skylines, Nissan GTR Skylines, S14/S15 200SXs, 510s etc. Ou clubs activities range from circuit racing to navigation tours and social events, general meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at the WhiteHorse Hotel Burwood Rd Hawthorn, all welcome. For further info contact Alan Fildes Vice President alan.fildes@pracom.com.au
  10. afildes replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Gavin E-mail your email address to me and I will send an info sheet and membership application. Next general meeting is meeting is Wed 4 September 7.30 pm White Horse hotel Burwood. alan.fildes@pracom.com.au Alan Fildes Vice President NDSOC
  11. Yep I have a 69 model Sports 2000 which I race, here in Australia you are looking at around $5K AUD for a hack and up to $15K for a good clean car so $900 US sounds rediculously cheap to us!. Parts over here are almost non existant, particularly body panels so restorations are hugely expensive. cheers Alan Fildes Vice President Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club Melbourne Australia
  12. afildes replied to Mike's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    The next NDSOC general meeting is the Wednesday September 4, Whitehorse Hotel, Burwood Rd Hawthorn 7.30pm The next NDSOC Track event is the Winton Driver Training day and Sprint on 31st August (Driver Training) 1st Sept Sprint I'm not sure what Mikes movements are as I did not see him down at Philip Island (I'm not sure that he made it down) ans I don't have a contact phone number- Mike if you read this and you are still in Melbourne give me a call as we have a Dyno Day on Sat 17 August at AVO in Cheltenham. There should be quite a few Zeds on the chassis dyno as well as Roadsters GTR etc. call Alan on 0414 326 448 for details cheers Alan Fildes Vice President NDSOC
  13. afildes replied to Mike's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    The weather forcast is rain and looking at the charts it looks grim.
  14. afildes replied to Mike's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    The track meeting at Philip Island is an MSCA Sprint, there should be around 20 or so NDSOC members running on the day. I was going to take my Zed down for the drive (to run the fresh race engine in) however this is now wearther dependant. Alan Fildes VP NDSOC
  15. afildes replied to Mike's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    G'day Guys Members of the Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club had a surprise vist from Mike Gholson at our monthly general meeting, Mike took the floor and gave us brief talk on the history of the Classic Zed club and had a great response from the members. We are meeting Mike at one of Austrlia's best motor racing circuits this Sunday for a look at one of our club events. A brief history of the NDSOC, formed on February 1968 we are the oldest continuously running Datsun car club in the world ! Our intial membership was made up of Roadster owners, then we moved onto Zeds (Zees) in the early seventies. Our membership numbering around 240 includes drivers of all Nissan Datsun sports car marques including, Roadsters, Zeds of all models,510s, Prince and GTR Skylines, 200SXs etc. The focus of the NDSOC is circuit racing however we are also into navigation trials and social events. cheers Alan Fildes Vice President/Editor NDSOC Melbourne Australia
  16. until

    The Nissan Datsun Sports Owners Club (Melbourne Australia) will be holding their annual Concours' de Elegance (Show and Shine) at South Bank Promonade on Sunday December 1 from 8.30am. Zeds of all models will be on display including the new 350Z ! Other cars on display include Roadsters, GTR Skylines, Silvias, 200SXs, 510s etc. Contact Alan Fildes for further info 0414 326 448

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