Everything posted by Mike W
MSA satin black Konig Rewinds are coming.. need tires
Zedy, You should have no problem getting those wheels and tires to Austin. Mike.
what are these worth?
Webers are no longer made in Italy. Have been made in Spain now for quite a number of years. Mike.
Random parts identification?
The first picture (one on top) is choke cables and the second is the choke lever which is mounted on the center console and gets attached to the "loop" part of the choke cable. Picture 5 is a clamp which holds the brake booster vacuum line in place and attaches to the firewall. Picture 6 is also a clamp and holds the brake booster valve and is also attaches to the firewall. Not sure on the others. Hope that helps. Mike.
ZCON 2017 Update
Wanted to provide everyone on the forum a quick update on ZCON 2017 in Austin, TX. ZCON 2017 in Austin, Texas is only four short months away! Yoshihiko Matsuo, designer of the 240Z under Mr. K. will be in attendance. Matsuo-san and Mr. K. spearheaded the movement that brought us the original Z. Toshio Yamashita, designer of the 300ZX will also be joining us. Yama-san has given some amazing presentations in the past years regarding the development of the timeless 300ZX Z32. Want to meet these designers in person? What are you waiting for? Put in your vacation days and register today to take advantage of early bird pricing through April 1st! See zcon.org for registration and schedule information!
ZCON Austin roll call
Really glad to see that we are getting more folks from the Houston area to join us for this event. It's shaping up to be a really good one. Marine240Z - If you can, try to make it up on the Wednesday even if you don't get here in time for the judged car show. We have a buffet dinner planned at the Oasis on Lake Travis (same locale as the show) and this is one of the premier stopping off points for visitors that come to Austin. The views of the lake are spectacular and the margaritas are quite good as well!! Looking forward to seeing everyone. Mike.
MSA satin black Konig Rewinds are coming.. need tires
Zedy, Nice choice on the Rewinds. I run the gun metal grey version, 16 x 7. I went with the 16's as I felt there were a better selection of tires, both now as well as in the future. I also went with 225-50's for tires but did have a slight issue with rubbing in the rear when I went over big bumps in the road. Ended up rolling my rear fenders which solved the problem for the most part. Still get a little rubbing on rare occasions but definitely livable. I also have Eibach lowering springs as well as Tokiko Illuminas. I think the car has a really nice stance and definitely handles nicely. Here's a few pictures (before I completed my brake upgrade).
- What's Your Multimeter?
Charcoal Canister Relocation
There are two ways to do this. I chose to deadhead my installation meaning that the FPR is before the fuel rail and I do not use a return. The return line is removed and blocked off at the tank. The alternative is to use a return line with the FPR after the fuel rail. If you choose to go this way you need to make sure that you source a FPR that was intended to be used with a return. Either way should work. I have had zero issues with the setup I have now. I've attached a picture so you can see my setup with the small fuel rail in the center. If you look over at the passenger side firewall you can see the side of the fuel pressure gauge which is attached to the FPR. Mike.
Charcoal Canister Relocation
Mark, No take pressure issues and no gas smells at all. My Z is a late manufacture 260Z which actually is the 75 280Z body style (with the big bumpers), so I believe the fuel distribution system was the same albeit at much lower pressure. Let me know if you need anything else. Mike.
Charcoal Canister Relocation
I removed mine completely. I ran a SS line directly from the electric fuel pump at the back all along the frame rail (where the original fuel hard lines were located), up the firewall on the passenger side and this terminates in a FPR which is mounted to the firewall. I then run the output of the FPR to a small fuel rail mounted on the side of the head. I run triple Webers and so your install will likely be a little different, but I have had no unusual side effects with removing the canister. I also had the canister bracket removed and the attach points welded up before I had the engine bay painted. This really helped to clean up the engine bay a lot. Also did the same thing with the vacuum canister. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. Mike.
Need to replace interior panel skins
RoadsterWerx in SoCal also sells these both direct from them as well as on eBay. Here's a link to a recent eBay ad. I have not seen any reviews but they certainly look like a great reproduction. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-240z-1970-73-Door-Panel-Skins-NEW-Authentic-Reproduction-Choose-Color-/111974040787?fits=Make%3ADatsun&hash=item1a122c44d3:g:T-gAAOSw3mpXEtfg&vxp=mtr Mike.
Zcon 2017
Just a quick reminder for anyone considering attending ZCON 2017. Today is the LAST DAY to secure Super Early Bird Pricing for ZCON 2017 in Austin, Texas happening June 20-24th! Make sure you do not miss out on THE Z event of the year! Visit zcon.org for more information!
ZCON 2017 Update
Just wanted to let everyone on the forum know that registration is now open for ZCON 2017 that is planned for Austin, TX next summer. There is a Super Early Bird special going on right now that will get you excellent pricing. This will expire on January 1, 2017 so if you are planning to come to this great event, now's the time to sign up and take advantage of the super pricing. All of the details on the schedule are also included. See zcon.org for registration and schedule information! Mike.
Anybody know he amperage of the fusible links? (80 280zx)
Yes I chose to use one by DB Link and it utilizes mini ALN fuses as S30Driver has stated. It also has a 2 digit display which alternates between showing voltage as well as total current draw, which can be somewhat helpful when troubleshooting electrical issues. I can't recall the exact sizes of the fuses that I used but I believe they are 50A each (there are 2 distribution circuits in the product). I rewired a lot of my car and also added some additional components (ie stereo, amps, subs, etc) and so I ended up calculating the approximate max current draw from each circuit and used that as a basis for choosing the fuses I used. Here's a picture of the product: Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. Mike.
JIS 316 Stainless and Plated Hardware
To Namerow's question on the fastener style with the hex head and philips indent, I have found those from one supplier called Metric Threaded Products. They are in yellow zinc as well and come in various sizes and lengths and have JIS heads. You can find them here: http://www.metric-threaded.com/browse.aspx?category=JIS B1187&id=7021 The unfortunate part is that you will need to purchase a minimum of 100 pieces, or at least that was the requirement when I purchased a few select sizes some time ago. They are very nice quality though and they also include the integrated lock washer and washer (SEMS). Hope that helps out. Mike.
Long time 240 owner, forum newbie wondering about a triple carb setup.
I have triple Webers on my car and by that measure I am partial to Weber as opposed to Mikuni. Having said that I know numerous Z owners with Mikunis who are quite happy with them. In my opinion however, the Webers along with repair parts and jetting options are much more readily available than the Mikunis, which tilts the balance in favor of Webers. Just my 2 cents. Hope that helps. Mike.
Weber DCOE 45 - Will bolt on velocity stacks work?
Yes I purchased the screens from Bill at BBR Filters. He is the founder and owner and knows his stuff. All I had to do was to tell him the stacks I was purchasing along with my carb set up and he knew exactly what I needed. Great product and they do a much better job of filtering than you may think. Bill has quite a bit of data on that front as well. Mike.
Weber DCOE 45 - Will bolt on velocity stacks work?
So the short answer is yes they should work but with a few caveats. I run 40 DCOE's not 45's and so I don't know the differences with the main venturis and how they are clocked into place and also held in place. In my early Italian made 40's the main venturis were installed from the front and were only held in place with the stacks that slid in between the venturi and carb body. On the later Spanish made 40's, which are the ones I run right now, the main venturis are clocked into place with a key and slot and are held in place with a set screw on the bottom of the carb, so I don't believe they rely on the stacks to hold them in place. In addition, I have always had a fuel "weep" out of the front of the carbs whereby I would get a very small amount of fuel that appeared to leak from the slot that the venturis slide into. I messed with float levels etc to try and cure this and never got to the point where it was reduced to zero. So with the bolt on stacks, I now use a large o-ring thats approximately the size of the main venturi outside diameter and sandwich the o-ring between the flange of the stack and the inner part of the carb opening, which now covers up that slot, and fuel weeping solved. Don't even get a drop coming out from there not and I get the extra benefit of the o-ring holding the main venturi in place. I have some pictures of my install included here but unfortunately I do not have a picture of the 0-ring installation. I can get that for you later as well as the o-ring dimensions if that would help you out further. Also I use the mesh filters from Bills B Racing and they have worked out great. They look fantastic and do an admirable job of filtering as well. Finally, I purchased my stacks, which are really well made by the way, from Borla Induction as it was the only place I could find them to fit Webers and with the length that I wanted. They actually had to make them as a special for me as they did not have stock at the time. I'm curious to understand where you sourced yours as they also look very nicely made. Hope that helps. Mike.
1970 $1500 Missouri City Texas Craigslist
I'm next in line on the waiting list. Mike.
- Zcon 2017
ZCON 2016 Pics (with love)
26th-Z, I believe that you are correct. According to the official ZCCA judging rules, Gold Medallion is for the stock class and Gold Cup is for the modified classes. I know that in Memphis there was not a Gold Medallion winner as there was not a stock car that met the guidelines. This is probably the hardest category in which to compete as everything has to be as it was from the factory. There were 3 Gold Cup awards in Memphis, one for each of the 3 modified classes (Street Modified - up to 15 visible mods, Nissan Modified - up to 25 visible modes, and Ultra Modified - more than 25). There are also some additional rules about maintaining body lines etc. So for example, even if you had less than 25 mods but had a body kit installed on your car, you would be automatically put into the ultra modified class as changes in body lines / contours are not allowed in the other 2 modified categories. The ZCCA has their judging rules available on their website for download if anyone is interested. Hope that helps. Mike.
ZCON 2016 Pics (with love)
Site --- You bring up a very good point. I'm the events coordinator for the Austin Z club and so have been very involved in the planning of this event for next year. As it turns out, a number of us brought up this same suggestion for basically the same reason (heat) and we did consider doing something both earlier as well as later in the year. A couple of reasons drove the decision to host it in June. First, it was felt that doing it outside of summer would significantly impact the level of attendance that we would get as that tends to be a time when people take vacations from work. Second, June in Austin is typically very nice and not like Memphis. I was at the Memphis event and it was brutal especially given the high levels of humidity. Typically Austin is not like this especially in June. Over the last few years we have had great weather in June with temps in the 80's and 90's but with very low humidity. I agree that July would have been closer to a Memphis experience (without the high humidity) and so that's why we targeted June. In any case, hope that helps to explain the thought process that went into this. Hope to see a lot of you there next year. It should be a fantastic event. Mike.
- ZCON 2016 Pics (with love)
- ZCON 2016 Pics (with love)
Just ordered some custom seat covers for the Z
Looks great Zedy!! Congrats. Mike.