I have a 72 240z. When I bought it two years ago it had a rebuilt engine, performance cam, header, stock carbs. The problems I have are it tends to run hot, gets poor gas mileage and the power seems to stall at higher RPM and sounds like a jet at higher RPM (from the motor not the exhaust). It never misses or stumbles, it just stops accelerating. I have replaced the cam with a new stock cam. That quieted down and helped it run a bit cooler, but it still has the problems. The dwell is correct and the timing is correct. Both the vacuum advance and centrifugal advance are working. The rear carb is running a bit rich (black plugs on the back three) but the carb is adjusted as lean as I can make it. Below 4k RPM is has good power and the motor is quiet even at full throttle. Any ideas?