Don't judge me, but I lost the keys to my 1973 240z.
Thanks guys for all your answers! I really appreciate it.
Don't judge me, but I lost the keys to my 1973 240z.
As stated in the title, I went to school for the year, and when I came back for the summer, I couldn't find the keys or the spares. Worst case scenario, they're lost forever. The car is in a garage and the car doors are unlocked. So I'm sure that makes it a bit easier. What are my options?
240z hasn't been started in a year
thanks for the reply!
Waking the sleeping beast?
so any updates?
240z hasn't been started in a year
Since it's summer and I am out of school for 2 months, I've decided to give some needed attention to the 1973 240z. As stated in the title, it hasn't been started for a little less than a year. I've been trying to research what to do before I try starting it and I've come across this thread. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?22619-Waking-the-sleeping-beast I was just wondering if you guys have any more suggestions? I really want to get everything right before I get started.
forged RB26 + 5 speed gearbox
If only you were in California :[
- P7160253
- P7160252
My 240Z has possibly been killed
Sorry to hear that man. I can't answer any questions either but I can imagine how you're feeling.
Coolest engine sounds
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/--pWnS_h2g8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> How about them subarus?
Like a G6! Z-Cars in new video.
As a 17 year old, I sometimes think I was born in the wrong decade.
huge gas leak
I had a limited amount of time but the next time I get to the car i'll be sure to do that! Not sure if this is the best place to do this but.. Mike, I've been an avid reader of zcars.com but this is pretty much my first serious post. You've basically given an answer for every thread I've read. Thank you so much for all the advice you've indirectly given me! I'm only 17 but at least I can say I have my dream car.
huge gas leak
The red circles are where the leak is occurring. when the car is on, boy is that thing leaking. Thank goodness I noticed the smell when I first started the car :tapemouth. Also, is this an easy fix? Like just replacing the hose and the connector?
Why do people paint a white stripe down the hood?
What kind of camera did you use to take kthis photograph?
Hello from Australia
I'm so jealous of you guys right now. It's cooking here in Southern California.