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  1. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thanks, Steve! That means a lot. ❤️
  2. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey Grannie and Zed! Yeah, I'll probably pop back in from time to time, once my life is on a more even keel. I do miss you guys! Patcon, see you on the road! ?
  3. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey Charles! Wow, you've seen me on the Z3 list?! I'm humbled. Yeah, that's the one thing about rag-tops I can't stand. The Z3 sure is a fun car, though, ain't it? We've reserved in our motor pool a 1994 Miata - my partner's car - which is in prime condition thanks to the restoration work of the previous owner, a Miata enthusiast. Being a ragtop, it's strictly a fair-weather car and obligatory garage queen. I can't say I have as much heart into this car, because there's not really much I've had to do to it. However, my partner enjoys the sunshine on her shoulders (doesn't like hardtops with black interiors), and her pleasure gives me pleasure. Besides, it's a really fun little car to drive too - just cute, though, and not drop-dead sexy like the Z. So if you see someone in a little, red, first-gen Miata waving at you in your Z, wave back. It might be me. ?
  4. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    LOL, Bruce! I appreciate that, truly! ?
  5. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey Bob! OMG, the yogurt cup test! Yes! Good times. I'll try not to be (too much of) a stranger.
  6. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I definitely will give you a shout if I head up that way (which is actually quite possible)! Would enjoy meeting you in person after all this time. And would enjoy seeing that lovely '69! :-)
  7. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Hey Cap'n! I've enjoyed interacting with you too! I really enjoyed our (mostly your) sleuthing out solutions for those parts made of unobtanium. I'm sure there will come a time in my life when I can return to fun projects like the Z. Might not be a classic sports car, but it will definitely be something.
  8. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thanks, Cliff! You've been a very good friend too. I'll probably stay registered, so I'm only a message away.
  9. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My wonderful friends, I know I've been a stranger these past few years as my partner and I have had way too much of "life getting in the way." My poor 280 has mostly just sat. She still runs great, but there are a number of little things I should have done that I haven't. Well, I have bitter-sweet news. A young man drove down from Northern Virginia today to buy my baby. Now someone will again pay her the attention she deserves. When I bought her, her body was in pretty good shape, and she was mechanically so-so. Now she's in great shape mechanically, but she needs some body work to address a few little rust issues. That will be the new owner's project. (Maybe Lenny will also release the new Hellfire ECU to free the tiger in all our engines. Nudge, nudge...) Anyway, everyone here has been such a good friend. I thank all of you for all the help, advice, and comradery you have given me, and I hope you will extend the same helping hand to the newest member of the Z family. (He's already a ClassicZCars member, and you will probably hear more from him soon.) Here's hoping you all enjoy the ride! Sarah (a.k.a. FastWoman)
  10. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Exhaust
    I'm not back for long! I came to beg favors from a few people. When I logged in, the message popped up that someone had asked me a question. Unfortunately I don't have any time for my Z these days. I've been drowning in other areas of life -- my partner dealing with cancer, and now this new health care bill (in the US) that threatens her health care future. This is OT on this particular board, so I won't go into details. But that's why I'm back -- for some private messaging. (Sorry! Life gets in the way, as they say...) I miss you guys! I miss working on my Z. Getting back on topic, I don't think the afterfire would have anything to do with the exhaust. I think it has more to do with the idle enrichment (at zero throttle) when the RPMs drop back below maybe 3000, the point at which the EFI starts injecting again. I have no idea why the exhaust pop only happens when I drop from 4500'ish, though! Gotta run... Oven timer went off. Dinner! :-)
  11. FastWoman posted a post in a topic in Exhaust
    Only when dropping down from maybe 4500 RPM. Some people like light afterfiring, but I hate it. It doesn't happen often, though.
  12. Thanks, Chickenman! I think I'll have to do a bit of further research, because I think it's title companies, and not banks, that might perform this service on my end. However, this all seems quite do-able. I'm going to have to put this matter down for a few days. We have a bunch of medical stuff I have to deal with. I'm afraid I'll be out of touch. It's not because I'm ignoring my own thread, but rather because I'm out of town doing other things. But I'll be back! ;-) Thanks to everyone, for now! I really appreciate your guidance! :-D
  13. Thanks, JSM! Good advice. And Thanks, FunkytownZ. It's especially good hearing feedback from someone who has recently been in the market for something like my Z. I do feel I can wait at least a little while to find the right buyer, so I don't have to sacrifice the car at a low price. There's barely room in our garage to squeeze both the Miata and the Z, but it's super tight!
  14. Looking sharp! I like your copper Z. I'm used to thinking of trading cash for signed-over title. How are these transactions conducted over long distances? Is it done with a contract promising delivery of title when money is received? Then when money is received, and title is signed over and mailed? I have to say this is an interesting possibility.
  15. Hey, Chickenman! Great to see you! :-) Pretty healthy market up there! Maybe I could deliver the car personally and take a little vacation, perhaps to Lake Ontario. How does the import process usually go? Are there shippers that handle this sort of thing?

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