Everything posted by Z Kid
Head Gasket opinion (non Z)
There is no doubt that there was leakage between the cylinders, and ultimately the oil and water galleries. The thing is that the head is not warped, not even slightly. I think it comes down to the installation of it. The head gasket was put on with oil, as per instruction manual, and should have probably been done with a sealant as well. Also when i retorqued, I didnt loosen first. All that black build up came off with a piece of sanpaper on glass, and a straightedge confirms the trueness of the block. I guess I need to get it running richer to cool down the head temps and go from there.
Head Gasket opinion (non Z)
Head Gasket opinion (non Z)
Well my run of great luck continues . Friday night, my car decides to take a dump, and a big one at that, with no symptoms at all, the cabin fills with oil (lots of holes in the bulkhead). Well it turns out the sumps full of ice coffee and the radiator is sludgy, and there is next to no compression (first time the starter motor has ever turned over the engine convincingly). Now for the good news, the head is straight, and the block is not warped either, bit of leakage around the valvles but not really enough to bother about relapping them in at this stage. So what are your opinions, for a non performance motor, is the Copper head gasket or the fibre gasket better? This stupid car is slowing down the progress on the Z (now its Z related)
My new Race Car!!!
At least take the measurements, look at trinkets, and borrow a few cool bits from it to make it all worth your while. Your time is valuab;e
For sale in Australia...
Ben if it makes you feel any better, the recent ozdat add for stuff in the barossa valley was the remnants of a 2+2, but the owner had the whole lot crushed, inlcuding fibreglass front gaurds and bonnets, because he bought the whole car just for the R200 to fit into his 1600
Things for sale
Hello, do you still have the toolkit, if so could you PM me with a price you are after? Cheers Chris
racing at the island
Looking good ash, I hope that porsche behind you is not about to go a lap up on you . Always good to see porsche drivers being put in their place.
My new Race Car!!!
So what are you going to do about it? Have you contacted the PPO, tell him you will sell it back to him for what you paid, swipe a few nice bits, then be done with it. Would be a shame to work on a car which you then ended up with a criminal record over, assuming you dont already have a criminal record . Bit of a bugger, and sounds like a wasted trip. Just out of curiosity, did the PO ever actually own the car? Cheers Chris
Datsun 140Z.... Yes 140Z
Yeah that sucks too, I know that I will get a few of them, its a perfect scheme, speed up to clear the intersection, and get a speeding fine. God I hate christmas
Datsun 140Z.... Yes 140Z
It doesnt look bad for what it is . I wonder what the handling was like, they seem to havea bit of a cult following looking at the other pictures on the web page. As for Christmas, mine is as good as over, got a lovely present from the police yesterday in the form of not one, but two speeding fines. The bastards got me going in both dircections down the same piece of road, 7 minutes apart (recently rezoned from 60 to 50 (by removing the 60 sign, not signing it as 50)). The Z just got pushed 400 bucks further down the list of important things to do. Man I hate speed cameras. Merry Christmas All Chris PS Zedrally, dont forget to have a look around for me, and let me know when he is going to have his clearing sale, I'll be there with bells on.
Parts Car
Hmm, turns out they were great, had been recently rebuilt with new bushings for the throttle shafts and the new owner is ecstatic about how well they worked on his car.
Colour chip dark purple
http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=2071&password=&sort=2&thecat=500 Its not much, but I beleive this is the purple colour you are talking about?
Need HELP with rear quarter panel replacement... please!
If you are thinking about bonding over a fibreglass one, you may do just as well to get in there with a cricket bat handle, bang it roughly out, then just fibreglass bog it up. I couldnt see that a competent body man would have any problems beating it out, the question would be is it cheaper to use the panel off the parts car and have it welded or have your original one straigtened?
s20 head-l24 block
Sole remaining toyota 200GT? There were three in SA as of about 8 years ago, and one at a recent car meet (two months ago).
Koito Headlights
The celicas I had both had four Koito lights, but they were later 77 coupes (looks like a baby mustang type thing)
Watanabe wheels
So will we be seeing these on Z points car soon
Pedal date Bingo
Nah the stupid mutt didnt catch it, its been an ongoing challenge, the rabbit sits just inside the fence and waits for the dog to chase it before ducking outside, so I thought I'd give the dog a hand and lift it over the fence. If nothing else the rabbit got a hell of a scare, and the dog had the time of its life playing hide and seek with me. It was a bit surprising that the pedals werent the same, I was kind of thinking that they may be. Oh well the hunt continues. Mind you the door handles look kind of similar
Pedal date Bingo
Sorry about that Zedrally, Me and the dog got sidetracked by a rabbit along the way, then the dog got away, well never mind I'm back now. The 510 of mine is a 1970 model, and the pedal profile is different, when viewed it has like an S bend in it to get them to line up. However there appears to be a number on the brake (obscured by a thick layer of paint) but the clutch doesnt appear to have any stampings or identification on it. It may be a generalisation, but from what I can gather all the cars members have foudn with two numbers appear to be later cars, the pedal set I was going by was out of a 77 260Z.
Pedal date Bingo
I'll go look, be right back
this sure looks familiar
Guys I think you will find that this site thing is actually a knock off from someone elses work, I remember their being a discussion about it a while back? It may be the original artist selling his stuff? Cheers Chris
For sale in Australia...
Halz, its always the way isnt it, you buy a car, then the one you lusted after for years comes along.
ford pattern and datsun the same?
Ok then, you must have got some different fords to what we had over here. Because here a cortina/escort/capri wheel is interchangable, and they will not fit on a Z, or any datsun for that matter. Just check fit, because the difference between 110, and 114.3 may not be found by the average backyarder with a tape measure. Cheers Chris
ford pattern and datsun the same?
Nah its not. Well not on Australian spec early fords, cortinas escorts etc. They have 4x110 I think while the Z is 4x114.3, its ever so close, but not really close enough. I once got a datsun rim on a cortina, but only to move it round the yard, and its not coming off anytime soom. Cheers Chris
Buying triples...
It all depends on what condition and type of manifold it is. If its some backyard bogan attempt using exhaust tubing etc, then it may be a bit high. If its a nice alloy one by a reputable company it sounds like a steal. There was a cannon manifold kicking round here in SA for a while, but it had been converted for some other carbs, faced till it was paper thin, and the studs (in the wrong place for a webber I took along) were brazed into the alloy (well alloy had been melted around the studs. Needless to say I didnt take it any further. 170 sounds like a steal Go forth and buy CHris
Pedal date Bingo
Bugger, I have the blank clutch pedal too, I guess that puts me in a good position to stamp up a fake . I wonder if anyone would take matching numbers that far. So why is the clutch pedal on all Aus cars Blank?