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Z Kid

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Everything posted by Z Kid

  1. Z Kid replied to quansta's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    There are a few of the members here that have them Lachlan: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=3215&password=&sort=7&thecat=998 Kyteler: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=8050&password=&sort=1&thecat=500 Jim: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=7663&password=&sort=7&thecat=998 If you ever really get the urge, they are not to hard to locate over here for the price range of about 500-4500, 2k could get you a pretty nice one, then youd need to ship it to you and the wheel would be on the wrong side, but still doable if you were desperate for one. Certainly be something different in the US I guess. Come to think of it they are getting a bit rare over here too. Cheers Chris
  2. Z Kid replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    Hmm, I wonder if the murder rate goes up around thanksgiving, as a few people accidentally murder the wrong "turkey". Its clear to see which one is winning at this stage, which is interesting given the number or yanks normally about, they will have to do something to redeem themselves, unite as one and vote for the preferred meat. Stress less guys, its a fun poll, dont get too worked up about it. Cheers Chris PS US 240Z, dont be offended, but dont be such a prawn, lighten up a little.
  3. The orignal alloys are spoken for (will check with the guy again tomorrow), however I still have a set of centre caps for them in reasonably nick, I have a few individual ones as well. As for the Datsun badge, I think I have one, but no pins left on it, the next thing is should the datsun badge have the square or round edges? Not a lot of good stuff on this car sadly
  4. Z Kid replied to zr240's post in a topic in RACING
    Love to come, but I dont think I could justify the drive. Good luck, and keep the boys with big cheque books honest. Chris
  5. R180 as far as I can tell, but will know for sure when I get it out tomorrow, interestingly it has half shafts which slot into the diff, not bolt onto flanges. Chris
  6. Ozlime, when you say the dovetail, are you meaning the whole large latch part on the doorframe? The 260 has that, but it doesnt have the little cast alloy wedge that I fear you may be referring to. Gav, no outer door handle or vinyl trim, all carpet.\ DattoZed, I think RogersZ may have beaten you to that as well, but I will have a good ferret round my parts collection. Hmm maybe more of it will go to the dump than I though.
  7. Hi Guys, I am wrecking a late 260Z 2+2, and have got the ultimatum from mum that it has to be gone by christmas time. Rather than dump it all, I am offering it to you at knockdown prices, I have taken most of the driveline and its in two pieces (oops I slipped with a grinder ) I need most of the front end for my 240, but it has good tail lights, and many ok bits and pieces inside. Write what you want here, and I'll let you know if Its on there. Its even cheaper for locals who can come and take the bit off themselves. Act fast, or it will have already gone to the great big junkyard in the sky. Cheers Chris
  8. Z Kid replied to BBALLS's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    Hello, Just a couple of questions about your airdams; I assume that they would come in a flowcoat or gelcoat finish straight off the mould, would this finish be good enough to bolt straight up to a car and go? Are they hand laid/chopper gun? What is the thickness of the fibreglass, or the thickness you aim to get? Cheers Chris
  9. Z Kid replied to shoudt's post in a topic in Interior
    As someone who swears by an air impact ratchet to undo seized on bolts, why is hitting them with a hammer any better, the force from a hammer is often not in the right plane, and less accurate than the good old rattle gun?
  10. Jim, As far as I know, it was only the very early 240Z boxes which had a flange to bolt the tailshaft to, and this was also used in conjunction with a two piece shaft. The later Z boxes (well all the ones I have seen) have the slide in system where you just slide the shaft onto the splines. hope this helps a bit Cheers Chris
  11. Z Kid replied to 260Zed's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    AFAIK, solex locks dont do a pushbutton system like the Z hatch needs, so you could probably do the doors, but not the hatch. Solex locks are good but watch out when installing them, if you get it wrong, you need to take a drill to them to fix em. Cheers Chris
  12. Z Kid replied to mdbrandy's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    What is it with you yanks and your parts cars, they all look to perfect to be being destroyed, it brings a tear to my eye. Nice looking garage you got there, I am sure there is room for a couple more cars though.
  13. Hello all aussies, I have decided to go the whole hog on my 240Z and source a set of Watanabe rims. So I am offering this set up for sale, its a set of 5, four with good tyres and centre caps, all are highly polished, can take more pics on request and email them to you. I will take the highest/first offer that I consider to be reasonable, if you want them shipped, I can have the tyres removed, but you must sort out a way to get them to you. Cheers Chris
  14. Z Kid replied to 240ZMan's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    On the end of a tap is the short answer. I made mine using the brass bit from the middle of a tap, its just slightly oversize, you turn it down on a lathe, and press it in, totally slop free gearchange. However in the US I believe you guys have it easy, there is some model car that uses the same/aaproriate size brass bushes in its door hinges, and for three odd dollars, you can get brass bushes, cant remember what the car was though. Happy hunting
  15. Z Kid replied to 240ZMan's post in a topic in Introductions
    This reminds me of an old joke. This guy started work at the biggest retail shop in town, and at the end of the day, the boss calls them all in to ask about their sales. First guy had 30, boss congratulates him, second guy had 45, boss gives him a raise, third guy has only one, well the boss went off his nut, yelling and screaming, saying the first guy sold 5 grand worth of stuff, and you made one pissy little sale, the guy says, well yes it was one sale but it was for 30 grand. The boss begs for an explanation. So the salesman says he sold this guy a little fish hook, then he convinced the guy to buy a medium and a big one, then the line and rods to suit. Then he convinced him to buy a boat to go fishing, because off the jetty just doesnt work now days. Once the guy has the boat and all the fishing gear, the salesman tells him your little honda wont tow all this stuff, so he went and sold him a nice new holden to tow the boat with. Amazed the boss asks "So you sold all that to a guy who came in here for a fishing hook?" Salesman "Nah actually he came in looking for a pack of tampons for the wife, and I said look, your weekends ****ed, you might as well go fishing"
  16. Like I said, its not for me, but I still think the people who do it well are quite skilled. Here is a picture of what happens when any "gumby" goes drifting. www.japanesemotorsport.com.au/driftloses.mpg
  17. I am inclined to believe there is quite an art to drifting. Here we have drift only events, where they chuck three or four cars on the local go kart track and have people watch, it keeps them off the street and its great to watch. I am personally not a big fan of it, but when you see the japanese Drift professionals in action behind the wheel of a 900 odd hp supra its amazing. Heck you can drift anywhere as seen by this clip. www.japanesemotorsport.com.au/redr33.mpg
  18. Z Kid commented on Ben's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  19. From what I have been able to gather on the subject (fairly limited and comes from a failed attempt to build an offroad buggy with suspension ) the trick with power steering is keeping the steering in line with the suspension movement, that is that you have the rack mounted in line with the lower suspension arm, this should eliminate bumpseer and you should be fine. I would be looking at the Rack like cuong used, maybe 240Z tierods, and the powersteering pump off any l series motor that had it and you should be in business, not much can go too wrong. Cheers Chris
  20. I think what you are describing as bumpsteer is just in fact steering feedback. Bump steer as I understand it is when the suspension compresses, the angle of the wheel changes, so the steering wheel itself stays the same, but the angle of the front wheel changes. Is just holding the wheel tighter an option, or is it a serious problem?
  21. Z Kid replied to ZmeFly's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    hey ZmeFly, I think my comment was misinterpreted, I've added a bit more, I love a lot of the japanese market cars, but the Z is still my true love at this stage. keep up the good work. Cheers Chris
  22. Rare spares aka Restorers Hotline in Adelaide can get them and send them to you, you need to speak to andrew though if its about all things Z related. Noltec is the company they use I think, but not sure if the public can buy direct.
  23. Z Kid replied to 240ZX's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    just after, not my photos but cool none the less.
  24. Z Kid replied to 240ZX's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Local Z rally guru with his now retired blue cow Z car at the last classic adelaide I think. Hopefully this year, he will miss all the embankments etc and do a bit better.
  25. Z Kid replied to 240ZX's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Over here the V8's are pretty huge, they are awesome racing, but you guys dont get the real good racing we have as support categories I dont think. There are V8 brUTES (Big V8 powered utes) which slide and bounce off each other like nothing on earth, right down to ozzie cars, which are half scale motor bike engined supercar bodied things, which go like a shower of $^!#. Speaking of the classic adelaide, I just got the flyer for it, and it looks like there are going to be half a dozen Z's or so (even a 280, which I suspect will be a 240 with 280 vin so the guy can use a big motor maybe?). I will try and make it up to take pictures, and hopefully the Z's will be able to keep the porsche driving bastards honest:finger: . Luckily we dont get subjected to too much US racing I will try and make it to the classic adelaide rally for some pictures, I even drove half a stage coming back from a friends house last night looking for a big bump coming into a tight corner, there are a few spots with potential . Cheers Chris

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